Ramp Etiquette - what would you do?


Well-Known Member
AlberniFisher posted a video a while back about ramp etiquette - I think it must have been about the same weekend I experienced the following scenario, and I ask - what would you do???

It is around 11am at Schooner Cove (Nanoose), coming in after a day of fishing and looking to pull the boat out on a mid-tide. Happen to come around the marina to the ramp and there are three boats waiting to exit and pull out - two of them are tied up at dock, one is floating and awaiting his turn to tie up and get his truck. I am now #4 in line, waiting patiently for the line to do its thing...

For those who dont know, on a mid-tide (or any tide) Schooner cove has a single lane, and limited wharf space to tie onto, etc.

... so anyways, as we wait, boat number one does his thing and pulls out and the next guys shuffle along and keep the line going to ALL pull out. Next thing we know, out of nowhere comes a 20ft boat barreling down the road towards the ramp, seems like he doesnt even look to see whats happening (3 boats now tied up waiting to exit as nobody else waiting to dump in) and he proceeds to back down the ramp, jackknife his truck and trailer to totally block the ramp and screw us three - then wrestles his boat to an unload for about 10 minutes when finally he takes off in boat and she pulls the truck out and away.

we all wait patiently and somewhat diplomatically, but what would you do as you see this all unfold over a grand total of about 20 mins???
Another reason to love my tin boat-- Always enough room to squeeze onto the ramp on the concrete without having to go anywhere near the dock....
He who is going fishing has priority over he who has been fishing. Makes sense right? I'm only half kidding.

I personally think one boat out, one boat in. I wouldn't expect somebody ready to launch to wait for 4 guys to pull out even if they were there first just as I wouldn't expect somebody to watch 4 boats get dropped in whiie they wait to come out.

I would expect buddy who is launching while other guys wait to do it as quick and efficient as possible which for some people is damn slow...
are you sure he wasn't waiting patiently for the guy to exit? if he had just arrived on the scene and then jumped que then yeah, guess that wasn't too kewl...
I've always wondered who invented the one in, one out rule. Seems to me it should be first come, first served.
Same for me...1 in 1 out. He should have waited until 1 boat left once he arrived at the ramp.
no i am sure - he was not waiting and definitely jumped any queue we had as we all watched him barrel down the road...

i should have mentioned, there was ZERO communication at all to other folks waiting to pull out, etc. Almost like he knew he was a D__K! (in my opinion anyways)
One in, One out.....easy. However, people who can't back up their boat and trailer in a timely fashion at the ramp should be shot and used for crab bait.......go practice somewhere else! If your going to but into a line of boats waiting to come in , you better be organised and streamline about it! I don't usually yell at people who are screwing everybody up, but I do like it when other people yell at them!
The best one I saw happened at Esquimalt Anglers early one morning. I was 2nd in line to launch. The guys in front of me were just removing tie downs and hanging bumpers etc. Another unit pulled in behind me. We were all getting ready. The first guys were just hopping into their trucks cab to drive down to the ramp when this truck and boat comes by us all and drives onto the ramp and dumps his boat in. He never joined the line or slowed down after coming off the street. The guys in front of me give me the WTF look and I probably gave them the same look back. This guy does launch quickly but I was still pissed and I let him know it. He gives me the I`m not waiting for everyone to get their sh%t together and I can launch quick so what is the big deal. I continued to rip into him(in front of a few bystanders who were all enjoying the show I`m sure) ...not on my behalf but for the guys who were at the front of the line and just about to launch. His last mumbled comment was what a poor attitude!!!! lol Some people!!
Schooner Cove ans French creek are the worst. Nobody observes the one in one out rule especially the Warmonger who just stands and watches it drives me crazy.
And people, at ramp rush hour in the morning, please don't launch then tie up at the dock 25 feet from the ramp and fiddle around with your gear when there's 75 feet of open wharf behind you.

Pull your boat down the dock away from the launch as far as you can so there's room for the rest of us too.

Often I see people who are just not aware of their surroundings. Have a look around, take note if you might be screwing somebody else up.
And people, at ramp rush hour in the morning, please don't launch then tie up at the dock 25 feet from the ramp and fiddle around with your gear when there's 75 feet of open wharf behind you.

Pull your boat down the dock away from the launch as far as you can so there's room for the rest of us too.

Often I see people who are just not aware of their surroundings. Have a look around, take note if you might be screwing somebody else up.

You are assuming that ramp idiots have a brain and care what others think. Make sure you are right, suck back take a deep breath and in the most reasonable manner explain the error of his ways--then perhaps the shovel should come like in the videoLOL
There are always going to be people who don't have a clue or give a crap. And most of us are in such a hurry to get out on the water and those extra minutes are going to matter!(they might). I was waiting to get the boat out at Cheanuh marina (double ramp) and the side I was on was taking forever. So I walked past 3 other boats and impatient people to see what the problem was. It was 2 older gentleman probably pushing 80 having a little trouble with the winch, gave them a hand and was thanked with a pat on the back and walked to my truck with a smile sure hoping I would still be fishing in 30 Years.
I find the truck lineup dictating the ramp order works best. When fishing solo I tie the boat out of the way, run up grab my truck and wait in line.
I could give two ***** about people and what they do at ramp anymore...The first few years when I got my boat I cared a lot...I realized I was getting mad and frustrated and a lot of time there were good reasons why people did what they did. Just a lack of experience. I often forgot I was there once too.

If your rude I am rude back. But most of time I am willing to help people and that goes a long way.

I am in/out nowadays with little problem. I avoid it anyway in early /out early. Once in a while a get and idiot but that's the small 5%... The common one I see is people completely backing down when boats are already in. Like its a derby day and they just can't wait. I usually ask the person to pull up and offer an alternative to keep it going for everyone....

Same thing on cleaning tables don't be a jerk. I have had many sit there and clean fish and act childest just because they got something and no one else did. Why would you make others feel bad? Many times when I started and it still happens you get guys who just think there god when they sit there bragging about how good they are. Nowadays I really care as I have those so called gods asking where I was because most days I come in with fish etc its like I am now accepted....

I am not saying you have to be happy about idiots I am just saying sometimes you just have to be a little patent and understand some of the guys are just learning and may be clueless. That's all. Some of you guys were like that once... I know I was a little when I started out.
Just take a deep breath, be patient and remember it's recreation. Save the anxiety for work days.
The over 55 crowd is the worst. Should onlybe.allowed to use the ramp during the week after9 and before 5.
The over 55 crowd is the worst. Should onlybe.allowed to use the ramp during the week after9 and before 5.

I am in the over 55 crowd and I have no problem launching my boat single handed and getting clear of the ramp. I hope that you someday will join this crowd.

Enjoy the fishing and relax, it is recreation.
One in one out. No dicking around wasting time or you deserve some "advice" from other users. No loading **** or standing around. No ramp use unless you are actually capable of driving and backing up a trailer. For those wankers who fail backing up and insist on unhooking trailer and walking it down: I have a crab trap you can swim in.