NEW Fishery Minister

Letter sent! Goes a little something like this:

Dear Mr. Wilkinson,

Congratulations on being appointed the new Minister of Fisheries Oceans and Coast Guard. I felt that the position needed a change for the better and I am very excited that a west coaster is taking the wheel.

There are a few topics I would really like to discuss with you.

The recent fishing closures along Vancouver Island have the best intentions, but I can honestly say that they are doing more harm than good. Many of the stores and restaurants from these small towns will be closing their doors because of a major reduction in tourism. Many fishing guides in these areas are already selling their boats and are out of work.

Unfortunately, these closures will not help the Resident Orca’s population either. In regards to the term “quiet foraging zones” I can tell you I’ve seen pictures in the last week with 14 whale watching boats, a freighter and a tanker all in within a few hundred feet of these beautiful animals, basically chasing them. Orcas have no issues with anglers. Many stories can be told of me and my friends fishing and a pod will come right to our boats and play.

What the whales truly need, is more salmon to eat! We can get there if more tax money, and a fair amount of it, is spent on enhancing chinook salmon hatcheries.

A real concern of mine is the pollution to the ocean caused by fish farms. The toxins from these farms are poisoning our precious wild salmon and likely the people who eat them.

I know these are touchy subjects, as are the topics of the overpopulation of seals, and the First Nations gill-netting the rivers with devastating results to the salmon populations, but unless some of these issues are addressed, the beautiful pacific salmon and the majestic Orca Whales will become extinct. I would like to ask you personally, what plans do you have to help them flourish?

I really look forward to your response and wish you all the best in your challenging new role!

Best regards,
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I never got a reply from the old Minister or my MLA,and it took a while to receive one from my MP. I did finally get one from my MP and I responded to it and am now waiting once again. Nothing happens fast, but I guess it’s to be expected given the time of year and the fact the New Minister has just taken over. I also believe government tends to stall in the hopes that you’ll get frustrated and simply go away. Keep on them and keep asking if they intend to reply!