Skate eating a hali...


Well-Known Member
We just returned from another epic WCVI trips.. Hali was our focus and we had limits on them. Salmon fishing was a little slow. Spend 5 hours one morning trolling swale for a 20 and a just legal fish. Caugh a couple of lings and had a a great crab feast. Another couple salmon offshore ended our trip.

I thought I would share these pics of a Huge skate that latched onto a 15 lb hali.. Did not take it long to start eating it..



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wow...thats a monster...its a dog eat dog world down there - this was a crazy one for us last month - rat fish getting violated by a hali and an octopus (or the other way around or in any number of combinations!)
We kinda figured the skate at about 200 lbs but hard to judge.. could only be moved off the bottom on the swells by the boat.
thankfully I was not on that rod!
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Fricken amazing !
not one , "once in a life time shot" ..... but two !
Thanks for the pics guys !
great shots...eye for an eye, dog eat dog....probably why I fish, and don't