New fishfarming video evidence: Roscovich

Little Hawk

Active Member

Before I move on to the meat of this post, I am compelled to offer up an apology to my fellow sportfishermen on this forum. Regardless that I am a relatively new member here, it seems to me that the number of posts about and around the fishfarming debate have increased dramatically. Going back a few months when I first began jousting the subject with the likes of Barbender, it seemed he was the only fishfarmer lurking about the SFBC forum; now there are several like him, hanging out there and on other forums - like a gang of pyromaniac's in a forest - spreading their 'nice-fishfarmer' rhetoric on a daily basis.

Personally, I find their presence here extremely offensive and I have withdrawn from debating with them in favor of a more productive expenditure of my time helping the Wild Salmon Alliance (WSA) move its agendas forward.

For those of you who are as offended as I am by - what I feel is - the increased industry presence here, and as well, feel that I had anything to do with it, I offer my sincere apologies to you all, here and now.

I will not forget that the WSA was born right here amongst my fellow sportfishermen and I can assure all of you that the WSA and I are doing all we can to make sure there are some wild-fish around for us as well as our children and grandchildren. This agenda includes, first and foremost, ridding our coastline of the open net-pen fishfarms.

It is with great pleasure and pride that I announce to you today that three of the WSA Committee members, Alexandra Morton, Dr. John Volpe, Craig Murray, together with others from the First Nations have just finished producing a new - two part - short film by Twyla Roscovich.

If any of you sportfishermen out there are still on the fence when it comes to this disgusting industry, I heartily encourage you to watch it. Twyla's awesome work is winning steadily increasing applause among the opposition to this industry, and certainly will leave the fishfarmers 'shakin-in-their-boots!'

Part one:
Part two:

Many good people like Twyla, Alex, John, and Don Staniford have been working hard for years to get the word out about this indefensibly destructive business.

I'm with John Volpe on this one. If we sit back on our laurel's and watch our government and the Norwegian's have their way with our Wild Salmon and coastal marine ecology, in ten years sportfishing as we know it here on our Coast - will be done!

Please spread the word and pass along these video links.

Standing for Wild Salmon,

Terry Anderson

Wild Salmon Alliance
Thanks for sharing this link. Very interesting. Thankfully there are people working to get the word out and hopefully changes can be made before wild salmon stock is totally destroyed.

Just wanted to share with all of you a bit of disturbing news that I feel you should all know.

On behalf of the good people working hard to fight our Government and the open net-pen fishfarmers, I posted this same thread on four seperate Sportfishing Forums on the internet.

Much to my dismay and disbelief, the Moderators at FishBC deleted it. No explanation... nothing.

Just another glaring example of what those who 'truly-care' about Wild Salmon are up against.

Standing for Wild Salmon,

Terry Anderson

Wild Salmon Alliance
Nice piece of drama. No factual content and a bunch of opinions put together for maximum impact. What a bunch of BS. Salmons farms causing the collapse of eveything in Bob Chamberlain's territory. Oh boy what drama.

If this video was presented as eveidence in a court trial it would be dismissed entirely as hearsay.
quote:Originally posted by sockeyefry

If this video was presented as eveidence in a court trial it would be dismissed entirely as hearsay.

As stated on the viedos
A Message</u> for Cermaq Part 1
A Message</u> for Cermaq Part 2

The viedo as stated is for the shareholders at cermaq. It was not created to be admisable into a court of law and as you say is and would be hearsay. The intent of the viedo is as a message. No one in there right mind would try and admit this in as evidence. Now you may see some of the people on the video in court testifying.

P.S. This is and was my last responce to the likes of handee and sockey and that lot. I am putting my efforts into better things as arguing about this gets me no where and thus heightning the chances that the mods might ban me.
Hey Gimp,

Isn't it being brought to Cermaq's Board as EVIDENCE? And if so shouldn't it be truthful enough to be able to be admissable in a court? Or is just half truths okay when you are trying to make a point? Is this the same ethics they put into their science?