Over the Top - Emotional Pleas for Enviro Donation


Well-Known Member
I don't know about others on this forum, but my emails are being bombarded from ENGO's with all kinds of pleas for donations so they can somehow assist the Covid recovery....has anyone else had enough!

One example (organization identifiers removed) :

I'm writing to you today with a message of hope.

Outside my home workspace, the salmonberry bushes are filling the landscape with their pink and green promise. The air is full of the sound of bees darting from flower to flower.

For many of us, nature – our natural environment and the web of life it sustains – is part of the definition of community. Just like our family, friends, and neighbours – the land, water, air and all living creatures are connected and part of the larger community we call Earth.

As we build back from the pandemic and economic downturn, let’s build back better.

Our plans and actions need to reflect the fact that we are part of the environment.

Our communities will thrive when we honour nature.

In the coming months, we will have an unprecedented opportunity to expand the extraordinary collaboration between governments, health networks, businesses, First Nations, and community groups we are seeing today to address climate change and to protect and defend the environment as we rebuild our economy.

The XXXXXX team is working tirelessly with our partners to make sure that as Canada rebuilds, we build back better. Government and others are signalling that climate and the environment matter as goals, plans and actions are being developed.

On May 5th, during the#XXXX campaign, please consider making a special gift so that our governments and industries hear us. Together we can build a future where the environment is front and centre and no one is left behind. Thank you.


XXXX, Executive Director & XXXX
Well - there is a blocking function for email - right?
Sounds like a scam looking for credit card info, lots of different types of that stuff going around. Mark it spam and you should be able to block the email address from getting anymore.
I have received a few that said they were going to have to close up shop if they did not get X donations in the next few months.

This was tho before the government announced they were going to help charities