Go trump go

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It's quite the kool-aid being served at the PR firms that pump this crap out.
  • With hunger and lack of opportunity - instability is formed - that is a fact.
  • With all the money being jammed at the top - under the guise of so-called "trickle-down" economics - everyone but the billionaires suffers - that's a fact.
  • The stock market has failed numerous times - the last time - when they pumped in some $700B to keep the banks afloat in the states - while spouting 'free market" - that's a fact.
  • Free trade deals diminish our governance mechanisms by giving our rights away to lawyers and bankers in the back room - that's a fact.
I think these four points are why Trumps message won. We will see if he delivers. When people are working in good paying jobs they are too busy making money to consider hanging around in gangs and getting into trouble. Buy the way the "they" that pumped in the $700B was the lowly taxpayer thats still paying that debt off.
I think these four points are why Trumps message won. We will see if he delivers. When people are working in good paying jobs they are too busy making money to consider hanging around in gangs and getting into trouble. Buy the way the "they" that pumped in the $700B was the lowly taxpayer thats still paying that debt off.

That 700billion (actually 1.3 trillion) was money printed. There is no debt on gov books.
It goes on the FED balance sheet.
That 700billion (actually 1.3 trillion) was money printed. There is no debt on gov books.
It goes on the FED balance sheet.

I will add. The circumstances leading to that was enabled by Bill Clinton then furthered by Bush, then the end game was filled out by Obama.
Obama at that stage didn't have a choice, it was let go so far that if he didn't we would be back in the Stone Age.
I will add. The circumstances leading to that was enabled by Bill Clinton then furthered by Bush, then the end game was filled out by Obama.
Obama at that stage didn't have a choice, it was let go so far that if he didn't we would be back in the Stone Age.
Are you saying the USA economy is on a downhill race to the bottom.
Only a matter of time til all this debt catches up to them?
not too worry...we in Canada have a larger debt per capita then the USA
Are you saying the USA economy is on a downhill race to the bottom.
Only a matter of time til all this debt catches up to them?
not too worry...we in Canada have a larger debt per capita then the USA

When we start going this way, it's getting kinda off thread. But I guess the main topic on this is going nowhere.

To be honest, the way the money world sees it, the whole western world is in trouble. Our time at the top has maybe peaked. It's happened to civilizations from the start all the way to now and that cycle ain't gunna change. Our problem is we have only lived at the top so we don't know what the real world is like. People with our general lifestyle are the MINORITY in the world's population.

Maybe the debt will catch up with us, I say us because the whole western world is in the same hole. But the way they have cornered the market, it's actually like debt doesn't matter anymore. In saying that, the free market tends to equalize things in the end. It doesn't care who is winning, us or them, every world dominate force so far has had its butt beat in the end by debt. Over and over. We aren't immune to the way the universe works.
The US economy is ****, but the thing is, as AA says, this spaceship is all we have, so the US is still acting as what it is and has been for decades, the "core" of the world economy. Basically that's saying that the US is the cleanest of the dirty shirts on the floor.
We will crash, when that happens is kinda up to us.

You guys touting money/economy isn't everything need to have a good look what your lifestyle might be when we get knocked off the top birch and live like what the BRICs have lived like in the last 100 years. Be careful what you guys wish for.
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I think you've found your 15 min's of fame on this thread....
it's wearing out :(

Lots of other threads to read mate.

You really don't want to hear the other side of the story? I might be wrong here, but show me where that is and I'm open to change my mind. But don't bring emotional thinking to my rational argument.

Otherwise if you just want me to shut up then it's just because you thought you might be able to talk down to a Trump supporter. The idea in your head about what I am might be wrong.
There 2 or 3 common denominators(participants) in threads on this forum that get going the way this one is. I don't have to name them it's sooo obvious. They just can't accept that there will be those with different opinions than theirs and until they can topics like these will always go into a tailspin here as this one is now.
Lock it up admin thanks to the usual suspects.
There 2 or 3 common denominators(participants) in threads on this forum that get going the way this one is. I don't have to name them it's sooo obvious. They just can't accept that there will be those with different opinions than theirs and until they can topics like these will always go into a tailspin here as this one is now.
Lock it up admin thanks to the usual suspects.

I disagree.

It gets a bit heated. But this is tame really.
Why lock up a discussion everyone needs to have? What we need to work on is this BS of labeling people that have a difference of opinion.

My encounters here don't influence any other thread here. Ask AA what I did after the last one. I still report when I go out and join in on any fishing topics I fee I can add to.
It seems a bit simplistic to pretend that their will be jobs for all in Trumpalot.

It goes be far beyond cranking up the factories and pretending it's 1955 again.

The "undereducated' are exactly that. So the only jobs they can do mostly are ones that require not much IQ....in the old days that would have been at the factories in large part.

But nowadays , thanks to technology, all sorts of jobs are being outsourced. Not just factory jobs.

If you can replace a person with technology, they'll do it. And lots of factory jobs are now done by robots.

Here in Canada we have more people walking around that have diplomas but no job than you can shake a stick at.

Too many educated people? Too many getting the wrong kind of diplomas?

The days of getting a factory job and making a lifetime of it in Canada are all but totally gone now. So it's not only tough for the uneducated but the educated as well.

Canada was never run by Bill Clinton. Yet a lot of Canadian producers are now manufacturing offshore in China, Thailand etc. and have been doing it for years.

I think it's a bit of a stretch to blame global offshore manufacturing on Bill Clinton. It's done worldwide by many countries.
Part of the problem is that many of the manufacturing companies are now owned by international conglomerates...not U.S. companies. And they go anywhere they like and do whatever they like, with no loyalty to anyone except themselves and the share holders.

I am also at a loss to understand the raging hatred for MediCare-type plans in the U.S...
Trumpasaurus can dis Canada's MediCare all he wants. But it's worked fine for me all my life with zero complaints. Yes, I have to pay the tri-monthly contribution. But better that than getting dinged a gazillion dollars for a trip to the hospital.
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It seems a bit simplistic to pretend that their will be jobs for all in Trumpalot.

It goes be far beyond cranking up the factories and pretending it's 1955 again.

The "undereducated' are exactly that. So the only jobs they can do mostly are ones that require not much IQ....in the old days that would have been at the factories in large part.

But nowadays , thanks to technology, all sorts of jobs are being outsourced. Not just factory jobs.

If you can replace a person with technology, they'll do it. And lots of factory jobs are now done by robots.

Here in Canada we have more people walking around that have diplomas but no job than you can shake a stick at.

Too many educated people? Too many getting the wrong kind of diplomas?

Canada was never run by Bill Clinton. Yet a lot of Canadian producers are now manufacturing offshore in China, Thailand etc.

I think it's bit of a stretch to blame global offshore manufacturing on Bill Clinton. It's done worldwide by many countries.

I think your referring to me in regards to Bill? What I was saying about Bill was he repealed the Glass-Stegal Act and let the bankers run wild with leverage.

Anyway, even automated factories have large numbers of humans either working in it (on the floor, maintenance, middle management, finance, etc) or working out of it (deliveries, accountants, advertising agencies, local/state/federal tax, the list goes on and on). No one ever said that no one will be left behind. It will happen because that's the system we have, but with a government that is friendly towards business/economy and let's go of mindless regulation (Socialism style) then the ones left behind have a chance to use their brains and make a go of it somehow. Necessity is the mother of invention, this leftist socialistic mentality stops ingenuity and breeds entitlement.
That's not true at all. There are quite a few factories in China that have less than half a dozen people running them during production hours. Factories that previously would have had a hundred or more people there.

Yes.... . you're right. Employees get laid off and left behind. But we all know that only a few ever have the skills to go beyond what they know.
And the result is the situation at hand. In the U.S.A ...but elsewhere too.

So along comes Trumpamatic and gets elected on the myth that all these people are going to be magically employed again.
But by your own admission, the leftist socialist mentality stops ingenuity and breeds entitlement.

I doubt Trump (and any other big U.S. or international company) has any intention of paying medical-dental premiums , retirement plans or union wages any more if they can get away with it. Most companies think they are doing miserably if they don't get at least a 20% profit margin.

You have to wonder who the real racist/bigots are here.

Trumpoleon went his whole campaign firing up the trash redneck white supremacist portion of people's brains...even dressing like one himself with the good ol' boy baseball cap.

Then he gets elected and says " I never said those nasty things...you don't know the real me....I'm the least racist guy you'll ever meet".

So which one is he? If he isn't really the person he says he was during campaigning, then he simply said it all because that's what they wanted to hear and thanks to that they voted for him.

Without a doubt Obama's IQ is higher than Trumps.

Lol.....I just read today that Omerosa (remember her?) actually works for Trump now and said that they are keeping a list of all the people that don't like His Lordship.
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That's not true at all. There are quite a few factories in China that have less than half a dozen people running them during production hours. Factories that previously would have had a hundred or more people there.

Yes.... . you're right. Employees get laid off and left behind. But we all know that only a few ever have the skills to go beyond what they know.
And the result is the situation at hand. In the U.S.A ...but elsewhere too.

So along comes Trumpamatic and gets elected on the myth that all these people are going to be magically employed again.
But by your own admission, the leftist socialist mentality stops ingenuity and breeds entitlement.

I doubt Trump (and any other big U.S. or international company) has any intention of paying medical-dental premiums , retirement plans or union wages any more if they can get away with it. Most companies think they are doing miserably if they don't get at least a 20% profit margin.

You have to wonder who the real racist/bigots are here.

Trumpoleon went his whole campaign firing up the trash redneck white supremacist portion of people's brains...even dressing like one himself with the good ol' boy baseball cap.

Then he gets elected and says " I never said those nasty things...you don't know the real me....I'm the least racist guy you'll ever meet".

So which one is he? If he isn't really the person he says he was during campaigning, then he simply said it all because that's what they wanted to hear and thanks to that they voted for him.

Which means that approximately 50% of the voters that got out and voted are racist, misogynist bigots.

Would you rather half the pie or none of the pie?!
I'm not sure what your argument is with the statement about Chinese factories. If they are running that way and have the largest growth rate in the world and have brought more people into the middle class than the world has ever seen, I don't see what the problem is.

Driving off business with regulation/taxes means you lose all the pie.

After 2008, almost everyone in Australia was given $900 from the gov. Now a lot of people cried about it being a waste of money, it was all going to China (TVs, etc etc), but what they missed was the spin offs throughout the economy that money had, i.e. The guy who sold me the tv, the delivery guy, the docks that brought it in, the list goes on and that's only to do with the TV. What about how everyone down the line of getting me that TV spent their money? You see what I mean?

Those people without the skills can either chose to gain some skills and somehow get involved in the economy with a business friendly gov or they can wallow and collect benefits with a socialistic gov.

I'm sorry, but humans aren't immune to the same forces that rule nature. Try and argue that with someone from the working class in India/China.
I'm not trying to be a jerk here, buts just how it is. It's not going to change no matter how much we want it to.

Again your missing the point with how Trump got elected.
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It's not about the problem as you see it. It's about how the Americans that voted Trump in see it. Those middle class Chinese jobs should have been their jobs is what they're thinking.
Trump is giving them the illusion that they will get them back.

And no...I'm not missing the point at all on how Trump got elected. It's quite clear to see how Trump got elected.

He got elected in part because the voting majority thinks Trump is so damn good at business that only he and he alone can transform the vast derelict wasteland once known as America to it's former glory.

I guess that's what Americans get these days with their penchant for electing movie and second-rate t.v. stars for governor and president.

India/China? Worked the same there.

Lots of poor people with limited skills .....even though their education system is different than ours.
Build factory.
Poor people now work at factory and make a living.
Only they work cheaper than Americans and they're totally expendable/fireable and can be made to work in sub-human conditions/hours.
Make product.
Sell it back in USA for close to 100% markup.
Big corporate win. Screw the USA customer if they don't like it.

Trumps' clothing line was made offshore.


Donald Trump’s Contract with the American Voter

What follows is my 100-day action plan to Make America Great Again.
It is a contract between myself and the American voter — and begins with restoring honesty and accountability, and bringing change to Washington.
On the rst day of my term of office, my administration will immediately pursue the following:

Six measures to clean up the corruption and special interest collusion in Washington, DC:

★ FIRST, propose a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress.

★ SECOND, a hiring freeze on all federal employees
to reduce the federal workforce through attrition (exempting military, public safety, and public health).

★ THIRD, a requirement that for every new federal regulation, two existing regulations must be eliminated.

★ FOURTH, a ve-year ban on White House and Congressional officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government service.

★ FIFTH, a lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.

★ SIXTH, a complete ban on foreign lobbyists raising money for American elections.

Seven actions to protect American workers:

★ FIRST, I will announce my intention to renegotiate NAFTA or withdraw from the deal under Article 2205.

★ SECOND, I will announce our withdrawal from the Trans-Paci c Partnership.

★ THIRD, I will direct the Secretary of the Treasury to label China a currency manipulator.

★ FOURTH, I will direct the Secretary of Commerce and U.S. Trade Representative to identify all foreign trading abuses that unfairly impact American workers and direct them to use every tool under American and international law to end those abuses immediately.

★ FIFTH, I will lift the restrictions on the production of $50 trillion dollars’ worth of job-producing American energy reserves,

including shale, oil, natural gas and clean coal.

  • ★ SIXTH, lift the Obama-Clinton roadblocks and allow vital energy infrastructure projects, like the Keystone Pipeline, to move forward.

  • ★ SEVENTH, cancel billions in payments to U.N. climate change programs and use the money to x America’s water and environmental infrastructure.

    Five actions to restore security

    and the constitutional rule of law:
  • ★ FIRST, cancel every unconstitutional executive action, memorandum and order issued by President Obama.

  • ★ SECOND, begin the process of selecting a replacement for Justice Scalia from one of the 20 judges on my list, who will uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution.

  • ★ THIRD, cancel all federal funding to sanctuary cities.

  • ★ FOURTH, begin removing the more than two million criminal illegal immigrants from the country and cancel visas to foreign countries that won’t take them back.

  • ★ FIFTH, suspend immigration from terror-prone regions where vetting cannot safely occur. All vetting of people coming into our country will be considered “extreme vetting.”

continued on the back


Your signature




I think the Americans spoke loud and clear.
nearly half the population did NOT vote, I think the number was close to 120 million eligible voters that did not vote.
or maybe its just that they didnt believe in either candidate. and couldnt cast an honest vote
just random thoughts and nothing more,
I think the Americans spoke loud and clear.
nearly half the population did NOT vote, I think the number was close to 120 million eligible voters that did not vote.
or maybe its just that they didnt believe in either candidate. and couldnt cast an honest vote
just random thoughts and nothing more,
That's a shitload.
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