Sharing Costs With Buddies

Red Monster

Well-Known Member
Just wondering how some of you guys share costs when you take buddies fishing on your boat? What do you do? Beg? Split the gas or let them pay for the beer? Sometimes I think it would be better to split the cost of a charter than go through all the headaches of taking a bunch of guys fishing for week on my boat. I'm sure some of you know what I'm talking about. Advice?
Make sure you let them know in advance! I expect people to split the fuel bill at the end of the trip. Some people have come on my boat for the day and take some of the catch and walk away. They don't get invited again!
I dot pay for gas anymore... I tell them there paying the fuel bill and bringing out the lunch as well along with bevies...
If they balk at it ask them then to help and pay for moorage,insurance,cost of gear,matenance,bait,oh and dont forget the price of your boat which can be as high as 100,000 grand to 10,000 and if they still dont want to pay tell them to go to the market and buy it then.....

If people seen what ALL the costs were they wouldnt believe it ...... I learned a long time ago choose your partners wisely.
and make it VERY clear as the owner of the boat the expectations of your buddies and what they are paying.
There loss if they dont want to pay.

Be very up front so there is no misunderstandings-I split all gas and launch fees. I absorb insurance and maintenance but I want to fish and I am not a charter so you clean your own fish etc, etc and I do expect help with the boat clean-up. Usually I am gone for 3/4 days so the bill is quite large-I don't often day fish so the casual tripper is not a problem for me.
had a few friends ask about sockeyes off sandheads last yr, they offered to split gas before I even asked, they got to go, another guy with real deep pockets wanted to go, so I said, who ever comes splits the gas from nanaimo return, no reply ,( asked several times to go, and no offers of anything.) guess thats how he has deep pockets, course he didn't get any fish either. At 135plus a litre, it's only fair.

for deep pockets, I pass on charter guys names from this forum...
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Well if there out there and they don't want to pitch in I guess they could call there old lady to pick them up while there swimming in lol
I've fished aboard a lot of people's boats (including a number of people from this board) and expect to pay my share plus whatever because I understand the owner bears the cost of owning the boat.

If someone can't figure that out they can do their fishing @ Costco.
Here's one that rubs me wrong your out fishing or not someone breaks down drop everything give the guy a tow get back to the dock thanx for sure but then at least offer some money for gas to help with the cost of the xtra fuel!!! Try that with SeaTow 1st. thing they want before they get underway is your credit card #!
If im taking people out fishing, thats what I do! Most people have no idea how much it costs in gas to go out for the day. Ill let them know but i wont expect them to pay that much, its a treat for them to go out and like i said, im taking them fishing!
If they ask to go out, they pay half the fuel. If i ask a buddy to come, all costs are on me, 75% of the time they offer me money upon return and I say no, It was my treat to get you out for the day. THAT SAID
I always tell who ever is coming out they are in charge of food and munchies.
I am lucky that my regular fishing partner has ALWAYS paid his share of gas , launch, lunch (his wife bakes GREAT cookies) and he bought the Scottie downriggers for the boat. he even leaves a few extra bucks behind to cover things like prawn bait, oil changes etc.

But I dont expect him to pay for major repairs or modifications I have done to the boat. As the owner, its my responsibility. Fishing locally, I now have a pretty good idea what a day fishing off Hornby, Kitty or Grants costs. It helps knowing that as I have a larger fuel tank and I dont want to fill it after every trip. I just split the gas based on past experience and guesstimations.

As far as infrequent fishermen on my boat-- I tell them before we leave the dock what the trip will cost them. Never any problem
CUBA thats a good buddy...
Nebarb ill go fishing with you anytime (if you invite me) LOL LOL

You know though why should you as a boat owner pay for any fuel cmon YES its a treat to go but say you decide to go to a trip via a plane would you pay for everyone elses share too???just a question????

ALL the expenses we occur during a year a 100 bucks from "buddies" 2 guys 50 bucks each 3 buds 33.33 bucks each isnt really to much to ask as sometimes they take that if not more in seafood.

And Yes i get we want to treat people but with the price of fuel we all have to chip in FUEL is a small bit compared to engines,moorage,insurance,gear,bait,boat,trailer,truck repairs the list goes on and on.
Hell ive got one buddy who goes out maybe 3 times a year and he will throw me a couple bordens at me each trip as HE used to own a boat and going with me is cheaper as he says.....WAY F#$KEN cheaper LOL LOL

If im taking people out fishing, thats what I do! Most people have no idea how much it costs in gas to go out for the day. Ill let them know but i wont expect them to pay that much, its a treat for them to go out and like i said, im taking them fishing!
If they ask to go out, they pay half the fuel. If i ask a buddy to come, all costs are on me, 75% of the time they offer me money upon return and I say no, It was my treat to get you out for the day. THAT SAID
I always tell who ever is coming out they are in charge of food and munchies.

We all need more friends like Nedarb - your boat looks awful thirsty though!
If they can't cover a couple bucks for fuel or some thing they should stay at home. Around home it costs me about $25 to fish. Thats including oil and fuel and fuel in my truck to get to the launch. If the person wants to bring coffee or treats that great. If they give me 10 or 20 that's even better. But I don't ask for money I just remember who pitches in and who doesn't. Some get the the call to go out others sit on the beach. But if they take me on their boat thats cool to. $20's go back and forth all the time around here.

Now on a bigger trip I ad everything in and split it. That is know before we leave. This includes lost gear.

Lost gear now that is a **** off for me. 250ft of braided plus lead and clips and the person thinks thats just a day of fishing and walks away. Drives me crazy.

Some people are cheap others are stupid. I have no time for neither. Being why I like taking fisherman out not just weekend warriors. I don't have the time or patience for stupidity and ignorance.
Haha oh it is pricey, but you know when my buddies take me out for things like hunting, fishing with them, a night out at the pub, they dont let me pay for anything either. Sure, the costs dont end up being even at the end of the year, but to me its the principal that counts. If we invite each other out, were treating you to a nice day away from home and a bud's day hanging out, thats much more valuable from whining over 30$ of 50$ in extra gas money - thats not even a night out at a bar so if money were of that big of a concern other extra curricular activities wouldnt be happening, never mind owning a boat in the first place!
we split everything , lost traps rope etc all factors in, if its a long trip split down the middle. I took a guy out and he was to busy playing with my dog than helping clean the boat thats the last time he has set foot in my boat. my dad always said if you want to know a true friend take him camping or fishing for a weekend or day, and if they help around camp and pitch in for gas and stuff then you know they will be good friends
Yes I own a boat and go on other peoples. I always pay the gas and launch when going out with somebody. On the flip side I expect the same when I take my boat. Most people have this understanding, but I have had the odd one that has a weird way of figuring out there share of a trip. Love the $100 sandwich they bring ya! lol
Some people that come on my boat bring lunch and snacks which is really nice due to the prep of getting the boat ready. I wish I had a large enough garage to leave my gear on the boat at all times. I usually unload and clean my own boat after a trip. Just easier than telling people what to do.

I have invested a lot of money to head out into the chuck. I think some people have no idea of the real costs of owning a boat.
I think some people have no idea of the real costs of owning a boat
thats it people don't they think you just get in and go fishing, and have fun its the hours to get thing ready and put things away
always split gas - and the boat always gets extra share of fish - if your lucky youre buddy will bring some of his own tackle unless its all micky mouse crap #@$%^&^ ha ha
I have gone out with several of the members on this site and would like to think that I've been a courtious guest. (I am still welcome on their boats so I'll take that as "I did Okay") I have had some refuse my money, and others graciously accept it. By the same token, when my boat finally hits the chuck, I would expect the same level of treatment. Part of the reason we invite people onto our boats in the first place is for both the enjoyment of not fishing alone, and the bonds of friendship that can be formed. If I'm running my boat to go fishing, It's costing me 100%. If I take someone with me and they throw me some cash for gas, that's a bonus. The boat is still getting used the same amount.

I think the bottom line is we all just expect to be treated fairly, and appreciated for the chance the other person has to be on the water. Clarity in expectations is also a good point though. If I was invited by buddy to go fishing, and he hands me a bill at the end of the trip without indicating that was the deal up front, I'd never be getting on his boat again anyway. Getting screwed works both ways.