Wanted - Old Furuno GP1850DF card


New Member
As the title states, I'm looking for a (discontinued) Navionics FP-card with local Vancouver Island waters for a Furuno GP1850DF.

Upgraded our boat this Fall and the new one came with the Furuno electronics and mapping for the Mid-Atlantic Canyons (which, I might add, I'd be happy to trade for local waters mapping! Ha ha..) I'm hoping for a season or two out of the electronics before upgrading, but that depends on being able to find local maps.

got my maps on ebay a few years ago. seemed like the best price i could find at the time.
Thanks for the replies. No success yet between local shops here in the Valley, Harbour Chandler and the depths of the Internet.

The gentleman I spoke with at Chandler today actually told me he threw out a bag of them about 4 years ago. :eek:

Then he introduced me to some of the new systems and I suddenly seem to have lost interest in the old unit...