Possible Chinook closure's

90% of those winter springs are U.S. hatchery fish and would not
be coming back to spawn in our rivers anyway.
Just to get the facts straight the number of chinook that returned to the Cowichan river this year was approx 700. This was counted by DFO fish fence as well as by counting all the carcasses at the spawning grounds after reports where leaked of a mysterious 2500+ fish returning. This miss count was by the new infa red technology used on a test basis by DFO which wasn't calibrated properly nor have they worked all the kinks out so the information gathered by it is useless. The fence plus carcass count is 700. This is from two seperate parties that both work for DFO in different offices and both are close personal friends who are die hard sporties who are desperately fighting to save our resource unlike most in the DFO world that are just trying to find fish so they can have openings and keep there jobs!! That's why all the problems occur with DFO is most of them are just trying to keep there job! These #'s are %100 fact and can be taken to the bank. As for all the finger pointing about what to do and who to blame, if we all actually cared equally we would all take a break from fishing for a while including commercial and native and sporties and we'd find out who it mattered to most cause I guarantee you that the sporties would do it for the good of our future fishing opportunites but I know the commercial and native fishermen would laugh at a complete closure! So bottom line is we need to find a collective solution that will work for all and be honoured by all! Until then I guess we better start taking lot's of pics and video to show future generations what we had and what we ruined for them!![V]

Ah crap. Just when I thought I could not get more depressed you have to tell me that. That is really grim SC. I have heard a rumour there is a investigation being done by DFO with regards to the missing Chinooks. Have you heard the same thing? Not with regards to the whole Georgia Strait but more to do with some illegal activity at the mouth of the Cowichan. Not sure if there is any truth to it. Wondering if you have heard anything.
Rob, I think your posts speak volumes. Have a great day.
Jackel,I do not hide behind emails. I try not to throw dirt.If you feel I have thrown dirt in face then I am truly sorry. May the fish be with you.. LOL

Such passion! Good to see so many concerned about the decline of the 'big-fish'.

Indeed, one thing is clear: we must remain united in our quest to conserve this resource for ALL, and keep the infighting or bickering amoungst us down to a dull-roar... after all, if we remain cohesive with 'one-voice' we are more likely to be heard by the decision-makers and vote-counters when we express our concerns.

Remember our ace-in-the-hole, our trump-card that should hold the ear of those in Ottawa: OF ALL USER GROUPS, SPORT-FISHERMEN CONTRIBUTE THE MOST ECONOMIC-BENIFIT (PER/POUND OF FISH TAKEN) DIRECTLY TO OUR PROVINCIAL/FEDERAL ECONOMY THAN ANY OTHER USER GROUP! More than the commercial's... and much, much more than the fish-farmers bring.

Let's start a brand-new lobbyist organization here on the West-Coast.
We'll call it the 'S.O.S - Pacific Group' (Save-Our-Springs).

We'll hold our inaugural meeting at the Empress with a big dinner and dance affair (with booze, buffet, dancing-girls, the works- just like we are polititians) and we'll discuss our platform/constitution around Chinook conservation issues like: over-fishing by all user-groups; habitat destruction/restoration; getting the Americans on board to discuss with us the mutual slaughter of each others fish in more orderly fashion; and... yeah okay Barbender, the requirement for further study of the Sasquatch's mating habits (my vote would be to simply have them listed along side our Island Elk in the L.E.H. next year).

What if they (Sasqatch's) have guns?

quote:the requirement for further study of the Sasquatch's mating habits
The best way to study them is to get really drunk in a bar in either Port Hardy or Chetwynd.....around 1 in the morning they find you! That is all I am going to say on that topic. Took me weeks to get the smell of my clothes.
quote:Originally posted by Barbender

quote:the requirement for further study of the Sasquatch's mating habits
The best way to study them is to get really drunk in a bar in either Port Hardy or Chetwynd.....around 1 in the morning they find you! That is all I am going to say on that topic. Took me weeks to get the smell of my clothes.

Are you sure they were sasquatches ?
there are other big hairy types known to hang out in those towns