FYI - New Free Public Boat Ramp Ucluelet

I parked just up from it to the left in a small parking lot last mid august. I had to buy a pass from the campground you pass on the way in. I can't remember what I paid, but it wasn't too much. they put the pass with dates the pass is good for in a baggie and then you tie wrap it to your trailer. I believe they mentioned you could also park up the road a bit , just off the road near the small ball diamond if memory serves me correctly... i had a bit of a time with my boat also but it's around 30 feet and on a short trailer so i have a bit of a time on most boat ramps. usually have to back in till the muffler of my truck is almost touching the water. sucks but i don't have much other choice. i think for the majority of boats the launch would be fine, but high tide would prob be better I would think. didn't run out of concrete on the end anyways. conditions were pretty good when i launched and retrieved with just a slight breeze for both times.