Manners on the water!


Fishing the beach in Renfrew, catching has been slow, but no lack of idiots around who lack etiquette! Several boats have done the same thing, rushing through a crowded area to get to spot and then stopping in the middle of a run to put gear down and get the kicker going. One guy took over ten minutes or so to get set up forcing several boats to go around him. Don't understand this behaviour as there is plenty of room outside the runs to get setup and then move in. This seems to happen quite a bit! People are just idiots! Need to use a little common sense!
And then troll against the established circuit to maximize their time in the prime spots and not just taking their turn like everyone else? ;)
Good luck on that its the worst ive ever seen this year......right rod to shore is definitely not in play anymore ....
The worst ive seen this year is 3 guys in a row including a charter guy cutting the corner at otter while my 70 yr old client was playing a fish I personally had to hang on to him while we got "waked" by these asshats .... still dont understand why people dont go around the packs of guys fishing in an area????
Must be like a disease because its common up in Campbell River too. I am sick of having painters lodge boats come ripping by me at full speed 25 feet away. How would they like it if I did the same to them? I guess the extra minute for them to go around is too much time. I do have to say they are better than they used to be or I have gotten use to them. Most of the older guides at painters seem courteous. Never had a problem with any of the other guide companies in their bigger boats.
Have to agree. Usually I see some courtesy from the guides. This year I have been waked by more than a few of them with no regard. very disappointed.
Have to agree Wolf.. I don't know if its the worst year but your right on people still cutting the corner at Otter.. On the way out and back.. The guides should know better but hey they own the water.. Now the tack a Sherringham is no better.. The big Hourston boys and we all know who they are and some guides think they own that place too.. Last weekend they don't even finish there tack and cut in front of everybody and start a tack from the inside going out.. Hey we all make a bad turn or decision sometimes but thats what a hand gesture to say sorry is for !!
Same at East Point. Yesterday very foggy. Guys were all over the place. Really had to be on toes. Agree about charter guys. They just seem to push their way though everyone. But it was impossible to get a rhythm with all the boats cutting in, running in circles in same hole over and over. Was a bit stressful due to thick fog....
Stand your ground..... Stop letting idiots on the water push you around. I stay on my course....... Want to play chicken? Cut me off and you'll likely receive damage or lose gear. Plus you will likely have a hearing problem after you hear my new horn.
A horn, that what I need because the finger just does not work as well as it used to.....sorry just kidding.

I have seen some people just rip through areas where other are fishing. I like to give a wide berth or at the least slow down if you have to travel through. Then of course you get the guys who have 2-3 people in a boat, everyone watching the fishing and nobody driving. That just get dangerous. That horn is sounding better all the time.

Be safe out there.
Good luck on that its the worst ive ever seen this year......right rod to shore is definitely not in play anymore ....
The worst ive seen this year is 3 guys in a row including a charter guy cutting the corner at otter while my 70 yr old client was playing a fish I personally had to hang on to him while we got "waked" by these asshats .... still dont understand why people dont go around the packs of guys fishing in an area????

Not following right rod to shore I can live with but those dangerous tack into Otter/Gordon's especially in fog really suck. And now we have some members on here that are kayak fishing imagine what that is like. Its brutal at Otter Point especially.
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One reason why I had an aluminum boat....

I also carried a bag of golf ball size rocks in my boat, they make a hell of racket when they bounce off the side of their boat......gets their attention fast.

It's too bad the drive to catch a salmon has turned people into idiots, but it should come as no surprise, it's the way of our society nowdays; have to be number one, bigger is better, etc. mentality.


What amazes me is when one guy in a pack of boats catches a fish and they stop right there and make others go around them. Walk your boat and your fish out of the pack. Control your fish, stay on top of your fish..... Own it :)
What amazes me is when one guy in a pack of boats catches a fish and they stop right there and make others go around them. Walk your boat and your fish out of the pack. Control your fish, stay on top of your fish..... Own it :)
I dont mind going around someone who has a fish on if its a big fish u cant control which way it runs
yeah, I too stay on top of my fish, but if the fish stays in the tack your out of luck my friend. Im staying right on top of it and you can go around. Its a big ocean and the reason we keep going is to get a fish on. Once that happens ill be danmed if im giving some jackdonkey the right of way on the tack just so I can loose my fish. Sorry.

If I'm in a pack and somebody gets a fish on....and I haven't at that moment......I will do my best to get out of your way as well as when I hear the "Fish on!" alert.

Sometimes it's not all that easy getting around in a pack......

When you get a fish on you often want to try and bring it in to a certain side of the boat for better netting it's not easy to do that and "walk your boat out of the pack at the same time".

In the past it's always been that if you have a fish on and others around you don't....they do the sportsmanlike thing and try to stear clear of you....if they can...with all the other rubbernecks who just arrived to fish where you are when they saw you have a fish on.

The "sportsmanlike thing" seems to be going the way of the pay telephone.....very rare now......
Set the hook and slam it in neautral. Let the fish can go where it wants. Then yell FISH ON and frantacly wave the other boats off while you bring in a 4 lb pink.
The one that bothers me other than trying to push you into the rocks, are the guys who try to save a liter of fuel by running through a group fishing on their way somewhere else. I see it all the time at duval. people headed north running right through a group of 20 boats. go around the pack. why is it so hard to figure out?
I guess I am not alone in how I feel about these idiots. I know that I try my very best to accommodate others, because I don't want to be one of these guys. I will if possible turn away from crowd when fish on, but it can be tough. Sometimes I wonder how fish aren't tangling in other's gear with so many boats in a hot zone... Not a huge issue this year though, lol. Been slow.