Go trump go

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One is Bernie Madoff the other is Ponzi (just a guess)

Well have to see if he follows through on his promise to round up undocumented workers with a new "force". He will have to house them in concentration camps to process them. He has promised to go after and kill the families of suspected terrorists, and bring back torture. He wants surveillance on Muslims and wants to find ways to repeal same sex marriage rights. So decency depends on if he follows through on promises or if they were just rhetoric. Don't pay attention to Eastmon, he is trumps demographic, white, blue collar worker, wants whites in their previous place of superiority. That was trumps promise, make America white again, and blue collar whites came out in droves. Blacks and Latinos as usual didn't, and they will be the ones who suffer for their indifference as a result.

I'm white, I have a graduate degree and work in a white collar job. I wont suffer under Trump and probably will benefit from his plan to shift the tax burden from higher income earners to lower ones. The irony is the working class whites that voted for him will be worse off under his tax plans and repeal of the affordable health care act. Even though I'm an immigrant here. I'm a "good" immigrant as I don't have brown skin. , he and the republicans will go after the Muslims and Latinos not me. But I still feel its not right.

Today I'm ashamed of my US citizenship, but thankful for my Canadian one.
The only part I would be embarrassed about being an American is part of the country protesting in the streets like a bunch of children that didn't get their way. That's an embarrassment , shows no class at all.... time to move on and see what happens
One is Bernie Madoff the other is Ponzi (just a guess)

So your going to use a photo of two guys, to prove some sort of point, one was a fraudster sent to jail as a scapegoat during the '08 crisis aftermath. (Which he had nothing to do with the crisis)

And the other guy, you don't even know who he is. Lol.

You just lost any credibility. Weak man. Weak.

Let's just ease up and accept. You guys gotta realize that democracy has to be accepted even when your side loses right?

I can see it now, Liberal Utopia, where no ones gets a say unless it agrees with the Leftist agenda. Talk about elitist.
Hey thanks for proving my point Eastmon
There is 'Breaking News' on the US news channels, as many Anti-Trump protests are happening in several major US cities...New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Seattle and so on.
OK Everybody, That Sucked. Now, Back to Work
The lessons citizens, parties and media need to learn from Trump’s victory.
By Paul Willcocks Yesterday | TheTyee.ca
I can see it now, Liberal Utopia, where no ones gets a say unless it agrees with the Leftist agenda. Talk about elitist.

I am no liberal but I laugh at comments like these and that I see from some buddies in the US that are staunch Trump supporters.

You can paint the right in the US with pretty much the exact same brush....but the Republican twist is that people CAN say things they don't agree with but they are 150% wrong, no exceptions and beat down with bullish tactics. :rolleyes:

We've listened to Republicans for about 7 years now *****, moan and stomp their feet like a herd of 1000 mules recently castrated with dull instruments.

There is quite a bit of validity to this.....because I can't STAND hypocrites. Arguably one of my biggest pet peeves and I don't care where you are in the political spectrum in terms of the topic at hand in this thread. My opinion on this election was #noneoftheabove , 320 million people and this is who they came up with. :confused:

The Republicans must be quaking in their boots..

Towards the end of the campaigning they were ready to throw him under the bus. A problem that needed to be got rid of.

Now he's in......and if he makes any big screwups it's going to reflect badly on them come next voting day.

With any luck he'll make one and an impeachment will start.
I still don't believe Trump can fix the things his supporters are scared of and angry at, but it's done now and I sincerely hope he does some good.
I still don't believe Trump can fix the things his supporters are scared of and angry at, but it's done now and I sincerely hope he does some good.

There'll be untold numbers of jobs available for building the coast to coast anti-alien wall.
(However most likely he'll use illegal immigrants to build it at subpar wages before deporting them).

Naturally, there no doubt will be one built from coast to coast on the northern Canadian border too. Because if you can't get into the US from the south then you get in from the north.

Funny that all Trump's focus is on Mexican illegals and the claim that they are inundated with rapists and criminals.

Never once does he mention anything about Florida and the Cubans...where Cuba actually DID release criminals to sail to Florida in refugee boats. ( And thousands have arrived on shore there as well that weren't criminals of any type and are good people).

Could it be because Florida is an NRA voter haven.? The last people Trump wants to upset is Floridians and the NRA ( he's on record as saying they are his good buddies). The Florida vote was important ...so no stirring up poopoo of any kind there..
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So your going to use a photo of two guys, to prove some sort of point, one was a fraudster sent to jail as a scapegoat during the '08 crisis aftermath. (Which he had nothing to do with the crisis)

And the other guy, you don't even know who he is. Lol.

You just lost any credibility. Weak man. Weak.

I did not post the pictures .... so who just lost their credibility?
The thing is that what is common to most of the top anglers is their attention to details. The sharing of those details is what made this site so great. I have learned a lot and you sir, should delete your account.
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