WOT: Gun it or Easy Up?


Active Member
When I bought my boat (Silverstreak 18.5, 140 Zuke), during the sea trial, the dealer gave me some advice I'd like to test on the community. Basically, he said when accelerating to get on step: don't pussyfoot, open it up hard, get up and ease back. Been on a few boats recently where the captain just slowly throttled up, pushed a bunch of water and eventually found himself on plane. What do you do? Which is better for the engine?
Yam dealer told me the worst thing you can do is slowly power up, Really hard on the engine just like when you're in rough seas and on the throttle constantly. Way better to power up max then draw back on the power as you get onto step,
Slowly going up onto plane just wastes fuel. You're pushing a lot of water for longer than necessary.

My etec has a variable exhaust valve that opens at 4500 rpm. Important to make it open and close a few times each outing so that the valve doesn't carbon up. Mid section replacement is fkn expensive. So, run it to 5000 then throttle back to whatever cruise is for that day's set of wind, water and boat conditions.
go slowly until its at temp then slide smoothly forward until on plane and back down to cruise. theres no need to slam it or do it excessively slowly either. everything in moderation. be sure to do 5 min of WOT 5800rpm end of the day though.
I run up diesel engines at the end of a trip, blows out any carbon build up.
It was really necessary when gillnetting and running the diesel at idle or low rpms for days.
I am not sure of utility with modern electronic gas engines that you are running at proper temperature.
Is there a mechanical or technical reason for doing this?
its supposed to get engine to high enough temp so it burns off any oil it made during the trip. its important for yammys and likely mercs where the engines run cool and make oil. also supposedly reduces carbon build up. my yammy manual recommend it so i do it.