ECVI French creek-Nanoose-nanaimo reports

hey kelly I fish out of a 20 ft trophy with my dad. And i had two marbled, two whites and the rest red. The 18 and the 24 were whites. All the fish were bright chrome, but had a few river teeth showing up.
Fished brickyard for 3 hours today, got 2 fish (17,15). Also about 5 pinks on the top rod.
third morning in a row of limits. Biggest was 15 rest were 8-9 lbs. There seems to be a lot of smaller fish showing up about that size, but they're ready to spawn this year.
hey kelly, im going to be on the island this weekend, you around?
I have been out twice now with no downriggers and it is hard fishing. Today some Idiot in a commercial boat called Crusader ran through a bunch of boats at Thrasher and actually ran over our gear hooking it up on his hull as he's running at full boar through all the boats. What a tool. He had the entire Georgia strait to travel through and the fool decides to cut directly behind us at the last minute. Therefore ensuring 100% hook up possibilities. So it was a $13.00 flasher, $30.00 worth of line, A coyote spoon that was $8.17, and a $20.00 deep six lure. Over $70.00 for what minding our own business and just trolling along!!? In our 2 trips without downriggers we've had 5 springs, 1 Coho and 3 halibut. Three springs at thrasher and the rest offshore of Barkley Sound. Not too bad considering, but those riggers are desperately needed.
Hey Robert, I was at Thrasher Rock today too. Was that the boat that made a hard starboard turn and then went through Gabriola Passage? I guess that was you I saw trying to pick up what ever you had left, and I thought that you had bottom. I guess we'll always have tools like that around and I really don't know what we will ever be able to do about them. Really sorry to hear that.

See you on the water[8D]
Oh by the way I got skunked today:(?????
i think i might have seen you out there mikiki. We trolled down to the green can and left shortly after though. There was another trophy fishing that i think you might have mistaken me for.

And as for getting skunked all the fish are biting before 8 am! Gotta get out there at sunrise.

that was the nicest fish i got that morning, picture turned out really well.
Hey Rob How many you got marked on that licence of yours anyways I'm giving you highliner honours you've been slaying all year. Hey Kelly how those flames fans out there don't you hate that?
hey killer its getting up there[:p] Between me and my dad its getting pretty close. Going to have to target another species pretty soon, looking forward to the campbell river dog runs. Its back to school for me now so the fish get a break..until saturday;)

and the flame fans sound painful
Way to go Rob, you are really having a great year. I guess you are right, I am just getting out there to late. I'll have to try and get up a whole lot earlier:)Now maybe we will have a chance now that you are back in school:D.
See you on the water[8D]
quote:Originally posted by RobTufnail

i think i might have seen you out there mikiki. We trolled down to the green can and left shortly after though. There was another trophy fishing that i think you might have mistaken me for.

And as for getting skunked all the fish are biting before 8 am! Gotta get out there at sunrise.

that was the nicest fish i got that morning, picture turned out really well.
My buddy & I headed out to Thrasher Monday. Never made it that far. Decided to drop our lines near Entrance and picked up a 32#. Too hard to leave there after that.
DoneDeal was it white i was into some good fishing friday at neck point and I got a twenty something lost a thirty something then Saturday they were gone my fish was white so I figured they were headed to the fraser river I also was thinking entrance would be hot I bet there's a bunch of nice ones heading accross right now, good for you nice fish
It t'was a white spring. Nice and silver, longer and thinner than our West Coast Springs. Fresh and powerful. We have had success there in previous years around this time.
nice fish.
theres some big whites running through lately, third of the fish i've gotten lately have been whites