Comox Harbour 2013

Had a blast out there yesterday. Started trolling just outside of the spit and by P54 had a couple in the boat. Was nice so picked up and headed for Kitty. Was pretty constant action and picked up a nice 8lb hatchery and another smaller hatch as well. The smaller hatch had a large hole in it's head, you could see right into it's mouth from on top of his head about the size of a dime. Amazing what these fish can live through as this looked like an old wound. Once home and on my counter I was filleting them up. The larger hatchery had a bubble on it's side, kind of like a cyst. Once the fillet was off there was obvious damage to the meat with a large watery bubble in it. Tossed the whole fish it was too creepy. So out of 4 cohos 2 were mutated.
You passed by us in the harbour yesterday and put your arms in the air. Shortly after we had a hit n miss. 0 fish for 2 hours spent off the spit. Headed out side the cardinals and found a few really nice coho but only one was clipped. The only clipped coho was about 45-50cm but had lost an eye and was bleeding so I took it home for dinner. Tasty LITTLE treat.
The larger hatchery had a bubble on it's side, kind of like a cyst. Once the fillet was off there was obvious damage to the meat with a large watery bubble in it. Tossed the whole fish it was too creepy. So out of 4 cohos 2 were mutated.

What a waste - cook well and it's fine. Its a shame people would do this. "tapioca disease" is edible.

At a minimum you should use the fish for pet food or crab/prawn bait.
Nothing is wasted in the ocean.

Pm me your address and I will send you every gross fish I catch. Tapioca Disease as you call it is DISGUSTING, safe or not those fish go to the crabs.
Coho from the harbour to Kitty. Great day out there. No chinooks of legal size but looks like we might just get a really good winter feeder fishery this year. For those of us the don't winterized our boats. :)
Just wondering whether or chum salmon are suited to putting down in jars ... pressure canner? ... thanks...
Just wondering whether or chum salmon are suited to putting down in jars ... pressure canner? ... thanks...

I know that some fishers have put them up in jars, and enjoyed it. I on the other hand have
only had them hot smoked. Hope this helps, ......BB
Taking the boat across to Comox tomorrow, from Vancouver. First trip there. Going for my son's atom hockey tournament, but hoping to do a bit of fishing, looks like maybe a bit tomorrow afternoon, a couple of hours Saturday afternoon, and most of the morning Sunday based on the hockey schedule.

If any locals can send me their best advice I'd appreciate it. Have no idea how/where to fish over there.

Fished the last 2 days around the harbour and it's very slow. Nothing on the sounder. Not sure what I'd recommend. As for the last week the weather has been the *****. I am hoping its not over.
Haven't been out since my last report here. Was hoping to get out this weekend sometime but if the weather cooperates I'll probably head up to Campbell River and beyond to the narrows to get some Chum for my smoker.
Wind and weather look great this weekend. Think I will give the Oyster River area and South Hornby spots a go this weekend. Have tried the bay a couple times but like what FA mentioned there hasn't been much on the sounder or sign of any sort.
I have been away for 2 weeks and was looking forward to getting home so I can get out fishing again. I will try this Friday if the weather allows. I had lots of luck this time last year.
I went out yesterday. Not sure what the area was called, trolled with the wind 3 hours. 8 Chum, 2 wild coho and a few shakers. All released.

Didn't see another boat anywhere.

Beautiful sunny, warm & flat. Mostly double headers when the fish hit, with lulls in between.
Hey J, sounds like a good day out there. Could you try to be a little more specific about where you launched and your troll direction etc. Not to many fishers have much luck catching chum in the Comox area so any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. eman;) eman