Merry x-mas


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to say to all the fellow SFBC members and families have a safe and merry x-mas and hoping someone gets a new big boat under the tree. or better yet some fancy reels,rods etc.
Thanks to the people who said "hi" n the water hope to see more of you this year .

Merry x-mas

All the best to everyone here, and may Santa only bring you lures that catch the big ones. Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to all and a safe and prosperous new year.
Watch out for those eggnog's.

Too bad you're [Wolfie...cough,cough.]too scared to come out to the boxing day derby....... Maybe next year? :p
And hopefully RS doesn't show up an win :D

Imma put my 20. in :D And hopefully FFG89/Steve is gunna winch the boat back on the trailer cause my back is facked

Happy holidaze guys/gals
An a prosperous and fishy new year!
The best of the season to everybody, hope you all get what you're asking for and not what you deserve!! Hopefully Roy gets a sack full of quarters!! Good luck boxing day , hope the weather's decent, I can't make it, gotta go up island, you know the drill. Gotta build up the brown-noser points!!! -- CHEER'S --- MERRY MUCK-MUCK ---
Ill be there for the boxing day derby... merry x-mas

Ill make sure FFG brings the .25 if he comes with me
LOL LOL bet is a bet no matter when it was placed.... you wouldnt want me there that night had a doozerrrrr of a cold didnt want to get others sick but good to go for boxing day,I know fly how about we ARM wrestle for it????? and ill even let you pick which arm ok sound fair???? LOL LOL

BTW merry x-mas again LOL
HaHaHA Ya right. I arm-wrestle about as good as Lipripper catches fish :p

I dont think im gonna make the boxing day derby as much as id like to. Family get togethers seem to be priority at this time of the year. Dont think it would be fair of me to miss seeing family I only see once or twice a year just for "Yet another days fishing" :p

HaHaHA Ya right. I arm-wrestle about as good as Lipripper catches fish :p
Merry Xmas to you too Jerk :p

Arm wrestling is all about angles....... Anyone got any phone books FFG can borrow? :D
And a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from me too.

All the best to you all.

Take care.
May you all have a very merry Christmas, and find lots of fishy goodies under the tree.