Ottawa Says No Fish For You

Down here in WA our Chinook season is now reduced to 2-3 weeks in the summer and there is no winter fishery. We’ve lost 93% of our fishery since 2016. We produce hatchery fish that we no longer get to harvest. There is no C&R. Same issues, different country. Legislative and other means got us nowhere so now we are banding together to pursue the legal route.

great job Barry. Donated.
Just a heads up for those who wrote letters to DFO since the closure was announced, that its rattling some chains inside DFO! Keep them coming. Here is the email addresses to use:

Write an email to these people and tell them enough is enough and you aren’t going to take this sitting down and tell them how you are going to vote.

DFO’s Pacific Salmon Team:
Bernadette Jordan, Fisheries Minister
Rebecca Reid, DFO Regional Director General
Andrew Thomson, DFO Regional Director
Terri Bonnet, DFO Area Director, Fraser & Interior
Dean Allan, Resource Management Program Co-ordinator
Jeff Grout, DFO Regional Resource
Here is my letter:

Dear Minister Jordan,

I am writing to express my extreme disappointment and lack of trust in the consultation process that you conducted with the public and the Sport Fish Advisory Board on your recent decision regarding Fraser River Chinook Management Measures. At no time during the consultation process was the extreme closures that were put in place by your department ever proposed or discussed. You now have closed access to any Chinook salmon fishing for even catch and release in all of Vancouver area and the majority of Howe Sound from April 1 to September 1, with no consultation on this with the public! This is disgraceful and totally unacceptable! Both, the lack of consideration and unjustified policies DFO continues to impose on the public sector are destroying an important social and economic component of Canadian society.

The Sport Fish Advisory Board worked very hard since last year when Fraser River Chinook Management measures were put in place to make recommendations to DFO on recovery measures for the 4.2 and 5.2 Spring Chinook and 5.2 Summer Chinook stocks of concern. We asked for a recovery program that involved real actions such as addressing water extraction, habitat degradation, pinniped predation, hatchery enhancement, enforcement of illegal in river gillnets and selective fishing such as fish traps. I also personally with Minister Wilkinson in May of 2019 to put forward these recommendations, even going so far as to put forward a written proposal by the Spruce City Wildlife Federation to aid in recovery that never received a response from the Minister!

So far, all you have announced is a smoke mirrors plan of massive closures without consultation that has proven to fail based on past management! Fishing restrictions have failed to save other salmon species such as early Stuart Sockeye, Thompson Coho and Steelhead. During extensive meetings with DFO staff, the Sport Fish Advisory Board presented opportunities for mark selective fisheries for Chinook salmon in areas of the South Coast that had a less than 1% encounter rate with the Chinook stocks of concern. This would have created retention opportunities for the many healthy Chinook salmon stocks that are in the South Coast waters. It would have protected critical socio and economic opportunities for all Canadians. Now you have decided that 1% still was not acceptable and closed. I ask you and your department if a proposal that was built on DFO’s own science and data is not acceptable at 1% encounter rate, then what is? You have put in place a political driven two-tier management system without on consultation or scientific basis to only pander to the MCC and Fraser River First Nations opposition to the Public Fishery. This unacceptable politically driven decision will not be taken lightly by the Public Fishery and you will be held accountable for your management measures and complete failure to use science and data.

I can tell you that from 20 years of fishing the South Coast and specifically the Howe Sound and Vancouver area for Chinook salmon, that I have never seen some many Chinook salmon in our local waters. There are abundant numbers of Chinook from the Chilliwack/Vedder River, Puget Sound, Summer 5-2 Chinook and Eastcoast of Vancouver Island rivers such as the Cowichan and Puntledge, along with significant improvements in Squamish Chinook as a result of hatchery enhancement and improved habitat work done by your own department. This year I started doing Chinook sampling for the DFO AVID ANGLER program. During days this spring in a 6 hour period of sampling Chinook in Howe Sound and lower Georgia Straight, I have caught and released 27 Chinook between 55 cm and 81 cm in one outing. Several times this year I have sampled 12 to 15 Chinook in 3 or 4 hours of fishing. The abundance of Chinook in local waters is incredible yet DFO chooses to ignore this and bring in totally not science and data-based management measures!

Minister, I urge you to immediately reconsider your decision and restore access to the public fishery to the abundant Chinook salmon that can be caught by sport fishers in a very sustainable manner and take real recovery measures for Chinook stocks of concern!


Dave Brown

Squamish to Lillooet Sport Fish Advisory Board Vice-Chair

DFO National Recreational Fisheries Award Recipient 2017
If this has been covered I apologize for the resurrection of the question. In the following portion of the Fraser Chinook measures it is worded as “ no fishing for Chinook”

If that is different from “Chinook non retention “ How can it be different than “no fishing for Salmon” ? target Coho and you get Chinook bycatch so you let em go. Is the intention to reduce mortal by not targeting Chinook. That’s hard. What constitutes targeting Chinook.
If I being a little thick on this one I apologize. In light of some of the wording to def/ explain the non retention last year, along with the term “no fishing for Salmon” in the non tidal portions I am genuinely confused.

portion of notice for reference:

Portions of Southern Strait of Georgia, Howe Sound and Burrard Inlet – Subareas 28-7 to 28-9; that portion of Subarea 28-2 that lies southerly of a line drawn due east
from Halkett Point on Gambier Island (49 26.735’N, 123 19.302’W) to a point (49 26.550’N, 123 14.317’W) on the mainland corresponding with the southeast point of the
Lions Bay RCA; and those portions of 29-3 to 29-5 that lie east of a line from Gower Point (49 23.021’N, 123 32.166’ W) near Gibsons to Shah Point on the southern tip
of Valdes Island (49 01.695’N, 123 35.721’W)

- Immediately to 23:59 hours August 31: No fishing for Chinook;
- 00:01 hours September 1 to 23:59 hours December 31: 2 Chinook per day.”
It means you can’t use chartruse splatterback glow hootchies...they have to be UV white. Lol
I think I already know the answer to this question - but - why couldn't DFO use this type of risk assessment to ID the place & time of the Chinook closures - instead of a blanket closure?
There is plenty years of DFO data on where Upper Fraser Chinook stocks of concern are present that could have been used for management measures that would have worked like you say. DFO and Minister Jordan just chose to ignore and make a political decision instead of science and data based one!
I think I already know the answer to this question - but - why couldn't DFO use this type of risk assessment to ID the place & time of the Chinook closures - instead of a blanket closure?

They don't do in season stock assessments for chinook in marine areas. So while they could set up a test fishery area 20 and say area 12 determine run time and composition they won't.

That and they have set the allowable interceptions to 5% that some kind of test fishery would probably use up a lot of that tac.

if you want to watch DFO's take on the situation you can watch
Is a petition on worth starting?

Good idea. Much easier to get someone to side with us and sign a petition than to show up for a demonstration even though I agree with the demonstration idea. If we can get large number it may show that we aren't just a small group of spoiled individuals who are wining because we can't fish. I think we need to have a call to action in the petition and for the demonstration. Perhaps demanding they review their recent decisions because it isn't based on science and evidence?
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WTF I always knew DFO was stupid and lazy, but the comment below from the article in the link publically confirms their stupidity...

"They may only be catching one or two per cent of those stocks of concern, but the fact is a small percentage of a large number can still be a significant number of chinook."

The quote above was from a senior Director of salmon management at DFO trying to refute our point that we are only affecting less than 1% of the stocks of concern. Firstly, they are admitting the stocks of concern are in large numbers.... Secondly, their math is ****... A small percentage of a large number is a still a small number relative to the statistical population they are basing the comparison definition a small percentage of Any number is still a small number. If they can't do basic elementary arithmentic, how the hell are they smart enough to make significant policy decisions?
I went into comments expecting to see a bunch of comments from ENG”s. Instead it was a bunch of comments from commercial fishermen gloating that the sport fishermen finally got what the deserved.

Pretty sad
I went into comments expecting to see a bunch of comments from ENG”s. Instead it was a bunch of comments from commercial fishermen gloating that the sport fishermen finally got what the deserved.

Pretty sad

That's total ********. Low blow and uncalled for those commies who said those remarks. What goes around comes around.
We're always going to get push back from NGO's, First Nations and evidently DFO on catch and release numbers. It just pisses me off to no end why Jennifer Nener doesn't talk about any of the healthy Chinook populations. This is something DFO should be celebrating and looking at what's being done right on these systems! Instead its the same old BS message! I bet it drives the staff lower down in DFO nuts, as they do have success stories for work they're doing. I just look at what Tenderfoot Creek hatchery is doing with their program or the Cowichan success story. That message needs to be heard and recognized by Jennifer Nener, Rebecca Reid and Minister Jordan!