West Coast Conservation Measures

I try not to respond to my own posts, but in this case I must. This is alot of information for the normal sporty to absorb. are The DFO trying to confuse us to the point where we don't no where to fish, dont no how many we can catch and then when we do, how big is the next one allowed to be? eman
What are you confused about-little has changed in the Regs.

If you know the area it's quite simple and if you don't you have to study your Charts while cross referencing the DFO maps which show the designated areas in question.
Wow, can't get much better help than that can you, unless you phone telus and get their automated system. That's a beauty. Good luck with the regs, I haven't looked lately, quite frankly, I'm with you , very confusing.
Just remember who your dealing with here, the FEDERAL dept. of fisheries, bureaucrats from eastern Canada, not known for great decision making and the lords of confusion.
Yeah.... that's pretty bad. Soon we'll start having regs like Washington State. Those can be fun.
At least we don't have those weird Chinook tags anymore. Remember those? Red plastic things you had to loop through the gills/mouth when you retained a spring. I found some in an old tacklebox a few years ago. I think those were used sometime in the 80's.