Red vs White spring

I've made Poke using red Springs, anybody ever made Poke from Whites or Marbles?
Had Poke for the first time in Kaui back in Feb. usually made from raw Ahi. About a month ago I decided to look up Poke recipes for Chinook salmon. It was FANTASTIC! I used fresh red spring - bonked, bled, and iced on the boat. Cube the fish, use any scraps after filleting. Cover the fish with fresh lime and salt. Let it sit for a few hours in a SS or glass bowl. Add, celentro, pepper, cumin, ginger fresh or paste, garlic fresh or paste, avocado, finely chopped onions or shallots, and toasted seseame seeds! Can't get enough of it.
Some may have seen this others may not
for those of you dissing the mighty white spring as table fair

written in Toronto by someone who does not know difference between a carp and halibut.
can put enough garlic and sauce on a dog turd and get a Chez to dress it up and most peeps will think it tastes good.
best salmon in the world is a 15 lb red spring fat bullet. lots of fat between the layers ......yummmmy
OH MY GAWD--- we have a gourmet fish expert that knows EVERYTHING ( and that is MY definition of a troll)
I can remember working at a fish plant in Ukee back in 1991. I was hired to grade troll caught salmon and the general price difference between reds and whites was somewhat hard to swallow for the fleet. They were offered 80 cents a pound for large whites and $3.50 for large reds. They refused to go out until they were offered a better price for whites. After a week the buyers relented and both settled at $1.20. That year was the beginning of the end for the commercial troll fleet's market because the fish farming industry apparently went nuts. The Norwegians were providing the Jewish community with fresh farmed fish at a time of year when BC stocks were unavailable. So they flooded the market which drove demand for "whitish" fleshed salmon down and prices plummeted. Prior to this year whites were not graded out at offloading unless by special agreement between fisher and buyer, most were graded later at the processors.

I gotta say it was NOT a pleasant experience for ME. My boss told me that ANY spring that was not RED was to be considered a white. You can bet that EVERYONE was looking over my shoulder and numerous arguments ensued. All the marbles and every shade of pink had to be sorted as a white. I'd just point to the guy in the shack whenever some skipper started freaking out, :) The boss would come out and the fun started, meanwhile, I'm just trying to avoid the abuse. It was quite common to see the largest fish in the catch being snowballs and you can just imagine what it would be worth had it been red.
That must have been Harry O ?
give the fisherman 80cents and he had a private market for his cheap whites. bought a new corvette every year from sticking it to the boys.