Prawn and Crab Bait



I went out and bought some Prawn pellets today and was woundering if it says "crab and prawn bait" on it. does it really work for crabs ??
does anyone know??

and does any body want some you can have it for 5 lb for $15 or something.

no dont bother using it for crab, unless you have lots, it doesnt really work but it does help if you have a fish head in the crab trap and a bait cup with some prawn pellets. 5.5lb bucket of prawn bait retails for 10 bucks.
Chicken will work but i think as with anything if you provide its natural food (ie fish carcass etc) it will work better... but crabs are scavengers so sure it'll work!

Do a search of the forums using Prawn, prawning, prawn trap, prawn bait, Crab, crabbing, crab trap, and crab bait and the info you will gleen will blow your mind!

I'm new to this game too (just moved to Port Moody from New Brunswick) and I did the searches before we left and you will certainly have all the info you need when you are done.

Here is my information summary, from memory..

prawn/crab pellets and catfood in a trap at 250 foot range

prawn/crab pellets in a bait cup, along with fish carcass or chicken necks and backs in a trap on a sandy/muddy bottom, usually will less then 100 feet..

Very best,

Crabs are attracted by smell AND by sight, so large chicken bones and fish heads work well. Prawns are attracted by smell only (it's pretty dark at 300 feet!) so bait doesn't have to look like natural food as much for prawns.
crabs also liek gentle slopes, and are usually found near a fresh water source, such as around a river entrance (cowichan bay for example). Prawns also like to be found on shelves, usually not just anywhere were 250' of water is found. I set mine at the 240'-250' ish range, casue they will drift a little bit going down, and a little more at tide change. They have 300' of rope attached (about 290' once knots etc. are tied.)
like the Silver falls upi the arm? right

but thinks its all dryed up.