Shut down the sfab in protest


Active Member
its seems quite clear to most who have listened closely at the halibut town hall meetings, to the folks from the SPORT FISHING COALITION

THE SFAB PROCESS IS NOT THE WAY TO GET DFO TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT THE 88/12....or anything else for that matter.....going political is the ONLY WAY

After 7 years of trying to get ANY movement on the 88/12 or most other fisheries related issues, DFO ignores, ponders, buries studies, holds meeting after meeting, refuses to listen to rec anglers.....on and on and on......the time has come for drastic action.....if you could call this drastic.....SHUT IT DOWN NOW.....FEBUARY 1ST is just over a week away and still no F#@!*king fishing plan or announcement on halibut openings, limits etc etc.....

your thoughts......
How about we take the free quota given to the slipper skippers and divide it up amongst all the people that truly fish for halibut. Everyone buys a piece of the quota as it is required, whether by a license fee, tag (per fish) system whatever. And, allow the guides, lodges, charter boat operators to sell some of their catch to fish buyers so there is still a supply of fish for the tables of non-fishermen. The revenue from the fee per fish would more than cover the current fees paid by everyone, and by allowing high quality individually caught fish to be sold everyone would get what they want. The slipper skippers have made their money - time to retire them, but don't pay them out, they have already been paid out!
By the way, I only caught one halibut last year.

My 2 cents.
how about we take the free quota given to the slipper skippers and divide it up amongst all the people that truly fish for halibut. Everyone buys a piece of the quota as it is required, whether by a license fee, tag (per fish) system whatever. And, allow the guides, lodges, charter boat operators to sell some of their catch to fish buyers so there is still a supply of fish for the tables of non-fishermen. The revenue from the fee per fish would more than cover the current fees paid by everyone, and by allowing high quality individually caught fish to be sold everyone would get what they want. The slipper skippers have made their money - time to retire them, but don't pay them out, they have already been paid out!
By the way, i only caught one halibut last year.

My 2 cents.

buy nothing....we own it as canadians already......
Everyone buys a piece of the quota as it is required, whether by a license fee, tag (per fish) system whatever.

NO Mechanism to accommodate.
In fact illegal (at the behest of the commercial fleet btw) to have fish from either commercial or sportfishing on the boat at the same time.
And, Bottom Line: Buying in to what you suggest simply furthers the Privatization of this Common Property Resource. And that, in a nutshell, is what got into the mess we are in today. No Effing Way!

I believe that if we are to consider backing away from the SFAB process, we must discuss this amongst those who sit both on that Board, and each Community Council involved. Consensus must be accomplished prior to taking such a drastic step. Yes, the process has not realized what ideally it should have on many occasions. However it has also proved more than a little beneficial as well. Have to give this one a rather long and hard thought before I would buy in...


NO Mechanism to accommodate.
In fact illegal (at the behest of the commercial fleet btw) to have fish from either commercial or sportfishing on the boat at the same time.
And, Bottom Line: Buying in to what you suggest simply furthers the Privatization of this Common Property Resource. And that, in a nutshell, is what got into the mess we are in today. No Effing Way!

I believe that if we are to consider backing away from the SFAB process, we must discuss this amongst those who sit both on that Board, and each Community Council involved. Consensus must be accomplished prior to taking such a drastic step. Yes, the process has not realized what ideally it should have on many occasions. However it has also proved more than a little beneficial as well. Have to give this one a rather long and hard thought before I would buy in...


just putting it out there for discussion.....DFO has backed us into a corner and we need a way out.....gotta think outside the box sometimes....
What is illegal is the way DFO gave away something that belongs to everyone in Canada, not just a select few - 435 people. Why are they so special - are they distinct? What other resources have been given away. NO Mechanism - well lets get a new mechanism something that makes sense so we can all share equally instead of being left out. Slipper Skippers have no place anymore they have to go. Waiting around for DFO to do the right thing is not working. Maybe a legal move is in the cards. Class action - I don't know but something has to be done or we'll all be skippers sitting around, but WITHOUT any fish to catch because we wont' be able to access quota.

NO Mechanism to accommodate.
In fact illegal (at the behest of the commercial fleet btw) to have fish from either commercial or sportfishing on the boat at the same time.
And, Bottom Line: Buying in to what you suggest simply furthers the Privatization of this Common Property Resource. And that, in a nutshell, is what got into the mess we are in today. No Effing Way!

I believe that if we are to consider backing away from the SFAB process, we must discuss this amongst those who sit both on that Board, and each Community Council involved. Consensus must be accomplished prior to taking such a drastic step. Yes, the process has not realized what ideally it should have on many occasions. However it has also proved more than a little beneficial as well. Have to give this one a rather long and hard thought before I would buy in...


no doubt its a bold move.....again gotta think outside the box.....u wanna catch hali's this year ???????.....I had two more charters walk away yesterday......THIS IS MAKING NEWS IN WASHINGTON, OREGON, CALIFORNIA AND ESPECIALLY ALBERTA