Craziest Looking Flasher Yet


Well-Known Member
Looks a bit like a cross between a flasher & a spreader bar.

I looked at the video of those in action on the Wigglefin site........looks good.....but I got the feeling that the fish might go after the two fluttering spoonish looking blades a lot.
Dogbreath -

You gotta watch the underwater video. The blades look like they're chasing the little bait-fish on the prop.

Swarm Salmon flasher Demo Video

Mike St John out of Brookings, OR. has been hammering fish in the salt with this flasher for the past 3 weeks.



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Dean Teegarden
WiggleFin Tackle, LLC.
youd sure have to careful putting it down and not fish any crazy rips, i see tangle. and seaweed...i have enough trouble keeping it one flasher. not to say I wouldnt love to try it.
Probably need a couple of really good ball bearing swivels in front of it prevent line twist.

Have fished in-line flashers on the main before......and that was the number one buggaboo....line twist.

The blades are actually 9" long, probably close to the same length as most of the flashers you use now. The blades look small in this shot, but the fish is 44" long.

If you want to run it as a dummy off the down-rigger ball, you can replace your bait leader with a 3rd blade.
You get 6 reflective surfaces and a whole lot of flash.

Here's a video...

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fish stalker,

Many hours and a few sleepless nights went into the design. The attachment points for the blades are moved forward on the prop so they can not tangle in the bait leader. If the leader comes in contact with the blades, it does so past the center of the blade and just slides off. The length of the beadchain on the blades won't allow the blades to tangle with each other.

This is a shot of the Kokanee version of the flasher but it helps illustrate the point. The ends on the prop where the blades attach are extended past the hole and rounded off to sweep weeds away from the chain. I won't claim it's weedless but it's not any worse than what your running now.

side view ( kokanee flasher)

front view ( kokanee flasher)
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I finally have all my colors in stock so you can custom build your own flashers...


- Dean
WiggleFin Tackle LLC.
because of this thread I ordered one of these. Seems very nice. Only used twice and I ran it off the DR ball as is my custom with flashers. Very low drag compared to a typical 11 in flasher. LOTS of bling. If you are looking for the flasher to generate motion for your terminal tackle this isn't the right device. But for me, and my use it rocks. Will be going to Sekiu next week and give it a proper test. May even run it inline just for fun. My two cents.
