Pictures from Hardy from the 23rd


Well-Known Member
Here are some pictures of our clients from Utah with their limit of Springs out of Port Hardy today. Enjoy,

Serengeti Fishing Charters



Good job serengetiguide,, look's like you gave you're clients their moneys worth,, and that's what it's about...
Again good job...
Yeah, we try our best. Stay out until the job is done unlike many. Today limited out on hali's and easily should have limited out on Springs again but lost 16, got into 20, clients lost a bunch. But thats life. So be it! ahha
Def Port Hardy. Winter hasn't been all that good so far, not bad, but not great. We got into 20 Springs in only 5 hrs out of Hardy. Lost a beauty 40+ at Duval on the way home. You may even see us out there, we have a 33ft Pursuit, says Serengeti Fishing Charters on it, and a 22ft Campion, doesn't say Serengeti Fishing Charters on it. Yesterday, limited out on hali's as well!

Serengeti Fishing Charters
Yeah, I drive by er every now and again. Isn't it a religious resort? I'm not sure, just what I've heard. how did you do fishing wise up there?
Hee Hee HEE! Bill will get a kick out of that David..It's a kick butt dive resort, real friendly folks too. They also run the yellow water taxi out of Hardy, although I must admit the skipper looks like he should either be carrying a cross, or riding a Harley, haven't decided which yet.
It was a fishing lodge,early 90s. Owned by a Harry-forget his last name,x Vancouver firefighter,looked like Steinbeck,x author. Problem was he never promoted Spring or Halibut fishing,only provided gear for Coho,hootchie setups only.Didnt want the bother/cost for the other. Anyhow cheapest 4 day rates around so it worked being a single dad.