Troy Desouza gets the message

Tips Up

Well-Known Member
Received a mail stuffer from Conservative Troy DeSouza yesterday.

On a 5" x 11" piece of cardstock there is only so much room to get your message across and market yourself to voters.
On 1 side there are 2 pictures and a simple message. 1 picture of Troy fishing with his kids and 1 picture of the traffic issues on the Trans Canada Highway commute.

The message in the center is:

"You've told me to fight for:
- Federal funding to build a McKenzie Overpass
-More Shipbuilding jobs for Esquimalt
-Fairness in our halibut fisheries
-Expanding our high tech sector for more high tech jobs"

I was pleased to see that in his campaign he sees the halibut allocation issues worthy of making his marketing plan and 1 of the top 4 issues that he has "been asked to fight for"

I will be following up with a letter to him the regulars asking what he will do to "fight" for this and get a general feel for his sincerity.

Guaranteed just lip service if Harper really wanted our votes he would have announced new halibut allocation policy when he was here just two days ago.
That is the part I am finding very difficult about this election.

Do I vote for the local riding that supports my interests and concerns even though I know Harper clearly does not?
Is it most important that we get as many of the Westcoast Candidates that support our issues on board so they can carry the message?
Does anyone in Ottawa care about our views on the west coast? Do they understand our lifestyle at all?

At least DeSouza has acknowleged the issue. Beyond this mailout I have heard from others who have spoken to him directly and he seems to be legit.
None of the other candidates seem to care.

I guess I will need to contact him myself and make decisions from there.

Of course this is not the only issue that will effect my decision but it will carry some weight.

Well I'll give him this...
I sent him an e-mail asking for his views on a few specifics and tried to keep it short and very open ended.
I had included my cell number and had a call back 15 min later.
Unfortunately I missed the call and he left me a message with some quick answers and an invite to discuss further. Upon calling him back he was just parking at an event so we will be getting together to discuss later this week.

My questions will be kept simple
What are his views on the Halibut Allocation? What are his solutions?
What are his views on Fish Farms? What are his solutions?
What can/will he do about it?
How can I support him if it means supporting a Conservative Government that has failed me in these areas and proven to not be making any changes?

I talked with Troy De Sousa in Campbell River last Saturday before the PM arrived.

I can tell you that he is firmly on our side of the Halibut Allocation issue. He even has some of us as advisors on the issue.

I will also vouch for John Koury and James Lunney in the two Nanaimo ridings.

John Duncan as we all know has been a disapointment on the Halibut issue. However, he has been on the side of firearms owners and hunters when it comes to getting rid of the Failed Liberal Gun Registry.

No matter how this election turns out in Vancouver Island North, I would ask that people here who want to see change both here and in Ottawa join the Conservative Party and work with the local Constituency Association to find a suitable candidate that we can all support in the next election.

Many of you here have already proven that you can work and make change. It would be great to have you onboard making those changes from within.
FYI ... they can only "support" the Mckenzie overpass, the federal gov't has no say whether our provincial ministry of transportation will build the overpass or not... good marketing gimick though, will probably get a few people.
"Many of you here have already proven that you can work and make change. It would be great to have you onboard making those changes from within.

Not a chance in hell--- Do you REALLY think that Duncan did more than squat to address the issue before the election call. He did not-- All he did was defend Shea and his commercial buddies. In fact you dont seem to understand that Duncan was one of the architects of the conservative spin on a liberal plan to privatize our resources. He was in this fiasco up to his ears when he was the West Coast fisheries advisor to Min. Hearn.

Dont get sucked in-- this party is NOT a friend of recreational fishermen. Ignore the last minute crys of anguish from Duncan that he will work to "resolve" the allocation issue. Oh sure he will, until he gets back in as an MP.

remember the old adage-- "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice- shame on me.
My personal views are I take no fight or issue with those Conservative candidates who openly support the recreational anglers on the Halibut issue. I do think we have to keep the political pressure on guys like Duncan who did not support us. We have been very effective at sending a clear message backed up by our actions. It is getting noticed, particularly if it has become part of an election platform. To take our foot off the gas now would be a huge mistake. This is a political issue, and the only way to resolve it is with a political response from our sector that we see through to the end. When all is said and done, IF the Conservatives truly want to engage the recreational sector when they form the next Government and find a win/win solution, we would be more than happy to work with them at that time. Ball is now in their court.