Vinyl windows for FREE! Victoria


Crew Member
I’m rocking a reno in Cordova Bay. All windows (8-10 of them) are still good but it’s a full gut job. I donated some to the restore but they didn’t have room for them all. I scored 12’ sliders for my house :D

Anyone building a garage or cottage can come grab them before they go in the bin. Bring a case for the crew and we’ll call it even Steven.

Pm if you are interested

Good one @Stizzla. The forum should be a safe place to offer free stuff.

NEVER do this on FB Marketplace though, the array of freaks and geeks that come out of the woodwork for free stuff is just nuts. I made that mistake just once, 40+ messages in the first afternoon. Took the ad down, took new pictures and reposted a couple days later for $10 or $20 each. Got about a tenth of the messages, sales were quick and simple. Whereas the fans of FREE wanted me to hold, could I deliver, could I take closeup pics... FMD what a goon show.