All Things COVID-19

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My thoughts on all this is they obviously know though contract tracing how spread is occurring so call it out.
There’s a world of difference between asking us to do what’s right and imposing Marshall law.

Asking us to behave like adults got us where we are today.
Imposing Marshall law would’ve stopped this thing In two weeks.
Governments fault for not imposing it.
Citizens fault for not doing what we were asked.
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There’s a world of difference between asking us to do what’s right and imposing Marshall law.

Asking us to behave like adults got us where we are today.
Imposing Marshall law would’ve stopped this thing In two weeks.
Governments fault for not imposing it. Citizens fault for not doing what we were asked.
And some of what we were asked to do, we did, and it contributed to the spread of the disease.

So it's not just that controls weren't imposed aggressively enough, or that we didn't listen. In some cases, listening was part of the problem.
I disagree. Respectfully. But you don’t just catch it from out of the blue. If you don’t expose yourself to other people that have been exposed your not going to get it. It’s simple as that. If you do catch it, either you or someone you were In contact with broke the guidelines.
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I have yet to have my mind changed that the Liberals **** the bed by going in with the Chinese outfit that left us at the altar.
They should have known better, but they cannot get over their CCP lovefest.
This left us at the back of the line with these other vaccines.
Thank you, little potato.
Fair guess you've hated Justin since he was born, because of his last name. There's no facts to support your premise, you just want to hate. I'm not particlarly impressed with him either, but anyone who examines the situation and the facts can see the feds are just one of 200 countries trying to get a piece of a pie that won't be big enough for everyone for a couple of years yet. One opinion does not apply to all situations. Look, learn and think.
I disagree. You don’t just catch it from out of the blue. If you don’t expose yourself to other people that have been exposed your not going to get it. It’s simple as that. If you do catch it, either you or someone you were In contact with broke the guidelines.
Do you remember last April, when it was specifically recommended that people not wear masks?

Following that advice increased your chances of getting covid. But that was the advice at the time.

So just following the instructions we get isn't necessarily a good idea.
Fair guess you've hated Justin since he was born, because of his last name. There's no facts to support your premise, you just want to hate. I'm not particlarly impressed with him either, but anyone who examines the situation and the facts can see the feds are just one of 200 countries trying to get a piece of a pie that won't be big enough for everyone for a couple of years yet. One opinion does not apply to all situations. Look, learn and think.
Nope, I have had a problem with the Liberals and China from when I first learned about Power corporation and the Laurentian elites.
I have a problem with most politicians and I have not found a solution yet.

Justin is just the epitome of all that is wrong with Ottawa. Identity politics, fake feminism, good Lord, the man can't talk straight without speaking points.

I would love to look up to the example being set by my country's leadership, that has not been the case for many years and the situation is getting worse with each PM.

I am a skipper, a business owner and a father, the buck always stops with me. I model the behaviour I want to see in my politicians and I am left disappointed far too often.
I don’t think anyone can say with any assurance that any other party in power would be doing much better but there are a couple things we do know for sure. Trudeau is a joke and is not taken seriously on the world stage, he’s a child in mind and actions. He has done nothing but blunder after blunder since in office. Other than Bill Morneau ( who has quit ) he has surrounded himself with incompetent people. Whom were for the most part appointed because of race or gender and not qualifications. We are not a 3rd world country we are a highly advanced and heavily taxed nation and for what,, this BS. We should be at the top of the list for the vaccine.

What ever, personally I’m just sitting back and watching the show and taking care of my own. Don’t need the government to look after me and never will. I’ll take the good with the bad that’s just life. First bit of crisis this generation has faced yet and everyone is folding like cheap tin foil. Whining about not getting together with friends and kids can’t play like they are used to. Well holy crap. What do you think our grand parents and parents went through through the wars and the Great Depression. Their kids were torn away from them, they were thrown in work camps and death camps. Disease was rampant with no doctors around for miles and to get there it was a frickin horse ride or a buggy ride.

Think for yourself, make the best of it and get on with life as it is. Be happy your alive and have a roof over your head. Enjoy every day your alive and have been blessed to live in such a country even if it is being ran by idiots it’s still better than most. This BS will pass don’t dwell on it.

This is not necessarily directed at anyone on here or our conversations but just my observations of peoples attitudes on this issue in general.
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I don’t think anyone can say with any assurance that any other party in power would be doing much better but there are a couple things we do know for sure. Trudeau is a joke and is not taken seriously on the world stage, he’s a child in mind and actions. He has done nothing but blunder after blunder since in office. Other than Bill Morneau ( who has quit ) he has surrounded himself with incompetent people. Whom were for the most part appointed because of race or gender and not qualifications. We are not a 3rd world country we are a highly advanced and heavily taxed nation and for what,, this BS. We should be at the top of the list for the vaccine.

What ever, personally I’m just sitting back and watching the show and taking care of my own. Don’t need the government to look after me and never will. I’ll take the good with the bad that’s just life. First bit of crisis this generation has faced yet and everyone is folding like cheap tin foil. Whining about not getting together with friends and kids can’t play like they are used to. Well holy crap. What do you think our grand parents and parents went through through the wars and the Great Depression. Their kids were torn away from them, they were thrown in work camps and death camps. Disease was rampant with no doctors around for miles and to get there it was a frickin horse ride or a buggy ride.

Think for yourself, make the best of it and get on with life as it is. Be happy your alive and have a roof over your head. Enjoy every day your alive and have been blessed to live in such a country even if it is being ran by idiots it’s still better than most. This BS will pass don’t dwell on it.

This is not necessarily directed at anyone on here or our conversations but just my observations of peoples attitudes on this issue in general.
Wow, very well said!!! I agree with you fully. Hopefully some people will slow down a bit on their constant belly-aching and take a deep breath.
Your comment doesn't make a ton of sense to me.

Questioning whether I'm doing anything to stop the spread, just because I pointed out that not all the advice the government has given out has been good, and some of it has been directly counterproductive, is pretty much a non-sequitur.

The reality is that just giving more power to the state to enforce their requirements doesn't do anything to establish whether their requirements at any given moment are the best way forward. And since I can give actual direct examples of requirements which made things worse, not better, like telling people masks wouldn't help and might make them sicker, we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the basic principle of "follow whatever rules are being espoused" is not good enough. Back in the spring, I directly went against the advice of the WHO, the CDC, and our government: when I went into any indoor public area, I wore a mask. Should I have been fined?

To my knowledge there is no public data detailed enough that we can really measure whose fault the continued spread is. Population density seems to be a very significant factor, but how do you issue an order like "stop taking public transit"? Or "stop living in intergenerational households"? Or "stop living in cities"? You can't. But those might well be the major factors here. Australia and NZ have done really well and had hard core lockdowns...but they're also seasonally opposite from us, and during the summer, we had hardly any cases. It's very difficult to tell exactly why everything is happening the way it is, so from my perspective, insisting on super aggressive enforcement before we've even figured out what the best rules are is just asking for trouble.
Your comment doesn't make a ton of sense to me.

Questioning whether I'm doing anything to stop the spread, just because I pointed out that not all the advice the government has given out has been good, and some of it has been directly counterproductive, is pretty much a non-sequitur.

The reality is that just giving more power to the state to enforce their requirements doesn't do anything to establish whether their requirements at any given moment are the best way forward. And since I can give actual direct examples of requirements which made things worse, not better, like telling people masks wouldn't help and might make them sicker, we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the basic principle of "follow whatever rules are being espoused" is not good enough. Back in the spring, I directly went against the advice of the WHO, the CDC, and our government: when I went into any indoor public area, I wore a mask. Should I have been fined?

To my knowledge there is no public data detailed enough that we can really measure whose fault the continued spread is. Population density seems to be a very significant factor, but how do you issue an order like "stop taking public transit"? Or "stop living in intergenerational households"? Or "stop living in cities"? You can't. But those might well be the major factors here. Australia and NZ have done really well and had hard core lockdowns...but they're also seasonally opposite from us, and during the summer, we had hardly any cases. It's very difficult to tell exactly why everything is happening the way it is, so from my perspective, insisting on super aggressive enforcement before we've even figured out what the best rules are is just asking for trouble.
Yeah and 50 years ago we didn’t think smoking caused cancer. Then we learned more and changed our regulations regarding cigarettes. Covid is no different. Thinking otherwise Is just willful blindness. I do understand what your saying about people’s jobs and I also realize it’s way too late to crack down now. But it’s not too late to impose significant fines for not following the latest guidelines. And if we can figure out DFOs regs we sure as hell can find out the latest health regs. I’m in manufacturing and my wife is a hospital worker and we work everyday. We follow what the province recommends and no covid. It can be done if you do your part. But not everyone is. I’m asking again if you do?
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And I’m not saying you specifically. People in general.
Yeah and 50 years ago we didn’t think smoking caused cancer. Then we learned more and changed our regulations regarding cigarettes. Covid is no different. Thinking otherwise Is just willful blindness. I do understand what your saying about people’s jobs and I also realize it’s way too late to crack down now. But it’s not too late to impose significant fines for not following the latest guidelines. And if we can figure out DFOs regs we sure as hell can find out the latest health regs. I’m in manufacturing and my wife is a hospital worker and we work everyday. We follow what the province recommends and no covid. It can be done if you do your part. But not everyone is. I’m asking again if you do?
I don't think I'm saying anything about people's jobs...I think you keep mentioning jobs. Maybe I'm missing something I included in a post but I don't think I'm offering an opinion related to jobs.

So far about 98.75% of people in BC have avoided getting COVID, as far as anyone knows. And the outbreaks have been pretty concentrated, so unless you're in an affected zone... pretty easy to give it a miss so far.
I’m near Kelowna. A festering cesspool
of covidiots. So bad here that we need a band of covigilanties to deal out some common sense.
When speaking of fines they are pretty serious in MB about them with close to $1.2M issued since April. I don't know of the direct correlation or if it is helping getting the message across to listen to provincial health orders. Perhaps the fines may be stopping gathering and coupled with their 'code red' they are going in the right direction with a few days in a row with less than 100 new cases when not too long ago their numbers were topping those in BC and they had a test positive rate up around 13% if memory serves me correct.
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