Sooke Reports - Spring/Summer 09

I would forget the bait and concentrate on spoons and hootchies...
these fish are active feeders and if you find them, bait will only
slow you down.
you want to keep the gear in the water rather than having to check
for damaged bait after every strike.
Stick to hardware.
Watermellon spoon is a winner for me. Hootchies and squirts in various colors. Pinks, greens. Try a jellyfish hootchie with a couple of pink beads under it.[:p]
Cut plugging does not mix well with other fishing methods. I don't think you will have much success trolling a plug at 2.5-3.5 mph. If your cut plugging... your cut plugging.

quote:Originally posted by Tips Up

Stick to hardware.
Watermellon spoon is a winner for me. Hootchies and squirts in various colors. Pinks, greens. Try a jellyfish hootchie with a couple of pink beads under it.
Cut plugging does not mix well with other fishing methods. I don't think you will have much success trolling a plug at 2.5-3.5 mph. If your cut plugging... your cut plugging.


Thanks Craven and TU for the tips.

Although TU, I have to disagree with you on the cut-plug thing. Use a medium or large herring and cut it back to the dorsel fin or just behind at about a 45 degree angle. You only want about a half inch of cavity depth, so you might have to make a second cut in order to get it right, depending on the size of bait you're using. Run a single hook through the very small cavity and out the top and then imbed it just in front of the tail as you normally would. Your cut-plug will spin and flash like crazy driving the cohos wild. Because you have very little cavity left, the body doesn't tear and you can run it as fast as you want. We normally fish this at the speeds normally associated with cohos (3+ MPH) and it can be run with other gear. No flasher required.

This is no where near the same action that you would imagine when cut-plugging for springs, but can be very effective. Try it out one weekend, you might be pleasantly surprised. It certainly attracts the agressive fish. This was a standard method for catching cohos prior to the days of glo and UV. Some older Rennie guys will recall those days and methods.


Seafood, eat it, then catch more.
I had to assume you were talking traditional cut plug. I can see how your described method would work. Coho will hit anything flashy put in front of them and nothing immitates bait like .. bait! Seems like a lot of work though.
I prefer hardware for coho because you don't have to worry about the bait even if you get a hit and miss. Just leave it down there. Also I like to use 1 big single hook so that it is easy to release the 80% non clipped coho out there.

Giv 'er!
Maybe see you out there tonight!


BTW Tips, I meant to mention that I actually have some large herring in the freezer that I just wanted to use up before it gets too bad anyways. Generally, I'm a chovy guy that also dabbles in spoons and hootchies as required.

I'll be in a 17 1/2 campion center console heading out of Cheanuh, so if ya' see me out there. Give a wave.

Hey fishhawk, try the second tideline off Church rock, was there yesterday, hit 8 cohos in 2 hours, it was awsome! started deep and worked the lines up 10 ft at a time until smash! Be aware that there are millions of shakers out there, so no bite after 10 mins bring up and check for shaker.

quote:Originally posted by Tips Up

Try a jellyfish hootchie with a couple of pink beads under it.[:p]


Did you acctualy try this one out? It sure works wonders, though i tried it yesterday, not a sniff for 30 mins. switched to green/white cuddle fish. hit 8 in 2 hours.

I'm using the triple-tandem-treble with a trailer set up you showed me! Hooks anything that gets within a few feet of it.;) 7 hooks hooks no waiting.
(Friken meat hunters!;))

quote:Originally posted by Tips Up

I'm using the triple-tandem-treble with a trailer set up you showed me! Hooks anything that gets within a few feet of it.;) 7 hooks hooks no waiting.
(Friken meat hunters!;))


Lets do some math, tripple - tandem - trebbles with a trailer. If i had to guess thats 3 + 3 + 3 +1 =10 hooks! i might have to try that one for halibut :p

Was out for a couple of hours last night....2 miles out from Secretary.....lots of keepers.
quote:Did you acctualy try this one out? It sure works wonders, though i tried it yesterday, not a sniff for 30 mins. switched to green/white cuddle fish. hit 8 in 2 hours.


Yes. Pink tubing works even better.

How'd you do FishHawk? I did not make it out.

Hiya Tips,

Certainly nothing worth reporting for sure. Very similar to clouds report above. Lots of little guys. We did see a lot of nice fish porpoising and jumping though.

It was a pretty short night though. On the water at 5:30 off at 8:00. Doesn't seem worthwhile going through the hassle of trying to get out there for 2 hours. I might as well just toss the tinny in Langford Lake. It's 2 minutes away from the house. I don't usually get off work till 4:00 and I'm doing really good if I'm on the water by 5:00. Had some trailer light issues on one side that slowed me down last night too. Nothing serious, just dirt in the plug. Unfortunately, I started at the back and worked my way forward, so I spent a half hour messing with all the other connections befor finding the problem. Gotta love June/July where you can stay out till 10:00 pm. Can't really complain though, it was a beautiful night out there last night.

Anyways, I'll be back out to Sooke and giving it a hard fish on Saturday. Work Posession for a while to see if there are any springs about and maybe slide out further later in the day for the cohos, if required.

Seafood, eat it, then catch more.
Out today, 6-Noon, 1 hatchery coho, 12 wild. and 2 pinks. 2 feeder springs. Out off church has been smokin hot for the cohos early in the morning of the flood tide. Green hootchie was hot, and the mongoose coyote in 4" was also producing nearly equal numbers. did not try the pink tubing because the green was killing them.

back out for some hali hunting tomorrow.
On 68 give me a shout(fishflyguy)

Had a similiar day as above,

Started out for the big boys in reel tight, had a good screamer on in short order on a old school #34 tomic plug, busted the poor gals knuckles and gone[:0] Did a few more hotlaps and then did the coho thing. One wild was pushing well over 15.

Got back too the dock and some nob(s) had two Hook nose Wild Coho on the scale, "nice Coho" i say. He replies "nope thar Springs"....Unreal
quote:Originally posted by Tailspin

Had a similiar day as above,

Started out for the big boys in reel tight, had a good screamer on in short order on a old school #34 tomic plug, busted the poor gals knuckles and gone[:0] Did a few more hotlaps and then did the coho thing. One wild was pushing well over 15.

Got back too the dock and some nob(s) had two Hook nose Wild Coho on the scale, "nice Coho" i say. He replies "nope thar Springs"....Unreal

Shoulda asked, how do they brush their teeth?
quote:Originally posted by Tailspin

Had a similiar day as above,

Started out for the big boys in reel tight, had a good screamer on in short order on a old school #34 tomic plug, busted the poor gals knuckles and gone[:0] Did a few more hotlaps and then did the coho thing. One wild was pushing well over 15.

Got back too the dock and some nob(s) had two Hook nose Wild Coho on the scale, "nice Coho" i say. He replies "nope thar Springs"....Unreal
unreal i'd say! should have called that one in! those guy's are complete idiots.