VHF 101 - little help with the basics

I have the same radio, with the same MMSI set up, for the same reason. The HX851 has DSC; the HX291 does not.

Thanks Saxe , yeah I just checked and it was the HX851 ( GPS/DSC ) I looked at am likely going to get, not the HX290. It was alittle under $300 anyway. For the higher cost to have GPS /DSC, for me I feel its a no brainer for the added saftey. Interesting about the additional MMSI #. I just assumed I'd enter the same number as my boat VHF but as discussed in another thread that would mean with only one MMSI in a MOB situation the CCG would seaching for a particular boat and not a person floating in the water away from their boat!! I will search some prices for the HX851 before I buy and will post any good price I find.
Did you guys pick those HX851's up locally in Vic?

Hey Kildonan....I too have the same one and got it I think a year or so ago from a retailer in Vancouver. BIG savings at the time from the advertised prices I saw when looking online or places like Steveston, West Marine etc. PM me if you want the info and I assume they would ship it to you....or if the deal is worth it I could pick it up and ship over to you collect. The retailer is about 4 mins from my house.
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Hey Kildonan....I too have the same one and got it I think a year or so ago from a retailer in Vancouver. BIG savings at the time from the advertised prices I saw when looking online or places like Steveston, West Marine etc. PM me if you want the info and I assume they would ship it to you....or if the deal is worth it I could pick it up and ship over to you collect. The retailer is about 4 mins from my house.

He's right. Those guys in Vancouver have regular sales that are worth watching for. I think I got mine at PoCo Marine.