Waste Dump site North of Lund


Well-Known Member
We have just been informed of a proposed new dump site North of Lund at the entrance to Desolation Sound. We have a family cabin in the area, and are very concerned about the environmental impacts and industrial activity in the area. It's at Old Lady Bay, if anyone knows the area, near Sarah Point and the Sunshine Coast Trail. A great fishing area in the summer.

We are asking lots of questions and encouraging others to speak up. While the material from Squamish is identified as non-toxic wood waste, we question that given its coming from an old mill site that was close to a mine. It is also not necessarily the only source of material for the site. Work has already begun to prepare the site. Figures someone would buy the site recently, put forward an application immediately in the middle of winter when fewer are in the area, and plan to start dumping in January. In the midst of a pandemic no less.

The article from Powell River Peak is linked below.

We have initiated a letter writing campaign among residents in the area. Looking for other ideas as well to see what can be done. Comments to BC ministry of Environment are due next week on the application for the site.

Been through process before. I would get a group going and carefully watch every move MoE is doing.

Your group should contact Sonia F. Green party leader. She does still have the ear of Horgan on this kind of thing.....

You may not be able to stop it but you do have a right to be engaged on process.

Be careful of wood dredging thats a red flag.
Thanks SilverVelocity. We have reached out to Sonia, knowing what she was able to accomplish at Shawnigan, but no response yet. Comments to the Ministry of Environment must be submitted by Wednesday!
What your missing is that the NDP is allowing this to happen. In Victoria, the NDP gifted a piece of land designated as a park with a salmon bearing creek running through it to BC Transit. They are building a maintenance yard on the site. Located in a residential area, near an elementary school, all because the province owned the land. The Greens where no help in stopping this.
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Have seen an indication that the application is being withdrawn! Trying to confirm with the Ministry, will confirm when received.
What your missing is that the NDP is allowing this top happen. In Victoria, the NDP gifted a piece of land designated as a park with a salmon bearing creek running through it to BC Transit. They are building a maintenance yard on the site. Located in a residential area, near an elementary school, all because the province owned the land. The Greens where no help in stopping this.

Yeah a little different as it is not industrial waste site. Different processes.

Just remember the MOE is the same year after year regardless of government changes. Guarantee the municipality wanted it gave idea. That's what happens with all these projects. How do you think Shawnigan started? That was the municipality idea.

In your case your not going to be able to stop it. You can though ask to review the RAR has bone done for the creek. This would ask how they plan to monitor etc. A QEP also should have done a report. I would ask for it.

The biggest flaw in these projects isn't the projects themselves. MoE has a track record enforcement and monitoring issues. It has been getting better so I have hard from switch on government.

Look at Shawnigan they still have all that toxic waste above the watershed. May have stopped but still there.
The proponent has confirmed that they are withdrawing the application. We will watch and see what happens next. Thanks for your interest.