Wanted - Complete Fuel Line Assembly for Yamaha 8HP

DE 185

In need of a complete fuel line assembly (end connections, primer ball and hose) for my Yamaha 8HP High Thrust. Let me know if you have something suitable and how much you want. Thanks (I'm in Victoria)
In need of a complete fuel line assembly (end connections, primer ball and hose) for my Yamaha 8HP High Thrust. Let me know if you have something suitable and how much you want. Thanks (I'm in Victoria)
Don’t screw around with used fuel lines. The O rings get weak and split and then leak gas all over in your boat and in the water. They can suck air and there you are out in the water broke down. Do as Roy said either build a new one or go to CT and for $60 buy the Yamaha replacement line. Don’t screw around on the water run new and reliable equipment. What are you going to save $20, not worth it to me that’s for sure.
I might have a couple new ones in my shop, original Yamaha un used. I’ll take a look tomorrow and let you know.