

Amateur Angler

Thinking about heading out again to do some shore fishing. Do you think I'm wasting my time this time of year? Thanks in advance.
Depends on what you're lookin for...If you're lookin for salmon you're wasting your time but if u fish of some rocks i'm sure you could catch the ever present small rockfish. Personally i'd try the puntledge for a steelie, although i don't think you can keep them.
It could be worth a try from the shore in the deeper water near the Little River Ferry Terminal. I have caught winter spring salmon from the shore at this time of year and also seen others catch. One thing is for sure, "If you don't try, you certainly won't catch one" :)
Hey AA: Gallows speaks the truth. Throw a Zinger or Buzz Bomb off of King Coho Beach. You never Know. Good Luck.;) eman