South Vancouver Island Anglers Coalition Official Public Launch

Good on you guys !
hope ya get a great turn-out , make some noise

gd lk


As you suggest "... put it (back) together ..."

In 2009 that group of angry ragtag anglers was known as Southern Vancouver Island Anglers Coalition. They were the ad-hoc group that formed in the Sandman Hotel after the Mar 2009 Victoria SFAB Committee mtg to fight the looming halibut allocation reg change. That group organized a Victoria protest rally in May 2009, which was a reaction to DFO cutting our halibut catch from 2 per day to 1 per day. Today on South Vancouver Island there are too many negative fish and fisheries issues facing us to simply hope it all turns out okay by itself. Being reactive when something bad is about to happen is too little too late. Our Chinook fishery is a prime example of that. It is time to unite as an angling community and organize. Being structured, professional, well-funded, proactive and determined when you agressively lobby for your cause gives politicians fits. We need to lead. The new official group founded from the acorn of the past is South Vancouver Island Anglers Coalition Society.


Just wanted to say that last nights event was a resounding success!

We enjoyed roughly a 60% recruitment rate thanks to all the guys who've worked so hard to put this together.
A special thanks to Chris Bos - whose captivating presentation held the audience hostage throughout.

I urge each and everyone of you to keep an eye on our -soon to be completed- website as we will have a mechanism therein for new-members to sign up.

Our strength will be rooted in both - a superior organization and numbers.

Thanks again to all who've helped put this together.

Press on Gentlemen!
I am a proud member of SVIAC!

Thanks to all the founding members and inaugural BOD for making this happen.

IMHO if you are a SVI angler, support of SVIAC should be as fundamental as possessing a licence.

I look forward to getting more involved as things progress.
Proud to belong to the SVIAC....The presentations by everyone were very professional, I appreciate the amount of work that went into last nights inaugural meeting. Well done!
I also have to say to the guy who won the 50/50 and gave the works to the SVIAC.... Thanks brother! That was class all the way :)
This is long overdue. It's about time we, sports fishermen, had a single voice representing us. I'm sorry I was not able to make the meeting but future attendance will always be on my calendar. May this be the first step in the eventual control of sport fishing in and around Vancouver Island! Next comes stream/estuary enhancement, incubator boxes on every stream and a million dollar fishing derby every year! Proceeds to salmon enhancement!
Proud to belong to the SVIAC....The presentations by everyone were very professional, I appreciate the amount of work that went into last nights inaugural meeting. Well done!
I also have to say to the guy who won the 50/50 and gave the works to the SVIAC.... Thanks brother! That was class all the way :)

It wouldn't have been right for me to take all the loot back to the West Coast so best to leave it with the SVIAC.......Glad to be there to support the program even though I didn't pull a membership due to my locations.

Good Concept, Good Energy, Good People, Good Support.........................Good Luck!

Oh Yah...SVIAC members will find themselves receiving discounts at Tofino Fly & Tackle if you make it out that way.

Dave, good job putting Facebook to good use...