Rockfish Descending Devices - Group Buy?

If a good price is important there is a less costly simple device I use. Better than an upside down large barbless fish hook that you can make yourself but works in similar manner. I was give this a few years ago and it is named Sheldon Fish Descender. I have found it works well and as it is supposed to work. Best to use with stiff rod and braid line.....used like a jig. No moving parts to break or corrode; stainless wire needing no maintenance; easy to use; very small for easy storage (carry from boat to boat or have several due to low cost) Less costly to have several for the whole fleet!

Disadvantages are that its has no automated release settings for set depths and not intended for use on down rigger.

Sheldon.jpg release
I've used the Sheldon fish descenders but I've often had a problem keeping the fish on them during the initial deployment. They are much easier to use if the water is calm and you have a low freeboard boat so that you can easily hold the fish until the device and fish are in the water. It's much tougher when those conditions are not met. With the seaqualizer, I have it hooked to my down rigger, clip the fish in and send it down. While it's on it's way back up, I'm back to fishing.