Seiners at the South Arm

I've seen the video of the fleet in there fishing, and again, not picking any fights with the commercial sector. I personally think the area closure strategy is fool hardy. There should be ways we can work together to find win/win solutions so that both commercial and recreational fisheries can take place (equal treatment) while also protecting SRKW. Closing broad areas to fishing isn't proven scientifically to be effective. Some consider that approach to be fool hardy as you cause economic harm where it isn't necessary to find that balance between protection and economic opportunity that benefits Canada. There are other ways to protect SRKW from physical and acoustic disturbances while allowing fisheries to take place. Unfortunately there was little to no actual meaningful consultation on how to go about it.
In fairness DFO did state the mouth of the fraser was only a partial closure and they did plan on leaving it open for sockeye retention for commercial fisheries.. Tho one does have to wonder why is the mouth of the fraser more economically significant then the the sooke and pender closures?? Maybe it has something to do with the commercial treaty fisheries of tsawwassen and musqueam first nations not sure?

Mouth of the Fraser River – Partial closure
  • Partial closures will allow recreational and commercial fishers to operate in certain portions of the area at specific times to harvest species other than Chinook salmon.
  • Goal: To increase the availability of preferred prey, and limit disturbance from recreational and commercial fishers while facilitating some fishing opportunities to mitigate economic impacts.
Map of closures for the Mouth of the Fraser River
June 1 to Sept. 30: Recreational salmon fishing closure in Subareas 29-7, 29-9 & 29-10.
June 1 to July 31: Recreational and commercial salmon fishing closure in Subarea 29-6.
Aug.1 to Sept. 30: Recreational and commercial chinook non-retention in Subarea 29-6.
I took a picture of one of the trollers 24832 when I was out their and I think it turned out really good
