TODAY! - Port Hardy - John Duncan Campaign Office Open - TODAY


Active Member
April 4, 2011
Dear Friends,
John Duncan, our Conservative Candidate for Vancouver Island North will be hosting an official Campaign Office Opening tomorrow in Port Hardy. Your participation and involvement are very important. This will be a great opportunity to speak with, and lend your support to John and our Conservative party. The opposition parties chose to cause an unnecessary, opportunistic election and this is an important time to send them a message that Canadians do not want to be governed by an Ignatieff-led coalition with the NDP and Bloc. I strongly encourage you to come out and show your support for John. Details below:

Date: Tuesday April 5, 2011
Time: 11 a.m. <<<-----------------------------------------
Location: #2-7070 Market St. V0N 2P0
(Port Hardy Shopping Plaza)

Thank you,
C'mon Sushihunter - this is spam plain and simple. Go to a political forum to spread your "announcement"
Great Work..I am really looking forward to seeing the back of this slime eel on the way out the door!
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Great Work..I am really looking forward to seeing the back of this slime eel on the way out the door!

I agree Islandgirl, but.....who else do we have to vote for??

If it was not for the local rag and one from CR, nobody up here on the North Island would know who to vote for. Duncan is the ONLY one who has signs up here in McNeill and we are a quarter of the way through the campaign. (the green party has one as well, but they have no name on their one sign here in McNeill). Hell I do not even know the name of the Liberal candidate and and the NDP is some woman from down Island who has not bothered to even get any notices up here. We need full representation and right now, Duncan is the only one who has stepped up here.

Not saying he gets my vote, but if the others do not show any interest in the rest of the North Island, then they have nobody to blame but themselves.....


I agree Islandgirl, but.....who else do we have to vote for??

If it was not for the local rag and one from CR, nobody up here on the North Island would know who to vote for. Duncan is the ONLY one who has signs up here in McNeill and we are a quarter of the way through the campaign. (the green party has one as well, but they have no name on their one sign here in McNeill). Hell I do not even know the name of the Liberal candidate and and the NDP is some woman from down Island who has not bothered to even get any notices up here. We need full representation and right now, Duncan is the only one who has stepped up here.

Not saying he gets my vote, but if the others do not show any interest in the rest of the North Island, then they have nobody to blame but themselves.....


I agree, I was up in the comox valley today and there was a very strong presence of Dunkin signs (made my stomach knot up for sure). The other parties need to step it up and get the ball rolling! Duncan has pulled out all the stops to get his name smeared all over the place. (I sure haven't seen the same numbers of Conservative signs in other communities that I noticed today in the Valley).

Iron Noggin mentioned on another thread that in all likelyhood Duncan is being groomed to be the next Fisheries minister, and it looks like he wants it by just the shear number of signs that he has pasted the valley with (it's a sea of blue). More people need to be educated as to his apparent agendas, which don't appear to include the average citizen that he is asking to vote for him. His time is over, he has to go.

Sad thing is that if he gets voted back in and is placed into the position of Fisheries Minister, the BC Salwater Sport Fishery will become a memory IMO.
A number of buddies have agreed to collectively vote in protest NDP up north this time. Apparently the NDP candidate has the best chances of all others to beat Duncan. Here is a blurb on her:

About Ronna-Rae Leonard
Ronna-Rae is a two term councillor for the city of Courtenay.

She chairs the Vancouver Island Regional Library Board, the Comox Valley Cycling Task Force, and the Housing and Homelessness Standing Committee of the Comox Valley Regional District.

Ronna-Rae also serves on the executive of the local government association for Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities.

Ronna-Rae is a researcher, public educator, and project manager for community environmental protection organizations. She works hard to apply her environmental activism to her civic duties, where she advocates for cost effective and environmentally sensitive community services.

Ronna-Rae and her husband Ron Eby, have lived in the Comox Valley for over twenty years. They have raised two children.

contact Ronna-Rae Leonard at 334-4441 or email
C'mon Sushihunter - this is spam plain and simple. Go to a political forum to spread your "announcement"

You REALLY don't know me, do you?

For one, I am a true card-carrying member of the Conservative Party of Canada.

I knew John when I still lived in Vancouver.

I have voted for John Duncan in the past.

I MAY vote for him again - I haven't decided yet.

I KNEW that by posting that notice (and others) HERE just what kind of reception he was likely to get.

That's WHY I did it. To put pressure on him about the Halibut Quota Issue.

As expected, the guys did what was needed to deliver the message.

Look, there are many issues besides Halibut that are important to me. Halibut, while important, is only one. I am also interested in returning some sort of freedom to own a hunting rifle without having to describe it in detail to some government busybody. I am interested in having a government that will not spend us into the poor house and increase my taxes to pay for it. I am interested in having a strong military that has the tools needed to do the jobs we ask of them.

Look, this forum has been political for many months now. No getting away from that. Just look at all the meetings up and down the coast. Normally, you can't get fishing guides to agree on what bar to meet at after a days fishing, never mind getting them to work together on a political issue. The fact that they are, means something is happening, and the politicians had better pay attention.

I've supported Duncan in 3 elections now. That won't stop me from giving him an earful next time I see him face to face. His position is wrong, and his attempts to avoid it are just plain stupid. I want to hear him tell me what his reasoning is for taking this stand.

And for the record, there are many Conservative candidates and MP's who do support us on the Halibut issue. Troy DeSousa in Esqumalt-Juan de Fuca for one, Saxton in North Vancouver for another, and others who could be named by the people on this forum.

Please don't tar all the BC Conservatives on this issue. There are other matters that are important. Like not letting the Liberals ever get power until they disown the Firearms Act (C-68), and the Long-gun Registry.

One thing I do want is a Conservative Majority government - the question is whether John Duncan will be part of that government.
Totally correct Sushi! We have to selectively vote this time to bring our halibut/fish farming etc messages across. These issues divide the candidates through all parties. ASK YOUR CANDIDATES, no matter which party (!!!), what their positions are on fisheries issues and THEN decide on how to vote. Duncan and Lunn happen to be conservatives that NEED to go. But as Sushi said there are a number of conservative candidates who are prepared to take us seriously. So voting out those few ignorant MP's will by no means decides who is going to govern this country. Don't forget this in your considerations. This is a strategic vote to bring our fisheries issues on Ottawas tables! Go get then guys!
Totally correct Sushi! We have to selectively vote this time to bring our halibut/fish farming etc messages across. These issues divide the candidates through all parties. ASK YOUR CANDIDATES, no matter which party (!!!), what their positions are on fisheries issues and THEN decide on how to vote. Duncan and Lunn happen to be conservatives that NEED to go. But as Sushi said there are a number of conservative candidates who are prepared to take us seriously. So voting out those few ignorant MP's will by no means decides who is going to govern this country. Don't forget this in your considerations. This is a strategic vote to bring our fisheries issues on Ottawas tables! Go get then guys!

While Lunn may have to go, the worst thing that could happen is for May to take his place. She is insane amounts of inept and has an ego the size of New York City...this woman is nothing short of the worst thing to happen to Cdn politics in years!
I beg to differ, serengeti. A little bit (1 MP I mean) green representation in Ottawa will not hurt, it will show those other clowns that they are NOT invincible, and she is the only candidate in Saanich/Gulf Isl. that will be able to push Lunn over the edge. Sorry, here it will be green. I agree, god forbid they they ran a government. But 1 MP? Fine with me.
You REALLY don't know me, do you?

For one, I am a true card-carrying member of the Conservative Party of Canada.

I knew John when I still lived in Vancouver.

I have voted for John Duncan in the past.

I MAY vote for him again - I haven't decided yet.

I KNEW that by posting that notice (and others) HERE just what kind of reception he was likely to get.

That's WHY I did it. To put pressure on him about the Halibut Quota Issue.

As expected, the guys did what was needed to deliver the message.

Look, there are many issues besides Halibut that are important to me. Halibut, while important, is only one. I am also interested in returning some sort of freedom to own a hunting rifle without having to describe it in detail to some government busybody. I am interested in having a government that will not spend us into the poor house and increase my taxes to pay for it. I am interested in having a strong military that has the tools needed to do the jobs we ask of them.

Look, this forum has been political for many months now. No getting away from that. Just look at all the meetings up and down the coast. Normally, you can't get fishing guides to agree on what bar to meet at after a days fishing, never mind getting them to work together on a political issue. The fact that they are, means something is happening, and the politicians had better pay attention.

I've supported Duncan in 3 elections now. That won't stop me from giving him an earful next time I see him face to face. His position is wrong, and his attempts to avoid it are just plain stupid. I want to hear him tell me what his reasoning is for taking this stand.

And for the record, there are many Conservative candidates and MP's who do support us on the Halibut issue. Troy DeSousa in Esqumalt-Juan de Fuca for one, Saxton in North Vancouver for another, and others who could be named by the people on this forum.

Please don't tar all the BC Conservatives on this issue. There are other matters that are important. Like not letting the Liberals ever get power until they disown the Firearms Act (C-68), and the Long-gun Registry.

One thing I do want is a Conservative Majority government - the question is whether John Duncan will be part of that government.

Well said sushi. That pretty much sums it up for me. However I am going to make an effort to make John duncan not a part of it.

I beg to differ, serengeti. A little bit (1 MP I mean) green representation in Ottawa will not hurt, it will show those other clowns that they are NOT invincible, and she is the only candidate in Saanich/Gulf Isl. that will be able to push Lunn over the edge. Sorry, here it will be green. I agree, god forbid they they ran a government. But 1 MP? Fine with me.

Chris, have you listened to her speak ? this is a clear example of
possibly jumping from the frying pan into the fire.
She has no possibility of forming a gov't and her voice in Ottawa
is not a valuable one IMHO.
I conversed with her on the halibut issue, fish farming, DFO mismanagement and she is onboard and prepared to table those issues in Ottawa if elected. That is more than any other local candidate was willing to do. That she will not form a government - I am well aware but that is not necessary. If she only brings those fisheries issues to the house then much is achieved. Way better than another cookie cutter big party rep who just repeats the song of the big leader who refuses to look at our westcoast fisheries issues.

Some of you have to realize that this here is not about electing a government or a specific party. Put all your loyalism aside for a moment and listen. It's about demonstrating that democracy actually works. Here there are a few select MPs with influence in cabinet who blatantly ignore the concerns and issues of their own constituents and support adverse deals behind their back. If such attitude and behavior does not get punishes in an election what message does that send to already corrupt politicans? You can do whatever you like? Now, those 2-3 MPs in question just happen to be conservatives but if they get removed in this election that doesn not mean Harper can't get his majority if that's what you are concerned about. If Harper has able candidates in all the other ridings and candidates who are prepared to listen and serve the public well and the party has a good plan then he may win in a landslide. But those ignorant individuals need to get taught their lesson. This election comes at the perfect time for our issue and if we can't send a signal now - when then? Who cares who replaces Duncan? Or Lunn? The NDP is not going to win the election if they have one MP more! And how much can one more NDP candidate screw up during 1 term? Other ridings are not in poverty because they had a NDP MP in Ottawa. If the MP acts appropriately and represents properly his constituents in Ottawa it will make little difference which party he/she belongs to. That's how I see it. Way better to have a NDP or Green MP who listens than a Conservative MP who ignores me. Go out and show them that democracy works and that ill-action will have consequences. If Duncan & Co remain and get their way then only YOU are to blame for any outcome to our fisheries. YOU have YOUR chance NOW.
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Here there are a few select MPs with influence in cabinet who blatantly ignore the concerns and issues of their own constituents and support adverse deals behind their back. If such attitude and behavior does not get punishes in an election what message does that send to already corrupt politicans?

This election comes at the perfect time for our issue and if we can't send a signal now - when then? Who cares who replaces Duncan? Or Lunn? The NDP is not going to win the election if they have one MP more! And how much can one more NDP candidate screw up during 1 term? Other ridings are not in poverty because they had a NDP MP in Ottawa. If the MP acts appropriately and represents properly his constituents in Ottawa it will make little difference which party he/she belongs to. That's how I see it. Way better to have a NDP or Green MP who listens than a Conservative MP who ignores me. Go out and show them that democracy works and that ill-action will have consequences. If Duncan & Co remain and get their way then only YOU are to blame for any outcome to our fisheries. YOU have YOUR chance NOW.
Well Said!