The Official hijack thread...thread

Thats it.... I am here to hijack this thing...


speaking of Mcdonalds
does anyone know what goes into bologna?
my Dad used to tell me it was made from chicken parts?
hmmm me thinks beaks and dinks are chicken parts
This is what the Mcnuggets are made of...... yup thats all of it except the meat

Nice Lippy,
I was just warning the wife to watch out for the big pink snake on our next camping trip
So did anyone believe Rob Ford when he said he'd stop drinking?
Well he stopped the crack.....*twitch*
Does anyone know what Granville Island and BC Place has to do with the Seattle Boat show?

Just talking about hijacks within other threads now:).
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I heard the Seattle boat show was coming to Vancouver
Thanks for the free advertising Sculpin...

NO TWO FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!****.jpg
What are ya talking about???

To answer DaveH... Nope, none for me.. I'm about a week shift in and should have gone Sunday but there was at least one good football game on...;)

We'll see what happens this weekend :cool:

The Pro bowl??

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