Go trump go

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The only part I would be embarrassed about being an American is part of the country protesting in the streets like a bunch of children that didn't get their way. That's an embarrassment , shows no class at all.... time to move on and see what happens

I have not participated in any of the protests, which are obviously of no use. However there are enshrined rights here for freedom of speech and assembly that those people are exercising, as long as it is peaceful I feel no embarrassment over it regardless of if I agree with it or not, and that goes for any peaceful protest. Its a necessary right that needs to protected to ensure freedom. If they cause damage to property or individuals then it is to be condemned.

My Embarrassment is for a country, with a long history of racism (kept slavery going, and only ended it after a civil war) and as recently as only about 50 years ago where blacks were still fighting to end segregation. It that has now bowed to those tendencies again. One where Trump supporters are now expecting the roll back of rights for gay people because as many here in NC are fond of saying, "god hates fags". Trump exploited the ignorant belief that white people are somehow disadvantaged in the US. White supremacist organizations are ecstatic as Trumps repudiations of them have been halfhearted at best. I'm embarrassed that a racist misogynist can rise to the highest office AND that the only opposition party couldn't come up with an acceptable alternative to sway enough moderates away from the messages of intolerance. It is worth noting that Clinton had more votes than Trump, so perhaps there is still hope for the future. I have lived in NJ, CA and now NC. Certainly of those places the intolerance and ignorance of the outside world and of other races or lifestyles within the US is most acute here. And NC is considered one of the most progressive of the southern states! Some of the comments from Trumpers on this board is reminiscent of what I see here, and I realize its a forum of predominantly white males, many "uneducated" (which is defined in the election demographics here as no university degree) so some of that sentiment is bound to surface of course, Canada isn't immune to it. Fortunately its a minority.
I did not post the pictures .... so who just lost their credibility?
The thing is that what is common to most of the top anglers is their attention to details. The sharing of those details is what made this site so great. I have learned a lot and you sir, should delete your account.

My bad. Mixed that up.

Anyway, nah. I think I'll keep the account. I can learn a lot about fishing here. But learning anything about politics from you...can't see it happening.

Pippen, good point. But you got to understand there are a lot of people like me that have been democrats supporters all our lives. This isn't a Party thing, even the republicans didn't want him there. Anyway, the other option is to stomp the feet and wish for him to fail.

If the democrats want to be like the image they want to project, then yea, keep an eye on him, if he is doing something stupid, protest. But the hypocrisy call goes both ways. I shook my head at the staunch repubs that carried on with Obama too, but these nimrods in the street down there are no better.
Bad news......
Rash of disturbing acts of racism reported in U.S. after Donald Trump wins U.S. election
By Adam Frisk National Online Journalist, Breaking News Global News

Americans document racist encounters on Day 1 of Donald Trump's America
Josh Elliott, CTVNews.ca
Published Thursday, November 10, 2016 11:29AM EST
The only thing that sucks about this election is it is totally taking over the news and our thoughts about important issues elsewhere. Its remembrance day tomorrow in Canada. More important in my opinion than worrying about something that is now done.

Enjoy it tomorrow and remember those who served. The US elected him and we have our own crap in our country to deal with. We have elected some heroes in office in our past as well. Let the US deal with it. We also need to focus on our own province which has tons of issues right now.
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Omarosa: Trump campaign keeping a 'list' of enemies !

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump surrogate Omarosa Manigault said the President-elect's campaign is keeping a list of people who did not support his run to the White House.

"Let me just tell you, Mr. Trump has a long memory and we're keeping a list," Manigault, the campaign's director of African-American outreach, told the Independent Journal Review, an online news outlet started by two former GOP staffers aimed at a center-right audience.
Manigault made the comment in response to Sen. Lindsey Graham's tweet that he supported conservative presidential candidate Evan McMullin.
Manigault, an ordained minister, responded by suggesting that the South Carolina Republican was an enemy and said "God bless him."
"If (Graham) felt his interests was with that candidate, God bless him. I would never judge anybody for exercising their right to and the freedom to choose who they want," she said.
"It's so great our enemies are making themselves clear so that when we get in to the White House, we know where we stand," the former reality show contestant added.
Graham, a Trump primary opponent, pledged along with other Republican candidates to support whoever won the Republican nomination.

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The most galling thing for me, as a Yank, is watching the country get taken over by a huge throng of stunningly UNCURIOUS people. That includes their overloads in the Senate and in Congress.

I'm sure they can quote football and baseball stats all day long to anybody who will listen in a well-researched, well thought out way.

But would they ever open a science journal to educate themselves or at least, expose themselves, to what a commanding percent of scientists all over the globe are saying about anthropogenic climate change and how critical it might be to address its causes in this decade? They wouldn't and they don't

Would they ever take the time to read up on the history of the Cold War, why Russia is fond of instigating border conflicts, why NATO is the glue that holds many countries together, and what a possible outcome might be if the US turns inward, lets other people fight their own battles, abandons the EU and Eastern Europe? They wouldn't and they don't.

Would they ever read up on what might happen to the prices they pay for patio furniture and kitchen ware at Walmart if Trump starts a trade war with China and starts putting tariffs on Chinese exports to the US market? Can they even begin to understand the retaliatory payback we'd get from China and what it would do to the global economy? They wouldn't and they don't.

I was returning from a winter steelhead trip with a friend of mine. The guy is college educated, well spoken. A Republican.

As we put our gear back into the truck it started snowing. Half way down the river, it turned into a blizzard. This guy slams on the brakes, stops the truck in the middle of the road, turns to me and sneers ....."Global Warming?????? Hah!!!!!!!"

How can anybody respond to that? What could you possibly say? I know his first choice in this election was Ted Cruz. That didn't work out so guess where his vote went instead.

Trump is spinning bald faced lies to the white guys in the rust belt when he tells them all those lost manufacturing jobs that went to Mexico, China and Vietnam will come back. No they won't.

Some of you might have read about the Budweiser truck that just drove across Colorado. No driver in the seat. 100 % computer navigated.

Would you urge your son to get his 18 wheeler permit when that truck passes by your house? Maybe you'd ask some questions about why there was nobody at the helm and what this might mean for anybody contemplating a long-term career as a driver?

A Trump supporter? He's entitled to getting behind the wheel of that truck. The driver was just out of sight, maybe reaching for a beer. He's entitled to that job because that's what his daddy did and his daddy's daddy did and that's what he's going to do, damnit.

Trump, who watches twitter and morning talk shows, promised he'd get that job for him and that was worth a vote and an election.

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I make as much money in the markets as I do in my day job. One thing I've learnt through my years trading is this. Big money is smart. Big money is liking the prospects for growth in the economy with Trump at the helm, all the nay sayers need to listen to this.

You CAN NOT have civil rights preserved with a bad economy.
You CAN NOT protect the environment with a bad economy.
And you almost certainly CAN NOT preserve your current way of life with a bad economy.

The economy comes first, whether you like it or not, that is fact.

I like Obama but he has strangled the economy.
Keep riding those high horses lads, but when it all comes down to it, you are acting in a self defeating manner.
Strangled the economy with 4.9% unemployment as of last June?

So I guess the high horse we need to ride is Spain at 22 % and France at 10.5 % ?

Trump rode the doom and gloom horse and there are a lot of people saying WTF, where's that horse you were talking about?

But optimism doesn't sell. It's boring and flat-line. Gotta have chop to rile things up---good for arbitrage

I predict that in 6 months Putin will be in downtown Kiev, riding a real high horse. That'll feed your arbitrage for sure
Strangled the economy with 4.9% unemployment as of last June?

So I guess the high horse we need to ride is Spain at 22 % and France at 10.5 % ?

Trump rode the doom and gloom horse and there are a lot of people saying WTF, where's that horse you were talking about?

But optimism doesn't sell. It's boring and flat-line. Gotta have chop to rile things up---good for arbitrage

I predict that in 6 months Putin will be in downtown Kiev, riding a real high horse. That'll feed your arbitrage for sure

Anyway, I'm not going to school you on gov stats buddy.

But compare the unemployment rate to the participation rate.

In either case, that's secondary. Growth is the big ticket number along with wage inflation.

Look I'm not telling you this, the MARKET is telling you this. The market doesn't lie. For long.
You CAN NOT have civil rights preserved with a bad economy.
You CAN NOT protect the environment with a bad economy.
And you almost certainly CAN NOT preserve your current way of life with a bad economy.

The economy comes first, whether you like it or not, that is fact.
It's quite the kool-aid being served at the PR firms that pump this crap out.
  • With hunger and lack of opportunity - instability is formed - that is a fact.
  • With all the money being jammed at the top - under the guise of so-called "trickle-down" economics - everyone but the billionaires suffers - that's a fact.
  • The stock market has failed numerous times - the last time - when they pumped in some $700B to keep the banks afloat in the states - while spouting 'free market" - that's a fact.
  • Those who advocate playing the stock market as a surrogate for governance - are extremely confused about what governance is - that's a fact.
  • Free trade deals diminish our governance mechanisms by giving our rights away to lawyers and bankers in the back room - that's a fact.
  • Making money is not the reason we have consciousness - that's a fact.
  • Focusing on perpetuating the acquisition of greed is the reason we have such imbalance - and why we have people who use any excuse they can find to perpetuate that myth - including denying basic rights to other humans.
  • You cannot protect the planet using greed as a benchmark of correctness - that's a fact.
  • This is the only planet or spaceship we have - that's a fact.
The problem I see with the US's Electoral College (EC) system is that it results in an all or nothing vote (with a few exceptions) for one candidate or the other regardless of how the popular vote splits in any given state. This essentially gives a few "swing" states enormous power in determining the ultimate result of the election and gives rise to the rather ridiculous situation where the person who gets the most votes nationwide, loses the election. In Florida, for example, there was less than a 2% difference in the popular vote for Clinton and Trump, yet Trump walked away with 100% of the EC votes. In Michigan, the difference in the popular vote was 0.2% but Trump got 100% of the EC votes. Yes, the situation swung the other way in many states, but in the end, the election of the President of the United States was determined by a very small vote difference in a few states where a narrow vote split resulted in a wide margin in EC votes.
The whole thing doesn't seem very fair to me - nor, I suspect to the folks who are protesting in the US now as the President Elect was not the choice of the majority (albeit slim) of the people.

I make as much money in the markets as I do in my day job. One thing I've learnt through my years trading is this. Big money is smart. Big money is liking the prospects for growth in the economy with Trump at the helm, all the nay sayers need to listen to this.

You CAN NOT have civil rights preserved with a bad economy.
You CAN NOT protect the environment with a bad economy.
And you almost certainly CAN NOT preserve your current way of life with a bad economy.

The economy comes first, whether you like it or not, that is fact.

I like Obama but he has strangled the economy.
Keep riding those high horses lads, but when it all comes down to it, you are acting in a self defeating manner.

The economy isn't bad for everybody there. The middleclass has taken most of the hits. The rich have been getting even richer.

Big money,by and large , doesn't give a crap about civil rights,environment or preserving ways of life. Big money is greedier than it is smart.

One of the main reasons Trump kisses Russian butt is because he sees it as a great opportunity over there. He's already tied up with them.
Were this the 50's, McCarthy would have eaten him alive.

He likes Putin. But if you read up on how Putin got to be where he is and how he made his money (Putin is filthy rich) it's clear that ethics, fairness and concerns for the people mean nothing.

Once you know what makes Putin tick, there's nothing to like about him.

Anything Trump's going to do about improving business is strictly for Trump's benefit firstly.

They couldn't care less about your way of life. You are delusional.

Yep, big money is so smart alright.... it was big money that caused the 2008 crisis and collapse.

Greed trumps profit every time..( oops...did I just say 'trumps'?)...

Trump isn't about protecting the environment. He's the exact opposite if you've read the news the last couple of days. (And ever listened to his "Global warming is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese" rant).

Trump is a stellar rep for the " Human rights be damned...let's stomp everybody in the name of corporate profit" game. You can now turn the history clock back fifty years thanks to his ongoing racist tirades.

The"trickle down" effect ( you will benefit when corporations make money...the more they make , the happier you will be) which he espouses has been shown to be bulls*it in the last couple of decades.

Trump admits he really likes under-educated people. Easy to see why. They are the easiest to con.

Trump isn't even good at running his own businesses, really. He's gone bankrupt several times and is currently involved in litigation concerning those he allegedly owes money.

He started out with millions given to him by his father. Actually Trump was a problem child in school.

It would be nice if Trump abolished the Income Tax Act...because he never pays any and implies that those who do are fools.

Trump isn't the only rich person in the USA. There are quite a few there with more money than him and they're way smarter.

If everyone that voted for him down there thinks that there will be jobs suddenly appearing for everybody and it will be all sweetness and light again, they are sadly mistaken.

Trump spewed the racist-tinged rhetoric for months .....and the voters sucked it up like a sponge.

America was always supposed to be about democracy. Clearly it isn't ( and if you look at the track record, never was).

Trumps' slogan "Let's Make America Great Again" was an unfinished sentence.

The second half is " For Greedy Big-Money Interests".
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It's quite the kool-aid being served at the PR firms that pump this crap out.
  • With hunger and lack of opportunity - instability is formed - that is a fact.
  • With all the money being jammed at the top - under the guise of so-called "trickle-down" economics - everyone but the billionaires suffers - that's a fact.
  • The stock market has failed numerous times - the last time - when they pumped in some $700B to keep the banks afloat in the states - while spouting 'free market" - that's a fact.
  • Those who advocate playing the stock market as a surrogate for governance - are extremely confused about what governance is - that's a fact.
  • Free trade deals diminish our governance mechanisms by giving our rights away to lawyers and bankers in the back room - that's a fact.
  • Making money is not the reason we have consciousness - that's a fact.
  • Focusing on perpetuating the acquisition of greed is the reason we have such imbalance - and why we have people who use any excuse they can find to perpetuate that myth - including denying basic rights to other humans.
  • You cannot protect the planet using greed as a benchmark of correctness - that's a fact.
  • This is the only planet or spaceship we have - that's a fact.

Oh dear. You shouldn't cut paste things from people when you don't understand the issue.

-Hunger, will always be there. Spreads with bad economy.
-Trickle down is as good as it gets for us. Why do you think factories moved and took the jobs with them? Big money is mobile, keep it happy and it will stay, make life hard poof, they're gone.
-The stock market didn't crash after the banks bailout. Quite the opposite, it DOUBLED! Whether or not I agree with how that happened is for another forum
-Don't confuse the stock market with the general market. Free markets decide price of many things, labor, food, energy etc etc. The free market is the only fair way to decide these things, take that away and your on the path to communism (Which is not that much further than socialism, which by the way is FAILING). I have never heard anyone say the stock market can govern. Who says that???
-Hillary was ALL FOR FREE TRADE you goof
-Unless you live in some utopia, the fact of the matter is, money allows us to live. You gunna re invent the wheel?????
-I've never touted total capitalism, but run away capitalism has a form of this problem. Don't get too carried away with the drama though bud, a free market has a tendency to rein that in when the government isn't corrupt, Hillary style.
-When the economy is in the *******, you will find people care less about the environment and more about feeding their children. Plenty of examples of that around the world
-You are correct, except it's not a spaceship, it's a big rock.

Educate yourself man. Please.
You know, Eastmon, I appreciate you have strong opinions/feelings on this issue. It sure would be nice if you could express them without denigrating those who express differences.
It would be kind of like starting off some fishing advice post with "how could you be so stupid using leader lengths that long. Educate yourself, buddy!"
I'm getting the sense that you're pissing off a few very knowledgeable fishing folks around here that may not be as forthcoming with you as you might in future. You might want to tone down the troll attitude.
And with that bit of friendly advice, I'm out. I suspect this thread will be soon.
I always find it unfortunate that some people have such a confused, myopic understanding of how they think the planet should work - and how the planet actually works.

Firstly, some species similar enough to be called human (**** something) has been wandering the planet for some ~2 million years, and H. erectus for ~200,000-600,000 years or so. It's only been the last 300-450 years we have had something like a "consumer economy" based on world trade - where the first stock exchange in London was officially formed in 1773. So we have only had this large, betting casino available for some 243 years or less.

For the remainder of the better than 99.9% of the history of human civilization - it never existed.

Yet, somehow - humans both survived and prospered.

But now - since accumulated wealth is more concentrated at the top end - and less all-around - the PR firms that spout their version of an economic theory (and there are many) - have so successfully twisted the narrative - that some SO WANT to believe that it works - they purposely confuse governance, civilization, global ecology with the new religion of greed - consumerism, capitalism, and the stock market.

If they truly recognized that this is a rock with a thin layer of air and water that supports life because it is at the Goldilocks position of the solar system with liquid water - maybe, just maybe they would listen to the Astronauts of the spaceship - the biologists and the aboriginal cultures - who have a very different focus and narrative about how to protect life.

That is our mission - should you choose to engage - is to protect life. Full stop. The rest is a destructive distraction.
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My sense of Obama was he exhibited human behaviors that gave brief glimpses of how humans will behave once they have reached a higher psychic evolution (from the shoulders up)

First and foremost, he is compassionate

I know, I know, compassion doesn't get you dinner on the veldt in Serengeti and surely Wall Street will show you the door if you even mention the word.

What is compassionate behavior?

Nothing we've seen during this election cycle from the top all the way to the bottom of the ticket, that's clear

Un compassionate behavior?

For the next 4 years, I want you to watch the Republican congress, at Trumps bidding and with Trump's Supreme Court nominee pick, dismantle Roe v. Wade, then de-fund Planned Parenthood, and finally, to penalize abortion.

Congress will then step in to deny single mothers welfare because Lord knows, if you let them slobber at the trough of free money too long they'll never hoist themselves up with their own bootstraps. Let her work to feed that child she never would have had if she'd kept her legs together.

And then he'll go after EBT cards (electonic benefit card = welfare ) Inner city blacks need to get off their asses and work. Enough of the gimmees....

And while cutting back inner-city welfare, it will not even begin to dawn on the pointy headed Republican soldiers that showering Big Ag with subsidies to grow this or stop growing that is just an EBT card with a different name. But it's going to a white farmer who can be trusted to vote Republican so an ag subsidy is a good thing, a compassionate thing

Tuesday night was the Revenge of the philistines

We've taken a giant evolutionary leap backwards in decorous human behavior
That may be the persona he wishes you to believe - he has gone out and killed the odd animal for a photo op - but remember - that doesn't make him an "outdoorsman". The people guiding him are the "outdoorsfolk". He is a slumlord from New York City.

Just to clarify. Its Son Trumps who are outdoorsman, not sure about President Trump? Have another look at my post.

You know, Eastmon, I appreciate you have strong opinions/feelings on this issue. It sure would be nice if you could express them without denigrating those who express differences.
It would be kind of like starting off some fishing advice post with "how could you be so stupid using leader lengths that long. Educate yourself, buddy!"
I'm getting the sense that you're pissing off a few very knowledgeable fishing folks around here that may not be as forthcoming with you as you might in future. You might want to tone down the troll attitude.
And with that bit of friendly advice, I'm out. I suspect this thread will be soon.

Mate, I fully understand what your saying. I agree fully. Anyone that knows me outside this forum knows how I'm acting here isn't my usual persona.

But what you have to realize is I put forth an opinion. That opinion had me labeled as a racist, bigot, fascist etc etc.

Now all you need to do is look back through these two threads and you will see how me just putting my opinion out there turned to me saying a big "F you then, game on".

I'm sorry for the stings I've thrown your way, but what do you want from me? If you, and others here try to delegitimize my opinion by labeling me, then I'm coming back at you guys.

I've made it a point to counter the objections here with logic/rationale/facts. I gave up sugar coating anything when I was projected as a dumbass redneck. I know I can not change your minds, honestly I do. But I will use my life experience to call you guys out on BS.

Whether you guys accept it or not, i am kinda on your side. But I seem to have the ability to separate how I want the world to be and how it is. As a trader, that's how you make money, it's not what you think the market should be doing, it IS WHAT the market is doing. That's a life lesson some of you need to learn.

At the end of the day, I can learn a lot from this forum, and with my current views I will still learn because there's a whole lot more people like me lurking here than you want to admit.

Treat me like a prick, I'll throw the same back at you. The same goes for if you treat me with respect. Having a misguided liberal view doesn't make you any better than me. I grew out of that mindset in my late 20's.
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