Canucks: 2011/2012

Yeah, I agree with all you guys except Holmsie; I think there's more to it than Crown ;)

If the Weiner don't get the start again I'll be pissed. What a catch La Pierre and Higgy turned out to be. Raymond can sit on his butt for all I care.
Just heard that Schneider is in tonight. This will be the true test of Vancouver's resolve and fortitude. BAck to back games and against a more formidable foe in SJ. This will be THE test of the season for Schnieder. It will be interesting to see if they have the meddle and if they protect him and play solid defense.
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Ride the hot hand...Lou can wait for his turn...This maybe the kick in his pants he needs..Nice game last night... ;)
If both goalies can keep their ego's in check and remember that a team wins the cup in the end, then there will not be a goal tending controversy.
I guess Columbus will have to score the next 3 on Snyder then. Right now I don't think even the Hacks could manage that.
Schnieder man, Schnieder man
Not that Schneider played well, but ****ing Luongo on his stomach again...that guy belly flops more than a 5 year old at a pool. So sick of seeing him on the ice, I'd love nothing more than for him to be gone. One chance in the 3rd period and they score on it, unreal. So angry right now.
Not that Schneider played well, but ****ing Luongo on his stomach again...that guy belly flops more than a 5 year old at a pool. So sick of seeing him on the ice, I'd love nothing more than for him to be gone. One chance in the 3rd period and they score on it, unreal.

You cant win them all.

I don't disagree with the quoted statement.