ECVI French creek-Nanoose-nanaimo reports

Sounds great Rob! Must've been a little bumpy at Thrasher today.
I got an 18 at the Grande the other was also a white and gave me the best fight I can that a trait of whites?
Won't be getting out until at least Tuesday...we're heading to Sproat Lk for some houseboating. Try and leave a couple for me[8D].
quote:What are these whites you guys are talking about?

A white spring is a spring with white meat, rather then red.
A lot of whites caught locally are harrison river fish, which often are good sized and the run consists of all whites.

and backatit, it was calm, no more then 5 knots. Tide was brutal though

p.s i saw ya RVP in the local fishing mag with a spring;)
attempted thrasher today, except the 2 knot tide was making things difficult. Still managed a 12 in limited time out there. Bobby Meyers landed a 21 while chartering and lost a 15 to a seal.

fish had five 3 inch herring in its gut. It was caught on a 3.5 copcar coyote.
Hi there guys I'am going out fishing Monday in the tide and bite guide says the major bite is at 2:29 do many of you guy think that it is very accurate. Also where do you think the best spot in Nanaimo is now I hear most people are using cop cars with a five leader and a green glow in the dark flasher. Any other in put would help thanks [8D]
I myself dont find bite times to be too accurate. Ive been doing well in a few different places in Nanaimo of late. The outside of the Fingers have been best to me in the last week or so. Cop-car will work, anything green/white glow spoon or hoochie works well for me.

Good luck!
I'am going fishing at sangster tomore anyone else going to be out there. Has anyone tried cop car spoons and cop car flasher I'll be out there in a trophy
I think im gonna try fishing Gerald or Belenas, ill see which way the winds blowing. Maybe Ill see ya out there though. Im in a old blue double eagle.
Went fishing in Nanaimo instead weather forcast for ballenas was blowing 15 so fished nanaimo instead caught 3 lost 3 to seals. the last one wound it in the fast as possible. caught it wright beside the boat had the net in the water. seal comes wright beside the boat acualy touching it and grabs the seal wright out of the net [V][V]
We lost one to a seal at sangster tonite, first one this year. Now I know what it feels like. They seemed to follw us all nite, must have been 4 or 5.
Where were u fishing in Nanaimo that u had that many on. Thats a pretty productive day, even though it sucks u lost that many to seals.[:p]
We fished the Gerald area for hours yesterday and only briefly hooked an undersized salmon. I have not heard of many fish taken at Gerald/Ballenas/Winchelsea in recent days.
We fished the green roof to the white door on Sunday. Caught 2 legal springs and 1 hatchery coho in 140 ft of water.
Just got back from bein away for a week and a bit. Ill be back out tommorow morning. Friends said sangster died off but still fish around just spread out more.
Fished French Creek tonight...after 10 mins we hooked into a monster (the ever reliable 5" Cop Car spoon/Green Glow flasher combo)...knew it was a monster because it broke the surface 100' from the boat with a seal in hot pursuit before spitting the hook. Talked to the guys in the store...a few fish weighed in daily. When we were launching, a guy was cleaning a 20+ and when we were coming in a couple guys had a 26 and a nice ling caught at Sangster.
Don't think I'll fish French Creek anytime soon...the local seal followed 100' behind the boat all night. Heading over to Sanster Saturday morning for a birthday fishing trip for my Dad...looking forward to hearing your report Kelly.
Talked to a very reliable source in Alberni today...sounds like a trip over to Pill or Diplock is a sure bet for mad action right now...very tempting.

Well woke up at six the winds were forcasted to die to light this morning. Checked weather and took out the binos and could see it blowin. Went back to bed woke up at 8 same thing. Just ran out to ballenas now but it was blowin hard and after 5 min out there i gave up. i hate wind
I have been out looking for some nice lingcod. All the ones I have been catching are a little to small. Does anyone have any good ling cod fishing spots somewhere around Schooner Cover? Thanks