winter springs off Sooke unbelieveable

Tide no big deal. Nothing to get hooked up on. You don't have to bo right on the bottom either.

cheers Codfish.

Agreed on the tides. We normally fish 2 downriggers, 12lb balls, with 2 rods stacked on each side as little as 10' apart.

Rarely have any problems, although one day, Oct 1, big current pushed us from the Head to near Race Rocks and we got into what we figure were some big upwells down deep. Lines stacked up to 50' apart where getting fouled.
Thanks for input - my fishfinder is pretty much useless deeper than 100', so not like I'd be able to see the fish in the mid depths...was thinking of running one just off bottom, another 40-50' off bototm
Hi new here.
I live on the Olympic peninsula in the states, if the action you guys are talking about will still be around next weekend (DEC, 10-11,) I'd love to join you. I would leave from Port Angeles and throw hardware. Can anyone give me GPS numbers or recomend tackle? I currently plan on throwing darts if I fish deep, or swimbaits if the silvers are shallow. Thanks alot.

2 key areas for the springs are around the island inside Beechey Bay - coords zone 10, 454902E 5353215N (this is between the island and the shore - don't go bombing in with heavy fog or you'll probably smack into the island!), and then the Sooke bluffs (not sure of location as only have fished it a couple times like 10 years ago) - rough coords I believe 444067E 5356731N. I assume you will see the boats in these areas as to best locations once there!

Read up on the report here for gear to use...
went out Sunday. fished tide change at Whirl Bay , got nothing. Saw one boat get one. Trolled back around Bentnicks nothing. Then after 4 hours finally got a spring at a tideline at around 100 feet. The tideline was about 500 meters away from Betnick Island.

Trolled into the marina by the campground = nothing

saw a guy at the dock, he got 1 grilse.

pretty slow that day...
Thanks concerned and DEEwar
I have downriggers and the rigs to run them, just don't like playing in all that tackle. I'm a live bait blue water kind of guy at heart, but am looking for some local stuff to do after the sun goes away. I've been running submarines in and out of the straights for awhile now and am pretty comfortable with the fog, weather, seas etc. I don't do anything that looks ugly, a fish just isn't worth me or my boat, but my ugly and your ugly maybe a little diffrent. If Dec is too early, when should I go looking for silvers up there?
Thanks again
Hi guys report i have gotten from a fellow guide that went out for 2 trips on sunday morning trip 1 he got 3 off of constance and one off the waterfront afternoon trip he started at clover was slow so he moved to albert got one spring and then his guest fought a hali for over 2 hours a 60 lber that was snagged on the top of its back. then that was it back in.but ill take a hali anytime over salmon!!!!!!!

Keep you all updated Wolf
I went out for to Sooke for 4 hrs with the wife on Sunday and got 2 springs (6,8lb).
It was slower than it has been for the last couple of weeks but the weather was definately unbeatable for November.
Noyb, if you're looking for "silvers" this side Juan de Fuca, you've got a bit of a wait...August through October best.