Tenant horror stories

Screening tenants well is critical to rental success. We did personal interviews and took applications for prospective tenants and would narrow the list by first impressions. Then follow up with credit checks and calls to their previous landlords and their employers. It was a bit of work but really filtered out the losers. We also kept our rental units immaculate which attracted better tenants. My favorite tenants were older, single women. They took care of things, paid rent on time and some would even garden and dog-sit for us. Never one problem with them and they tended to stay for years.

Yes, rentals can be a pain but they also pay the bills with cash flow. In some markets, the capital appreciation on the properties is hard to beat! Wait for it.
When I got calls for tenants for future rental properties as their last landlord. I would give glowing reports on how great they were, why would I say different? I wanted them GONE, eviction never came up in conversation. Tenancy act is very specific on what you can ask references as a landlord same for credit checks. I did not like single women, to many "visitors" no matter the age. Now recently divorced older guys seamed to be the best. Work hard and pay rent. I have given a bad tenant example, here's my best tenant example. I had a tenant for 10 years, last 3 years he pain rent annually on Jan 2 and slept in house 4 days a year. Yes 4 days. Rent was cheaper, safer, cleaner than storage for his stuff and toys. His job sent him away internationally and provincially for months at a time as the supervisor for huge construction projects. Told me on first interview he would stay until he had the cash to buy property and build his dream house. 10 years later he bought 10 acres (Vic area) and build his dream home. Very upsetting when he left. Both kinds of tenants are out there, be very careful of the bad ones, no amount of gut feelings, best interviewing and checks will weed out all the bad ones. Sooner than later, bam a good one becomes bad. Just heard today, eviction for not paying rent has been extended. Pity all those landlords, obviously Horgan is not one.

I've been renting the same suite for 7 years, I'm quiet and never once complained. My rent has never been increased, win/win. I'm ready to buy my own place and have zero interest in being a landlord. My friends and family have all had bad tenants, a revolving door etc.
20 or so years ago my parents had a rental house - well after 2 grow ops in a row they were rather worried as insurance was becoming an issue. So off to find a new tenant. A younger gentleman applies and tells my mother he is in the ticket brokerage business so there are always people coming and going. He fills out an application form which my mother gives to me to dig into. I quickly discovered the power of google when I searched his name and up popped an RCMP notice that there was an arrest warrant on him for dealing drugs. That was the end of vetting that application which was promptly sent to the RCMP as it has his current address and phone numbers.
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Well the tenancy board has us booked in for late july. BUT We have decided to pull our eviction notice and just sell our house. Its just too stressful for my wife, 7 year old son and myself. Its really unfortunate because it was my shop I converted for a family member that has turned very abusive by way of email. And theres no way to get away from it. The shop is 30’ from my house. So it looks like i have some work around the house to list in a few weeks. Funny thing is we never cared if she paid the rent....but the constant ******** has us beat.
Well the tenancy board has us booked in for late july. BUT We have decided to pull our eviction notice and just sell our house. Its just too stressful for my wife, 7 year old son and myself. Its really unfortunate because it was my shop I converted for a family member that has turned very abusive by way of email. And theres no way to get away from it. The shop is 30’ from my house. So it looks like i have some work around the house to list in a few weeks. Funny thing is we never cared if she paid the rent....but the constant ******** has us beat.
Sorry to hear, life is better without that stress. Soon you get to understand the tenancy act and its rules when selling a tenanted residence.

Good luck.

booked the entire day off to meet potential tenants today. 10 AM to 6 PM. Booked appointments and confirmed times with each group individually. 5 of the 10 were no shows. When I emailed them I got:
-Im on vacation now
-just got into a car accident
-just had a death in the family
-my car won't start
-no reply whatsoever.

What in the jesus ******* christ is wrong with people?!
It’s been like this way in our society for awhile now.

I went though all that before when I was hiring people. Saves your trouble they vetted themselves.
booked the entire day off to meet potential tenants today. 10 AM to 6 PM. Booked appointments and confirmed times with each group individually. 5 of the 10 were no shows. When I emailed them I got:
-Im on vacation now
-just got into a car accident
-just had a death in the family
-my car won't start
-no reply whatsoever.

What in the jesus ******* christ is wrong with people?!
You have been warned!!!! Odds say, a bad one will come your way. Not a pessimist, was a land lord for 24 years, many great tenants but only takes one bad one to wipe that away. Am totally amazed at what Canada and Canadians have become. Even the same for contractor appointment no shows, no why's or even coms saying they will not be here. Just friggin silence and I wait.

The new majority.

Honest, present and accountable say what you mean and mean what you say people are few.

Interesting thread.

People claim airbnb is a major part of the housing problems everywhere however, when one looks at the difference between short term rentals and BC long term rental laws its a no brainer if your location has the market for your property to be a short term rental. Airbnbs can generate higher incomes than short term rentals however if your air bnb is breaking even with your long term rental price its a no brainer. Air bnb has many built in protections for both renters and home owners that are quite fair. And having renters and home owners building their online airbnb profiles with good reviews is such an asset.
The long term rental market is broken and it shows.
If the government would stop shitting on landlords in favor of deadbeats they might have more people willing to rent out their affordable housing.
Yes Sir, there's the real issue. Hold every Canadian accountable for THEIR actions and Canada would be a far better place. When a tenant is fully accountable for their damage, lost rent and so on then there would be far less dead beat tenants running their "scams". On the other side the tenancy act is good for landlords as very clear what you can and cannot do as a landlord, reduces slots of the bad landlord issues.

I had a tenant email me a month ago asking for a reference, she was worried about after Covid evictions starting again. Have not spoke or seen her since I evicted her 3 years ago. WTH do people think?
