Lowrance Elite 5 issues...


Well-Known Member
I have an older Elite 5 GPS unit that is starting to give me trouble at the connection between the actual unit and the transducer connection. It's a six pin configuration I believe. Anyways, I have no security and so I remove the unit every time I am done fishing. The boat sits in the weather all spring and summer. I recently have started wintering boat in garage, but for first four years of its life it was exposed to the elements.

The only way the unit will power up is if I pull the pins almost all the way out of the unit. Then it just shuts off on its own, due to lack of good connection.

Getting pretty agitated looking down to a black screen when I really would like it, like shooting the narrow rocks at the entrance to Port McNeill harbour, for example.

I think the transducer side is the issue. It is the stock unit. Should I deep six the stock transducer, and upgrade to Airmar P66? Not exactly flush with cash these days, I would love to keep the old unit for as long as possible. Any help at all would be appreciated, thanks!
Gave a look at the back of the unit...look at the pins for corrosion...if they aren't bright copper colored spray some electrical cleaner and use an eraser on them to clean them up. I use dielectric grease on all of my electriCal connections in my boat to prevent corrosion