Sooke 2013 Fishing Reports

ANOTHER great day for my group biggest today was 32.6 lbs on the scale got it at 47 ft on a kitchen sink spoon, cause pinks were driving me crazy... so threw that down.guy who caught it had the 3 biggest fish of the trips talk about luck!!!!! funny you say deeper all my bigger ones this year have been in 50 ft and shallower..... as i look on the sounder with the bait sooke is HOT guess i dont have to keep saying it but I will LOL

Last pic is his nephew quite a hilarious guy to fish with, had lots of fun with the crew 3rd year in a row they been coming and they say we have the best place ever to fish....

Good luck Wolf


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Fished otter all the way to point no point, must say it was a bit of a grind on my boat. Ened up keeping 2 pinks, released 2 nice wild coho and bounced up a little Hali. 6 inch chovy in green glo hit most fish also ace high hootchy. Ran four rods most of the day covering 100 to 30 feet most of the day. Tried deeper for a while also, picked up the Hali down by point no point. Hope I find a spring or two tomorrow. Story of the 57 gives motivation as well as the photos wolf keeps posting, that's a good haul each day on your rig there wolf.
Fished out west and around, from 6-2, weighed in a 16 and a 19 , bigger fish came at 2:00 Bait at 69 and 90 took the Springs Good Day Driller
I'm in the same boat high five...... Stuck here in Winnipeg while rockdog texts me about co-workers 57! Jesus h kee-rist! I thought I was having a good year......well keep at em boys and girls but leave us a few will ya.

Might have to skip the Nootka trip if Sooke is so damn good this year
Congrats. What a great Tyee and year for South VI. Was out yesterday and there are lots of Chinook around. A warning - we did have a big one break us off at the treble because I did not swap out leaders. Because there are so many fish we just keep throwing them down - Rookie mistake. With 57lbers around remember to check and change out your leaders frequently and your main line for that matter, especially after playing a big fish. Five smaller Chinook in the boat for us but nothing out of the teens ( a couple of 18’s, a 17 and a 16 etc, all on Chovies between 60 and 80 feet from Secretary to the Bluffs. There was a good bite in the early afternoon.

Looked up the origin of Tyee Chinook Jargon: chief, boss (Nootka ta.yi. elder brother, senior)
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out today, 6am-11am. a couple small fish, nothing much for the first two hours. 8am a biggie hit our starboard rod. peeled line like crazy, we were close to Secretary, heading west. The fish was over a 100ft back so I waved off the boat ahead of us coming our direction. Apparently, they did not see us playing the fish, they were going to run over our line so my hubby turned toward them to protect the line. We were promptly honked at! My husband replied, "we have a _____ing fish on!. they moved away at that point. Unfortunately, because we turned towards the fish, I could not reel in the slack fast enough. After the fish crossed both of our other two lines, we lost him. As well, later on we watched three boats cut us off because they were too busy watching someone else land a nice fish. I do not pretend to be a master fisherman, but I just want to remind those I am speaking about that especially in dense fog, please pay attention and have fun out there! Xena
Well biggest fish ive ever had on the line. luckily the people I waved off moved, most boats gave lots of room. first time ive ever had to wave people off lol. Couple huge runs and sat there a few times. Got it within 20 ft of boat and it made a quick shot toward boat and spit the hook. I feel sick remembering. I actually thought I caught bottom at first it was so stuck there. siiiiighhh pretty quite out there compared to yesterday. Forgot half my gear and only had one purple haze teaser with no pin. Two pink hits and one rock fish it on it all day! Ive never had a hit with purple haze head before, never planning on using again. Ran big spoons and managed to keep most the of the pinks off.

Who else thinks the guys that drive that monster yellow whale boat are the biggest dicks on the water.
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Had some friends out from toronto got some nice springs and unfortunately lost a few... thats was there very first time out her and first time ever salmon fishing they had tons of fun and laughs and again rookie gets the biggest fish ....

Good luck Wolf


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Good bye sooke, it's been great, but time to go home. Had a awsome day today fishing secretary down to Breecher and back. Fog was savage early today, had a close call with another boat as I was playing a fish, had to throw the kicker in reverse, sorry for that. Spent most of the morning watching others catch fish at the trap and was really starting to worry. Started doing all the superstitions, thinking the radar which I never have to run where I fish, was messing with the hook ups lol. After trolling all the way to Beecher we picked up and set up off shore of secretary. Many doubles, a triple and a twenty pound spring made this foggy fish less day awsome, helped that the sun came out. Hit some big soxs, huge pinks, a couple coho and the nice 20 red spring. Had switched to a 3 inch cookies and cream spoon and it slayed it. Depths from 80 to 40 with a green glo flasher with a orange strip, 4 inch go bananas spoon and chartreuse flasher worked well also. Makes me wonder if the cookies and cream spoon would have made a difference at the trap. Any way had a great time here in sooke thanks we will be back.
Glad you had a good time and yes FOGUST has arrived as with the rest of the coast but it cleared by 10 ish so wasnt too bad, And happy sooke treated you well come back anytime.....
Fished Otter 3-7 Yesterday. Lots of fish being caught everywhere I looked, Mostly pinks with a decent spring here and there. But nothing on my boat for the first hour or so. After switching gear and depth I finally realized I was trolling slower than most boats out there, as soon as I bumped up the speed, fish On! 54ft was our lucky number, got two in the boat, mid teen, One double header, But managed to loose 4-5 others. Couple of them were really screemers too =( We would have got our limit if we didn't loose so many, Im not sure what we were doing wrong!
Chovie with glow head seemed to produce the most for us. I got pushed onto the rocks at third rock at one point, into 40ft of water, and ended up finding a huge ball of bait holding tight in there, pretty much every second pass produced a hit or fish on!
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Went out on saturday and picked up a 30 off of beechy head. We were fishing about 300 feet from the rocks in about 48 feet of water. Got it on a pink hootchie. First tyee on the new boat!
Not to Bad Out in the Fog....Better Of Sooke!!!!!! Thank You for the good Time..See U next year.
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Awesome fish Seadog and glad you liked Sooke.
Another Fine day out there done early today with limits on both springs and pinks!!!! one was a triple header and we got them all in with myself reeling in some today as well. This guy and his son have been coming fishing with me 6 years in a row, today was a highlight for sure doing something like that!!!!! ive said it before but its the best ive seen in years nows the time to get out and enjoy it!!!!

Good luck Wolf


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Yesterday, My friend and I fished from 6 - 1 pm at Otter Point, We had 5 pinks, released under sized a hatchery coho and spring. We had no luck for summer springs. I saw almost everywhere boats caught lot of nice sizes springs between 20's and 30'. I saw Blue Wolf charter ( Roy) and other two charters went there.

keep tight lines and good luck.

Crazy good fishing right now. Fished from 1 till just after 4 this afternoon. Hit 12 springs, kept 6, released 4 (teens) and lost 2. It was hard to keep up to the action. Even had springs following my down rigger leads up as we played fish and had another swim right behind the boat just under the surface. Good to see 4 or 5 boats all sideways at the same time, over and over again.
Out yesterday with a few forum members. Me, Karma Kazi, Lipripper, and Sammyslabber as our "captain". We fished the bay from 7-2 inside the bay. Boated 5 springs. We never weighed any so I won't quote numbers. 1 large(white), 3 medium, 1 small. I also kept 2 pinks for the smoker. The other guys didn't even want to touch the pinks but I like to smoke them, so they got the lumber. We lost a couple and released a few. All on bait between 50-90'. Good stories, good laughs, good weather, good fishing, good times. Thanks boys!

Here's Sammy and KK with the large white.