Port Alberni / Bamfield Reports - Spring and Summer 2011

You were into some Sockeye at Pill point? Interesting, as we are heading to Ukee for the weekend, may be worth a run over to Pill if they are about.
Fish-Hunter, I've heard others hitting some sockeye out near Pill also. We were targeting springs around 80-100', but had one line up high with a sockeye set-up and had a couple on, but lost both...maybe we were lucky...:)
Was a good few daze!! Boated a 50 lb hali at the bottle neck.. Got ours springs at meares bluff. 25 lb was the biggest.
I think we may have even been caught by the film crew.
Hey nog!!! When the show?
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Just back from a really good trip......

Rolled into Meares on Thrsday evening at around 3pm. Trolled around for the first couple hours without a sniff, we were the only boat there. From 630-9pm was non stop action and we went 5/6 on springs to 38 pounds. Most fish at 80-90 feet on the rigger all on Anchovy. Released a couple in the low twenties

Came back the next morning at first light and managed to 7/8 on springs between 5-9am, fishing was incredible with several tyees. The back rod in the morning at 60 feet was the most productive, all on anchovy.

Headed out to 5 mile and dropped the anchor for halibut, non-stop dog fish action so we switched to the large circle hooks and got our limmit of hali in about an hour.

Back to Meares the next morning and again it was non stop action 5/8 on springs with again the back rod being the most productive in the morning at 60. A couple of double headers. Tried dropping the anchor off of Jenet reef for some halibut but no action. Went back into Meares for the afternoon and managed twin 30 pounders.

Hit in inlet on the way home Sunday to fill up on the sockeye and it didn't take long at all off nahmint.

Great Trip!!!
Has anyone been out to big bank in the last week? Curious if the larger grade of fish people are hitting inshore are also offshore. Trophywife i sent a PM.
nog that day was awesome:D, was going to go to south bank and got blown sw just going across imperial eagle,, decided to stay at meares/austin and side of cree, great place to fishn hide!!

all on lemon lime hootchie at 60 ft. multi fish morning:cool: trolled at 3.5 mph with long leaders ..fish sure where brighter than the august versions.

hopefully the water stays cold all season would be nice to have inshore fishing like that. read 50.6 avg all over the sound.

be back in a coupla daze .
TT that is one heck of a trip! We were out there for the weekend and had a blast. On Friday morning we had Edward King all to ourselves and had four springs between 15-17 in four hours. All around 70 feet. Two on anchovy and two on a 4 inch party girl spoon. Saturday we moved over to Meares and got another few between 15-25. Anchovy was best at Effingham. Most of our fish all weekend came from 70-80 feet.

To top it off we had perfect weather. Can't wait to head back.
We also were out at bamfield sat and sunday.Saturday night and sunday morning was some of the best fishing I have ever had.Our group of three boats caught around 40 fish all between 28-10 lbs, at one point we were only fishing 1 rod it was chaos! Just on the inside of beale, Thats what you call being in the right place at the right time
On our way to bamfield sat morning we stopped for a couple hours to fish sockeye,It was the first time that I put the structure scan to work.Pretty freakin cool,had it on side scan and it worked awesome. The images were so clear you can actually count the fish in a school. It shows you how far off to the side the school is then you move your cursor on it push enter and then go to your chart screen on it shows you where they are so when you turn and go get em you know excatly where they are. It worked so well that we could see the rotation of the flashers on the screen. I plan on going out this weekend and I'll take some pics of the screen
On our way to bamfield sat morning we stopped for a couple hours to fish sockeye,It was the first time that I put the structure scan to work.Pretty freakin cool,had it on side scan and it worked awesome. The images were so clear you can actually count the fish in a school. It shows you how far off to the side the school is then you move your cursor on it push enter and then go to your chart screen on it shows you where they are so when you turn and go get em you know excatly where they are. It worked so well that we could see the rotation of the flashers on the screen. I plan on going out this weekend and I'll take some pics of the screen

cheater! :) ...sounds awsome
On our way to bamfield sat morning we stopped for a couple hours to fish sockeye,It was the first time that I put the structure scan to work.Pretty freakin cool,had it on side scan and it worked awesome. The images were so clear you can actually count the fish in a school. It shows you how far off to the side the school is then you move your cursor on it push enter and then go to your chart screen on it shows you where they are so when you turn and go get em you know excatly where they are. It worked so well that we could see the rotation of the flashers on the screen. I plan on going out this weekend and I'll take some pics of the screen

What sonar is that? I am not particularly happy with mine and am looking for a good "stand-alone"

quik report , we needed 2 rods ta get our fish this past weekend , one day of sox at Nahmint , 6am til 9 am , 20 -25 ta the side of the boat , sum nice size to them too , all fish were between 30 - 60 feet , didnt matter where , all over the nahmint bay was rediculous , must of had 3-4 tripple headers , once in neutral lol ,

Springs , UNREAL , all inshore for our boat , Meares , Diplock and Jeff's favorite spot , " Pill Point" we hooked into well over 20 fish , bonked , all between 70 - 130 ft later in the day...
sum gooders , most on spoons , the " Honky " kicked sum butt , eh Vic , John , had a blast with you guys , sent the boys home with there limits and serios smiles ,
great trip , nice fish for June...

sum shots for yuz

Ken , sportin ur Hali Derb jersey , that and my Oilers rally cap on brought us the good fortune haha




nice FD, but when are ya gonna really start fishing and and stop dickin around and start puting up some numbers?:confused:lol......holmes*
I think he is just gettin warmed up, plus he is probably still pretty excited about his new knob:p:D

I think he is just gettin warmed up, plus he is probably still pretty excited about his new knob:p:D


Yeah that new knob looks pretty functional. How was the old one FD!!! Ha ha:D.

My buddy runs pretty much the same set up on his Striper. Looks good FD. Gotta love a second steering station. I wouldn't run a boat without it.
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second station , cant believe i didnt't get it sooner , kept the stress levels down for the poor guy i'd put in the captain chair ,
barkin out tacks , mostly smiles these days..( thx Jeffries for thats... )

Jeff , Craig( captain kidding ) will be there next week , same time as us , lets get out there n rip it up,
bought sum gear for u , it`s in the tub... Rob gave us sum gooders from PNT...
