Local SFAC's need your input on Halibut

Until commercials who take 85% of the fish release fish over 60lbs, I won't either, especially this year after seeing long liners not far from me last year while I release a 65lber for them to catch.

I understand your gut reaction, but if you don't are you prepared to take the penalty ?
It's not a gut reaction. All of these additional restrictions on most BC anglers so guides like searun and others can allow their guests to catch 2 fish.
It's not a gut reaction. All of these additional restrictions on most BC anglers so guides like searun and others can allow their guests to catch 2 fish.

If I didn't own my own boat then I would be hiring guides like searun to go get my halibut. Get the selfish boat ownership (I own one) out of your head and work together with all Canadians for a sensible solution to the problem. I have relative's that come out from Sask every other year and charter their halibut trips because they don't own a boat and they don't know how to fish them. The guide is a taxi period. The resource is "Canadian owned" not just for locals only ;). If you say my relatives should buy it in a grocery store then we all know what side your on. Every single Canadian has a right to fish for this species of fish. How you fish for them does not matter. If you have your own boat or if you hire a boat to take you out to fish for them. There is no right to sell them.
Really? Are you really worried about the few 10-15 pound 2nd fish gobbling up all the available quota? So as a local day trip angler from Victoria you can take 6-50 pounders (300 pounds)if you are lucky and persistent. Then take the wife and kids or buds out and double or triple that. The lodge or guide customer can take 50 plus maybe another 15 or 65 pounds then he goes home. I'm only pointing this out, not pointing a finger....so why are you?
Good post Sculpin, Sask people also are entitled to halibut as they are CDNS. Don't really agree with victorys last post but agree with part about the correlation between large fish and more experimental used. I just don't know how people can ignore that, and how DFO will say it is a success and therefore no more %. Everyone wants more % but at the rate the experimental is going, ESPECIALLY AFTER A COUPLE MORE YEARS OF SIZE LIMITS, you won't be able to get squat.
Really? Are you really worried about the few 10-15 pound 2nd fish gobbling up all the available quota? So as a local day trip angler from Victoria you can take 6-50 pounders (300 pounds)if you are lucky and persistent. Then take the wife and kids or buds out and double or triple that. The lodge or guide customer can take 50 plus maybe another 15 or 65 pounds then he goes home. I'm only pointing this out, not pointing a finger....so why are you?

All we ever heard from people making the decisions is last years decision was based mostly on a long season, well this year if we have under 900k in order to have a full season it would have to be 1/1...end of story. So why now the change in belief? Last time I looked the number one priority of SFAB was still a full season.
1 plus 1 is still 2 fish as last year. Why with 850,000 pounds could we not have as long as season as last year. We only used that much last year. If we get 850,000 pounds I don't think there will be many changes made.
1 plus 1 is still 2 fish as last year. Why with 850,000 pounds could we not have as long as season as last year. We only used that much last year. If we get 850,000 pounds I don't think there will be many changes made.

What's the point of running the numbers if you just ignore them???? Shouldn't even ask dfo to do that then. Either look at the numbers and go by them or don't bother running them. As searun has said before. Couple more nice days and easily could of been a lot more caught...
I guess we are all just going to have to wait until Friday and then see what happens after that. If we get anything over 800,000 pounds that will be a first battle won by our Canadian reps.
There's one place we will agree, those guys will have their work cut out for them, and deserve to be applauded. I'm sure we can also agree anything 800k and less (personally I think its 900k and less for sure) would have to be 1/1
1/1 won't work either. Last time I ran the numbers it resulted in an overage. Last year the main reasons behind most people choosing the current slot was basically two fold. One, they wanted a full season. Two they wanted 2 fish and did not value catching Dino's as much as the opportunity for multiple fish on a trip. Our SFAC voted for status quo again this season for these reasons.

Who really knows what TAC we get. If it is low as speculated no option works. Might be back to drawing board and if that is the case maybe 1/1 with max slot size of 133 cm. I haven't run the numbers on that but think it works.

Would that work for you Dave?
Ha ha ha. Do that...there will be a big ol' line of 200 guides for the experimental and they'd have no reason to even feel guilty about it if that were the case. Once again haven't even touched on the fact experimental usage goes up 10 fold when size restriction comes in compared to early season closure Pat. Just wait till this year...then next...making it oh so easy to get denied any more percentage over our 15.

1/1 would give LONGEST season Pat...no? Wait, that's a yes. 50,000 more pounds is significant enough to ensure it stays open in September. If you really cared about season length as you've preached forever, it would be 1/1 as your choice...
Lots of us like fishing in the fall. Long after you wrap up your charters. Of course fishing in October is valueless for you. What's wrong with considering options that get us a full season? You keep on an on about 1/1. We'll you could have it and also ensure other guys have their needs met. Or are you so selfish that what matters to me is irrelevant?

A lot of guys value the opportunity to fish the whole season more than having to chase downs 20 year old spawners.

You keep on about experimental TAC being 10000 pounds. It was half that. Lame.

I give up. There is no logical compromise that satisfies you except killing large fish no matter what the cost to others who feel differently.
10,000lbs according to Jeremy Maynard: http://www.courierislander.com/spor...ssion-meeting-will-prove-interesting-1.786046

Compromise? Funny coming from you, should we get the same as last year your definition of compromise is status quo or make it 70lbs Shoulder season is compromise at its finest yet you say no way. 2 fish majority of year, large fish, long season, spreads economic benefits, etc etc.

No matter what the cost? SEASON LENGTH WOULD BE LONGER WITH 1/1!!!!! Jesus Christ, that's all you harped about last year, #1 priority etc etc. Yet this year when there is an option that doesn't give you your 2 fish but makes season longer, nope, not at all. Funny how that works. At least I've been consistent with my priorities and honest about why I have those. Could of kept this it PM too but you fail to reply...maybe your points are just undefendable using sfab's own said priority #1.

Also, you're only defense against fact that experimental goes up significantly when size limit in place compared to early season closure, is to claim my number is wrong when from a reliable source. It's pretty obvious that that was only in year 1 too...wait till this upcoming season, then 2015 when there will be another size limit, then in 2016 when there will be another size limit, and we get no more percentage due to the ability of DFO to say there is an already used mechanism in place. Explain how that won't happen, and don't say there won't be size limits in those upcoming years as we all know it's here to stay for years now...while commies laugh and bonk fish left right and center.
SG has always wanted the big fish to support his business when MANY other charter companies have changed their business models and are doing just fine.

At this point it is just the hypocrisy of a few that is ridiculous. Plus the fact 85% of the large fish get bonked still. AND (while now we realize it probably will not happen) if we got what we had last year I've yet to hear any arguments against shoulder season being best economically and compromisiedly (made that word up) for the coast. Yeah, many others eh? List em...I know of 2 lodges that saw a 30-40% reduction in bookings this past season, nevermind as more and more people go north to Alaska. Same thing happened in SE Alaska a few years ago with a max size limit, and will happen here.
At this point it is just the hypocrisy of a few that is ridiculous. Plus the fact 85% of the large fish get bonked still. AND (while now we realize it probably will not happen) if we got what we had last year I've yet to hear any arguments against shoulder season being best economically and compromisiedly (made that word up) for the coast. Yeah, many others eh? List em...I know of 2 lodges that saw a 30-40% reduction in bookings this past season, nevermind as more and more people go north to Alaska. Same thing happened in SE Alaska a few years ago with a max size limit, and will happen here.

I was trying to be nice and deleted my post (which I do regularly on here and have zero remorse doing so). You are a good fisherman and caught it though lol. That is about the only funny thing about it. The truth is that many guiding operations have adjusted to the regulations and did quite well last year.
Pretty lame. Call it a night Dave. It's pretty obvious that it's your way or the highway, and if anyone suggests otherwise they are somehow the anti-Christ! If we get down to the kind of TAC the IPHC is pitching this year we will be looking to make tough choices that find compromise solutions to give us the best season possible for the majority of users. Those decisions are usually guided by what the majority values. So far that hasn't been catching hogs at any price. Not that there is anything wrong with catching big ones, it's just about making a choice for me based on what is valued most and that seems to be opportunity to go fish.

Have a a nice night.
Have a nice night as well...still waiting on an argument against experimental "success" due to size limit limiting our ability to get more %, you know the long term solution that we all need and want... Will have to be from someone else I suppose
I see Serengetti Charters advertising a 260 lb Halibut in 2013. Can we assume that fish was caught under the quota buying program?