Interesting video

...if nothing more than to embarrass their leaders

I think the elders were a little choked.

They are entitled to fish like everyone else but where is the respect?

That would probably be why....

And they are entitled to fish like everyone else?... I don't think so. We have to buy our right to fish in the form of a fishing licence. I have no problem with that.
That video should be shown wherever there is an audience who will watch it...if nothing more than to embarrass their leaders and hopefully put massive pressure on them to stop this ****. They are entitled to fish like everyone else but where is the respect? Stomping and kicking them wildly to kill them...come on that is cruelty to a living creature in many peoples mind.

I grew up in North Van.
It's been happening that way for over 25 years.
Somebody give them a couple fish bonkers and a tote of ice already.
Glad to see the salmon habitat enhancement money we all contribute is helping to allow present and future generations of our indigenous people to carry on their centuries old traditions. Seriously ? Shopping carts, nikes, landing nets and "head smashing" sticks ? This is abhorrent behavior.Too bad we didn't host the summer Olympics..... Would have been good to shame those goons on a massive scale.
Most years I doubt if I keep the lb. equivalent of what was in one of those "hauls", and I inject thousands of earned dollars to do it legitimately. They may be "allowed" (questionable) to do that, but what person of any ethnicity would believe it right ?
If it were simply due to ignorance, that would be one thing. A coho extermination pool isn't constructed out of ignorance, it is intentional disregard of a resource that a group of people feel is "theirs". Disgusting.
If I volunteered to work in a hatchery and saw that happening on the stream I gave my time to help recover...I would quit.
Watching these idiots (there is no other word for them) dragging sport nets full of salmon across rocks, stomping with their feet on the bodies of Coho salmon and clubbing them over and over on the body (the ones not bonking) while laughing hysterically, - well lets not pretend this is a respectful process. This may actually be a food fishery because I am not sure the back of pickup truck sales of mushed salmon is going to provide much quality food or profit. What a gleeful killing frenzy. I was struck by the similarities with video clips of the Stanley Cup riots.
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This is what happens when the authorities have no or loose control...that is why it reminds you of the riots.
Did this video ever make it on to any of the news stations? I doubt that any of the stations would be gutsy enough to portray our brothers in anything but the most reverent of lights
The sad part is they are not breaking any laws. We are to blame for a system that allows this.
The sad part is they are not breaking any laws. We are to blame for a system that allows this.

I don't think we are to blame, however i do think the government needs to grow some balls and deal with the situation.
I have no problem with a limited food fishery, but this is an example of wanton destruction and greed.
Well it's nice to see that they at least segregated the wild coho from the hatchery fish...What's that? They kept the wild coho as well?

Then what the eff are the regs for? What's that? Oh... only for the second class citizens of Canada. Got it.
Well it's nice to see that they at least segregated the wild coho from the hatchery fish...What's that? They kept the wild coho as well?

Then what the eff are the regs for? What's that? Oh... only for the second class citizens of Canada. Got it.

Exactly. What is the point of the non-retention of wild coho if this is what happens on their spawning grounds?
its hard to watch; were i live the native kids have spinning rods and act as sportsmen; i suppose that these cohos are surplus to capilano hatchery and dfo knows of it nevertheless it should not be condoned
i suppose that these cohos are surplus to capilano hatchery and dfo knows of it nevertheless it should not be condoned

I really didn't see them checking for clipped adipose fins prior to bonking, kicking, squishing, suplexing, atomic drops, camel clutch, etc....
Stones 93 wrote:
Sent to BCTV and CTV. Not illegal but should be seen by the public.

Great, so did I
....with names of Cap Hatchery boys......The media/press? ....probably won't publish the vid but maybe an inerterview with one of the biologists and a small clip of the video- might be in order?. The public needs to see this killing and then just let them decide what they think of this sort of or not. The problem is that most of what they are doing I beleive is legal, even though it is brutal mass killing of fish. The manor in which they do it makes them look even worse.

BTW shopping carts used in the river to catch fish is the use of stolen property so perhaps you could say that is illegal . I witnessed 2 shopping carts down there and they seemed to be used in the weirs with the rocks . It also looked like the river was completetly blocked with a rock dam ( up river from where the vid was shot ) I assume to hold the fish down river so that the fish traps would fill with more fish. I called DFO reports line and they said the river flow is not allowed to have rock dam completely across the flow- the problem is that as soon as the rock wall is removed , it apparently gets built again when DFO leaves. The traditional fish traps are legal as I understand (without the use of shopping carts) but not blocking the river right across the full width of water flow.
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Im surprised that people are surprised.....

The problem with this statement above is excactly that .....people become less surprised, and get complacent .... then it all becomes just old news and "normal " .

BE surprised and shocked everyone .....every year it happens!

The statements I am hearing occassionally like " don't you know, this has being going on for 30-40 years " .....other than that being a sad fact, I am not sure if that statement means more than just the fact or if it is supposed to imply something more ?

eg... that its being going on so long that its now acceptable ? or that they have given up the fight to try to stop it because its been going on so long ?
Stones 93 wrote:
Sent to BCTV and CTV. Not illegal but should be seen by the public.

Great, so did I
....with names of Cap Hatchery boys......The media/press? ....probably won't publish the vid but maybe an inerterview with one of the biologists and a small clip of the video- might be in order?. The public needs to see this killing and then just let them decide what they think of this sort of or not. The problem is that most of what they are doing I beleive is legal, even though it is brutal mass killing of fish. The manor in which they do it makes them look even worse.

Good work Peahead! I saw this and couldn't just do nothing, so I fired this letter off to Keith Ashfield, Minister for Fisheries and Oceans (also posted on HBC):

The Honourable Keith Ashfield,
Minister for Fisheries and Oceans

Dear Minister,

I am not one that would typically contact a member of parliament to try and correct a situation that I view as a "wrong", however this is one of those times when we as Canadian citizens must reach out to the Federal government and demand that action be taken on behalf of all Canadians.

Recently I viewed a video of a slaughter of mature coho salmon as they made their way up the Capliano River in West Vancouver, BC. Please refer to the video link below for an accounting of the slaughter:

Just watching it made me quite angry to see such actions. However, I do understand that the Squamish First Nation likely has a some sort of ancestral claim for trapping and netting salmon in the river. But the thing that really irritates me and many other who have also viewed the video of their actions is the indiscriminate killing of all the coho salmon caught. This included both hatchery and wild coho salmon.

On the coast and rivers of British Columbia I do not know of any fishing area where wild coho salmon can be retained. All are catch and release, and even quite recently your Ministry issued a notice of both a bait ban and request for use of angling methods that would minimize by-catch of coho salmon on the Fraser River. We, as law abiding citizens, recreational anglers, and conservationists have respected the law and request from DFO to assist with the recovery of wild coho salmon stocks, yet we are forced to sit back with gritted teeth and watch this type of activity by BC First Nations.

How can you expect us to watch this and not be concerned for the future of the wild coho stocks, and also feel as second class citizens in our own country where opportunities to harvest wild coho salmon are awarded to others based purely on race?

I trust that you, and your Ministry, will feel as disgusted as I was while watching this video, and that DFO will take appropriate action to prevent this type of activity in the future.


Txxxx Dxxxx
Burnaby, BC
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Wow. *That's really hard to watch. *DFO won't touch that one but where are their community elders? *Where is the guidance from the chief that gets paid 250,000 dollars a year? *Where is the respect for the fish? Disgusting.
I heard back from the Global news anchor - his comment was 'yes, controversial', but within their dip net rights (believe he contacted DFO to confirm) which point, some joe blow piped in and said, no problem, thats the way they have always done it!

I replied with 'its the tactics used, scotty aided and all, verses the legality of it'....