Out walking the dog


Well-Known Member
I like to walk my dog out off the beaten path mostly. We head out around Nanaimo River mostly and I have explored this area a lot over the years. He is a Black Labrador named Coal. I named him this because of the area my shop is in. In the past it was a major coal mining area. He is black so the name came pretty easy lol.

This is him as a pup with my son Jake many years ago.


A shot of him a couple of years ago in the snow.


Anyways we where out exploring last weekend and came across a couple of interesting things.

This rock formation is cool and could be or has been home to some critters in the past. This is quite a ways off the river however. Kind of cool to see how these can be formed (I'm assuming water).


We got back close to the road and found someones homemade tree stand. Kinda cool and I could tell why it was in that spot by looking around it. Lot's of trails and an open grassy area in front of it. Perfect lol.


Anyways I just thought I would share. Maybe folks have some other interesting things they have seen while out walking the dog that they might want to share.

This little gal comes with us sometimes lol. My wife's dog Lucy (she loves me more but don't tell the wife).


She does pretty good with what little ground clearance she has.

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Thanks for sharing the pictures and notes, John. Very nice! It's a lot more like what this forum should be about instead of all the tension over DFO regulations that we can do little to change, at least at this point.
I think this forum is in much need of some positive threads. Good choice Sculps, thanks for sticking around...many of our top contributing and senior members have been sadly dropping like flies.

It was a beauty day today so I took me mutts for jaunt through one of the big fields in Mission, parrelling the Fraser River.



I followed Lippy's lead and started another tension breaker. I love this site. I just hate fish politic's lol.

A nice rub we found one day.


The fern grove. Looks deery! Might have to set up a stand in there.


Thanks for sharing FB. Keep em coming folks.
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Thats a helluva canyon....

Right around New Years I was doing the block with the dogs.. I was standing on the road holding the leashes while the mutts were grass sniffing in front of a parked car.. 60-80 feet away this cougar walks out (like they walk) looks at me, 180's, and walks in the direction it came, back down the driveway. Thank god the dogs didn't see it..

I am not too worried with the dogs after all messing I do with the damn bear that is here. So we keep walking.. We hit the spot were the cat walked out and both were like we are going this way (where the cat headed).. I had to a choker jerk.... NOPE... It was funny how nonchalant that cat was..

I'm taking the mutts for a spin right now.. Never know what you'll see at night out here.
Thanks for sharing the pictures and notes, John. Very nice! It's a lot more like what this forum should be about instead of all the tension over DFO regulations that we can do little to change, at least at this point.

Thank you Foxsea for enjoying them and recognizing what this forum should be like. I was going to bow out for a while but said screw it lol. I'll stick to what I like to do the most and share positive experiences and read about folks positive experiences. I will try my best to stay out of the politics/hockey sections from now on. Especially while under the influence lol.

Thats a helluva canyon....

Right around New Years I was doing the block with the dogs.. I was standing on the road holding the leashes while the mutts were grass sniffing in front of a parked car.. 60-80 feet away this cougar walks out (like they walk) looks at me, 180's, and walks in the direction it came, back down the driveway. Thank god the dogs didn't see it..

I am not too worried with the dogs after all messing I do with the damn bear that is here. So we keep walking.. We hit the spot were the cat walked out and both were like we are going this way (where the cat headed).. I had to a choker jerk.... NOPE... It was funny how nonchalant that cat was..

I'm taking the mutts for a spin right now.. Never know what you'll see at night out here.

Be careful lippy. It's not like you don't have two dogs with ya. Big cats are like little cats when there are dog's around usually. Still good that you played it cool like you did. I had to train my lab not to chase deer. He used to go after them when he was a pup but I trained him to stop chasing critters now. I just yell "woah pup" and he stops now. I think most dog's naturally want to go after the scent of any other animal.

I came across a big cat on the way back to work in the evening quite a few years ago and that thing was literally the width of the lane. From the yellow center line to almost the white line. It was only 100 feet in front of the vehicle....................and I didn't have a camera:(. Thank god I was in a vehicle. In your case I probably would have been a little nervous.
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Ah yes the infamous Vulture. The ones you usually see flying around dead things lol. Reminds me of the halibut issue lol.

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Again on a walk with the dog.

A little covey of quail.

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I just got back...... Half moon, clear skies.... and a good frost on everything... Thank Craven for jinxing us... It is not spring yet!

I saw no wildlife... but the rotti did try to catch a civic. I gave him a pat for that cause he was going too fast..
I may have posted this one before. I wasn't out walking the dog but on my way to the mail box by the shop. Middle of the day to boot. Kind of weird. I thought owls were night creatures.

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I think this forum is in much need of some positive threads. Good choice Sculps, thanks for sticking around...many of our top contributing and senior members have been sadly dropping like flies.


I was going to stop posting on here because of all the negativity. I thought about it and said screw it. I'm not going to let that negativity bring me down. It is truly sad that many folks have been dropping like flies around here. Time for the members to step up a notch and make this the best forum possible. This is the best fishing forum in BC. I have always stuck up for this site and I always will. I just got dragged down to a level I wasn't proud of lately, debating things in certain threads etc. mostly over politics. This is a great site that needs to get hard on the BS posts and moderate the threads better. The crap has gone on so long that it is almost too little too late. There is still hope to keep this the best fishing forum in BC. I hope the owners of the site can realize this soon.

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I'll bite...

Dog doing what she does best

With respect to the politics, BS, etc. I'm certain there are some forum members that attribute my posts as "stirring the pot" - not intending to **** people off or have them consume copius amounts of booze. If you knew me you'd understand that it is all for information and an attempt at being constructive. I usually drink a few beers after having those conversations in person; it is difficult to articulate attitude/persona via text.
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I shot of him a couple of years ago in the snow.


Say it aint so John ..... LOL
Thanks for sharing your photos....
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and I feel the same way....
100_0477.jpg A great place to explore with your dog is Drumbeg Park on Gabriola. This is "Laptop" he loves the great outdoors.
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View attachment 6170 A great place to explore with your dog is Drumbeg Park on Gabriola. This is "Laptop" he loves the great outdoors.

I haven't been over there in quite some time. I should probably go do some exploring over there. Thanks for sharing.

Anyone else have some cool pictures or experiences while out walking the dog?
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