seal bombs?


Saw a thread earlier about not stealing crab/prawn traps around Nanaimo due to the large amount of boats around with seal bombs--My stupid question of the day is what exactly is a seal bomb (yes I can guess at what it does) and where are they available? or are they a home made item? Just curious!
They're a big waterproof firecracker filled with sand to make them sink. Unfortunately they are not legal or available in Canada. I've already asked around on this forum before.

I went to school with quite a few fella's that commercial fished and my father in law used to commercial fish. Quite a few stories about seal bombs. I know the high school I attended would lose at least one toilet every year due to them lol.

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you can probably still buy 'torpedos' at any of the indian run fireworks outlets in WA but getting them across the border might be sort of tricky. i have a pump up air pistol that i religiously use for shaping behavior.
sorry- I did google "seal bomb", but should have searched here. Thanks Sculpin--why would a large % of fisherman around Nanaimo have them? or was that just an idle threat to make the thieves pay attention? My guess is that the thieves are not likely to read this forum at it appears to be populated by serious salmon hunters!