Sooke- the new Mexico

Gotta respond to this one. Mexico - poisonous polluted water, violent crime, drug addled underclass, largest most polluted and crowded city in the world (Mexico City), ugly overweight women (once past 25), e-coli laced food, terrible watery yellow beer, corrupt officialdom and pretty much zero conservation or environmental ethic (develop and be damned). Mexico loses!! Big time!!

Absolutely true. Horrible place, with terrible fishing. Really, all should avoid at all costs. As a service to fellow Canadians, I will continue to travel to this awful place every couple months during fall/winter and keep you updated to the continued wretched conditions down there.
I know there are a few others on here who will do the same. God willing, one of us will survive to update everyone here on the continued decline down there. (tongue firmly in cheek).
Absolutely true. Horrible place, with terrible fishing. Really, all should avoid at all costs. As a service to fellow Canadians, I will continue to travel to this awful place every couple months during fall/winter and keep you updated to the continued wretched conditions down there.
I know there are a few others on here who will do the same. God willing, one of us will survive to update everyone here on the continued decline down there. (tongue firmly in cheek).

Thank you sir for this post. Mine was a little more harsh and had to delete it lol. I will update the Englishman as well in late November after hopefully catching a cow or super cow all while swilling some yellow inferior beer called Corona lol. All the while having a jolly old time with fellow Canadian's not feeling scared one bit.

I managed to troll up a new member as well with my post that I deleted. Welcome sookegirl. Great first post by the way. I have nothing on George lol.


Sorry for the hijack Rollie just having some fun.
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Gotta respond to this one. Mexico - poisonous polluted water, violent crime, drug addled underclass, largest most polluted and crowded city in the world (Mexico City), ugly overweight women (once past 25), e-coli laced food, terrible watery yellow beer, corrupt officialdom and pretty much zero conservation or environmental ethic (develop and be damned). Mexico loses!! Big time!!

You've obviously never been to Baha......
Absolutely true. Horrible place, with terrible fishing. Really, all should avoid at all costs. As a service to fellow Canadians, I will continue to travel to this awful place every couple months during fall/winter and keep you updated to the continued wretched conditions down there.
I know there are a few others on here who will do the same. God willing, one of us will survive to update everyone here on the continued decline down there. (tongue firmly in cheek).

Bwahaha!! God, i love sarcasm
just curious. if $37/hr is insufficient as a wage, what would you suggest is more appropriate.

$37 is not his wage its the amount of money coming into his business or gross income. His net income would be whats left after paying the cost of running his business(moorage, insurance, fuel, equipment etc.).

How much net income do you think he's making per hour after expenses? $5 - $10/hour? Would you get up at 4:30am for that wage?
This post is pointless. First of all, if you are a local guide and you chime in on this post, what you're "actually doing" is "promoting" these groupon individuals. Secondly
if you are consistently a top rod type guide your season is booked well in advance. Let the bottom feeders try their hand at guiding, reality will hit them one way or the other
. See the pictures of the guide boats with the guests holding big springs, or better yet when they have to lay them all over the dock. Those pictures say a lot. We all know
how hard it can be to get the big springs to the dock. Hire a true professional and you will have a much better chance of actaully getting your big trophy fish.
Thank you sir for this post. Mine was a little more harsh and had to delete it lol. I will update the Englishman as well in late November after hopefully catching a cow or super cow all while swilling some yellow inferior beer called Corona lol. All the while having a jolly old time with fellow Canadian's not feeling scared one bit.

I managed to troll up a new member as well with my post that I deleted. Welcome sookegirl. Great first post by the way. I have nothing on George lol.


Sorry for the hijack Rollie just having some fun.

Well in my counter point to the original post praising Mexico and denigrating Sooke, I clearly raised the ire of some Mexico lovers on this forum.
Since sarcasm (the lowest form of wit) is also beloved by these same members I will emulate my betters and use the same literary device.

My mistake guys!

I was obviously wrong about the pollution

About violent crime

Wrong about polluted water and food

Wrong about obesity down there

Wrong about the corruption.

Mexico is a lovely paradise for the local people and far nicer and more benign and peaceful than Sooke or Canada. How can I have been so blind?
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Obviously it's tough times out there not many guides can book the entire summer at full rates anymore you all know tourism is down, fishing is slower, and DFO makes it hard to plan in this location. How many potential clients booked elsewhere in May-June for their summer trip because nobody knew for sure if the slot would even lift?

If he has been at it for 10 years and is resorting to groupon it's selfish to be angry at him he must be struggling like almost everyone else. If your boat was sitting unbooked for weeks on end you might think outside the box too. I bet a lot of the customers he gets would never consider booking at full rates anyways.
Obviously, we have a Mexican standoff here.. those who know the real Mexico love it.. those who read to many one sided news reports make rude comments!
Obviously, we have a Mexican standoff here.. those who know the real Mexico love it.. those who read to many one sided news reports make rude comments!
If you read the original post to which I responded, the author not only denigrated Sooke, but more uncharitably the women who live here. As a gentleman, I felt compelled to respond!!:mad:
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If you read the original post to which I responded, the author not only denigrated Sooke, but more uncharitably the women who live here. As a gentleman, I felt compelled to respond!!:mad:

I believe my good fellow you just dove into the open can of worms. :cool:
Just because I love a good **** talk ill chime in too! lol I hope you were not talking about Baja and if you consider Baja 'the real' mexico that is a joke. i agree with everyone both sides but to say mexico is not all those things including dangerous you are kidding your self. That was a old friends dad who was shot recently and I have two other friends who have been going there for 20 yrs and were there when it happened. The corruption is one reason it is so violent not just the poverty. If drive from the airport to the beach and thats about it ya mexico would seem great.

In the chance if pissing to many people off I will just say this. This is not directed at anyone here its just in general. People need to put food on there table, pay a mortgage, bills etc. Every business has competition sooner or later, you cant not expect it. Every business owner has costs (and dosnt make it seem like it all has to be payed with the money from one job). Times are tough and not what they used to be. im sick of hearing people ***** about how they cant pay the mortgage on there second or third house, or have to sell one of there 10g toys. times have been tough for people alot longer then the last 5 yrs.
Population of Sooke-maybe 12,000

Population of the Unites Sates of Mexico (the formal name of the country)-112,000,000-Mexico wins again!
i have to say, i never had any problem in Baja. the biggest issue for me came from Mexico letting the foreign harvest fleets rape the sea of cortez. fishing went into the tank for a long time after that. somewhere along the line the government realized that tourism was a big buck industry, probably with a lot of pressure from the millionaires in Cabo.

but it is 3rd world fishing for sure. panga's with zero safety gear, maybe a ripped float cushion or two but fish, you bet everywhere you ran, lots of beautiful dorado, yellow fin tuna and more rock fish than you possibly deal with. then i discovered costa rica! now there is a country with its collective head screwed on. 60% of the country is maintained as 'preserves' for wildlife. again, a tourism mindset as people will pay money to come and see the butterflies, howler monkies, tree sloths and all sorts of other interesting stuff, ever see a leaf cutter ant super highway?

fishing on the Osa pennisula is out of state of the art CCs with top notch gear run by captains who are local and have things dialed in. pacific sails, blue and striped marlin, yellow fin, more rock fish.......and you can do all of this using your saltwater fly gear, wow.

so for the cost of about 5 days of quality fishing in BC, i can do a 10 day trip to CR, including air fare. so what this comes down to is how and where do tourists want to spend their time and money. the biggest bang for the buck, all other things being a wash, is very important. their busy season is early spring with fisihng tapering off during some months so these captains are by no means working 365 days. i think what keeps the lodges going down that way is the blend of other activities they arrange and make available. that draws people to the area and keeps them afloat.

just some thoughts.
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"then i discovered costa rica! now there is a country with its collective head screwed on. 60% of the country is maintained as 'preserves' for wildlife. again, a tourism mindset as people will pay money"

Excuse me reelfast, with all due respect.. you forgot to mention the shark finning industry in Punta Arenas, greed driven corruption continues to rear it's nasty head...