Hot stock tips

No dividend yield = non-starter for me. Unless you‘re nearly certain you’ll see 10+% growth, it’s hard to pass up the dozens of “blue chip” Cdn TSX stocks that pay 4+% dividend yield (lots of qual and variety 5 & 6+% dy). They’ll all grow at or above the stock market long-term growth (which I’m convinced is controlled by the rich to ensure they benefit more than the avg working Joe, so why not make a little too) while either giving you regular income or compounded growth if reinvested.

I get the speculation thing with “play money” as who doesn’t want to hit the home run? I routinely prove my fiscal conservatism because it seems every time I get a “hunch” on a stock I convince myself if I know about it then it must be too late. Think I mentioned earlier on here I had a good chunk of GME ready to be purchased on the afternoon of the first big day. I think it had grown to $80 or 85 already and instead of hitting buy, I googled some more analysis by the ”experts” all predicted $18-20 in near future and I figured I’d missed the upside ... anyway, we all know the story. Wah, wah for me! Lol. I can live with the consolation of how quick my long-term holdings have recovered and how my dividend yield has been just shy of 7% this year!


I'm with you, my retirement money is managed by someone smarter than me, and set up to maximize dividend income. That's where my "paycheck" comes from. My TFSA on the other hand is my play money, it keeps me occupied with research and not bothering Mrs fish brain. My main strategy is to look for momentum stocks, now I need to learn to hold through the dips I would be a lot further ahead.
No doubt, This is an important factor and the reason why I don't just hold paper assets.

I still laugh when I hear the consumer price index or inflation numbers. Rigged for sure. If the population knew the real number the whole thing would come crashing down.

Not trying to be that guy, I own stocks too. But when every government just increases the money supply hand over fist and then tells you there's only 0.5% inflation, that's impossible.
What non paper assets do you hold?
What do you guys smarter than me think of the Suncor earnings?
They only lost 0,07 instead of the expected 0.11 per share, so that's a win. As far as I'm concerned oil and gas are sunset industries and Suncor hasn't done enough to transition into the future. I could be wrong we should make a note to check the share price in five years to find out
Haha same on the GME here. Bought at 70 on the dip day two. Sold day three at 125 in the morning then bought back in at 300 later in the day. Day 4 it started tanking so stopped half at 250 and held the rest until it hit 400 and got out again. All that stress for a couple grand in the end. Had I held from 70 to late day 4 I would have made 30k. FML.

I guess what I've learned on things like this is just play what you're willing to lose and let it ride. Trying to be "responsible" in that situation is beyond frustrating lol.
Just be happy you got in and out when the stock was going up and not the other way around. So many kids probably lost big on the “hype”. No one ever got hurt taking a profit. The one thing I’ve learned over the years is you can’t dwell on the coulda woulda shoulda, otherwise you’ll drive yourself crazy. Ask me how I know lol.
They only lost 0,07 instead of the expected 0.11 per share, so that's a win. As far as I'm concerned oil and gas are sunset industries and Suncor hasn't done enough to transition into the future. I could be wrong we should make a note to check the share price in five years to find out
I hope to have all my money tied up in a new coastal craft by then lol. without succor, i would wait it out a few weeks. My bet is they will churn the paper in a down cycle after the recent batch of reporting. Bit of a bump as they didn't disappoint quite as much as the street guessed but for me anyway, its hard to bet on these guys for a long position....hmm if they execute on that 44m share buy back that would be cool.
US imports of Canadian crude his all time highs this week.

And that’s not changing with Biden at the helm. I won’t go into all the details on an open forum. The optics on oil are completely opposite for the most part and I'm not going to debate who's right or wrong on a fishing forum. If the first thought in your head when you hear about an oil stock is "We still make oil? I thought we were all getting electric cars?" then don't bother buying Most of my views are from the facts I see as someone directly involved in the industry. If you believe all of what you read in the news then Suncor is doomed. Peak oil has not hit the world yet and world demand dropped 8% last year in an apparent world lock down. Suncor at $21 is the easiest money you will make this year. Check back in the fall and my price prediction will be low. The grand standing of Keystone cancellation will hurt Shale oils more than ours. The oil from Canada will still flow south in ever increasing amounts just in more dangerous less environmentally friendly ways. However did you hear the news....They cancelled Keystone! lol Not to mention if you bought more like Rain City you would already be up you 7% for the week. I'm out on this one.....good luck in the market fellas and have fun!
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much better week now that the GME crap is dieing down - otc/pink have been flying (ie SIRC TSNP ALPP BLDV OZSC), DMTK huge, CCIV just keeps getting higher on rumour, ONCT solid. Taking advantage until there is nothing worth taking advantage of!
much better week now that the GME crap is dieing down - otc/pink have been flying (ie SIRC TSNP ALPP BLDV OZSC), DMTK huge, CCIV just keeps getting higher on rumour, ONCT solid. Taking advantage until there is nothing worth taking advantage of!
I have been in CCIV for about 10 days, so far so good, I will be taking a position in DMTK next week, I have been looking into it since you posted it a couple of days ago. I am watching EXRO, and will probably buy in this week as well.
Ya man, need 9n of these suckers to smash it out of the park so I can transfer funds into the burner account and be done once and for all with this stupid IO! Go vsby!
I have been in CCIV for about 10 days, so far so good, I will be taking a position in DMTK next week, I have been looking into it since you posted it a couple of days ago. I am watching EXRO, and will probably buy in this week as well.
Nice on CCIV - essentially your risk is about 60% downside, and from these nosebleeds, 200% upside (say 6 month timeframe). DMTK, it was the biggest no brainer idea I ever saw (bought common core at 5.03 and warrants at 0.065 immediately after the merger - just sold last of my warrants for 10000%, riding 1400 common long term). Simple put for those curious, its disruptive tech for melanoma testing. No need for biopsy, instead uses adhesive strip to take a sample. 99% accurate negatives and $260 less than cost of the biopsy. Only catch is convincing the dermatologists as they clearly make more money taking a chunk of skin - takes the patient to demand it IMH.
I will say, it seems to be a year ahead of schedule with price, but that is what covid has done to all stocks. Just keep in mind if you start positions - start small - add higher with cushion. It could easily correct 50% if the market were to go ugly, but it could just as easily go $100 in the next 3 months. I think it will be $400+ 2-3 years from now (or the equivalent split adjusted). Use EXAS as a comparison.
Nice on CCIV - essentially your risk is about 60% downside, and from these nosebleeds, 200% upside (say 6 month timeframe). DMTK, it was the biggest no brainer idea I ever saw (bought common core at 5.03 and warrants at 0.065 immediately after the merger - just sold last of my warrants for 10000%, riding 1400 common long term). Simple put for those curious, its disruptive tech for melanoma testing. No need for biopsy, instead uses adhesive strip to take a sample. 99% accurate negatives and $260 less than cost of the biopsy. Only catch is convincing the dermatologists as they clearly make more money taking a chunk of skin - takes the patient to demand it IMH.
I will say, it seems to be a year ahead of schedule with price, but that is what covid has done to all stocks. Just keep in mind if you start positions - start small - add higher with cushion. It could easily correct 50% if the market were to go ugly, but it could just as easily go $100 in the next 3 months. I think it will be $400+ 2-3 years from now (or the equivalent split adjusted). Use EXAS as a comparison.
Where do you do your research when looking for a new stock? I read a bunch of different websites, but I would never have found DMTK when you did, maybe not at all without your tip.
Where do you do your research when looking for a new stock? I read a bunch of different websites, but I would never have found DMTK when you did, maybe not at all without your tip.
historically i usually lived at thelion - that is actually where the first DD from DMTK came from (suntzu is a DD god)

Currently, I mostly live on twitter ($symbol) is the search parameter with any stock. Lupton is pretty good with the DD - of course he didn't find it until it was like $35, but hey, his loudness helped me clean up, so all good.
Always good to look for investors presentations as well - most serious big boards will have them From there, I use for everything else - share structure, financials, news, filings, insider positions etc It can be a bit spotty for nasdaq so you can back it up with if needed.
Where do you do your research when looking for a new stock? I read a bunch of different websites, but I would never have found DMTK when you did, maybe not at all without your tip.
i'd have to be honest at these price levels, it may be better looking at something like ONCT. Lots of catalysts in the next 6 months (I took July 5 calls) and big inst buy just reported as well .
I love DMTK, just figure easier for ONCT to go to 13, than it is for DMTK to go to $100, also limited downside risk ONCT (5 line maybe) while DMTK has the 50% risk.